They made a homophobic, anti-mask, misogynist the face of their company and then act like victims when decent people decided not to buy their vetbro beer. The punchline: the CEO of Armed Forces Brewing never served. It’s a marketing ploy. $300K from Youngkin wasted.
1- oversaturation
2-enormous start-up/equipment cost
3-limited window of sales
4-need a healthy retail market to brew cost effectively
In fairness, a homebrew beer snob I know once pointed out that, while he doesn't like Bud or Miller Lite, he really respects how hard it is to make a consistent product with not much in the way of flavor.
One in Florida called Operation New Uniform. They'd get $300k for each week-long class and job fair. The money mostly went to the owner. Who worked at VA in career services
Boycott as many right wing business as possible. Don’t buy products made in right wing states.
I asked someone if it made sense to leave already paid for, already delivered food and meds rotting on docks?
The ans.: "DAs were all bought by Soros." Huh?
(Trained parrots w ltd speech.)
✅Decision rendered.
Being impetuous is never ever lasting. And the same will be true of the regime
As seen the example
Hope they lost everything.
May this regime's demise be swift, humiliating, and certain.
USAA is an exception
Make it retroactive, John Kerry should have it start with him for lying about his service record
Beaten within an inch of their miserable, pathetic lives
Anyone who lies about their service or any kind of "active duty" combat, fuck 'em all up
Nothing like it should even be allowed more than ONCE in our lifetimes, and yet it happens EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.
I can't stand the fact that "good ppl" stand by and allow this shit to continue. I hold all previous generations to their continued complacency and spineless BS
Just bc the other side gets away with it, and does it without care, doesn't mean EVERYONE SHOULD GET AWAY WITH IT.
no one should be allowed to lie about their record or their public service. Post it all, BE HONEST
But the fact that ppl get away with ANY OF THIS SHIT should make everyone fucking upset that any of it is allowed to continue, ad nauseum.
Get our heads out of our ass and FIGHT
Just like Bush, just like Clinton...
Same as Trump.
Even if he did get a Silver Star, and Purple Hearts, he's still a lying POS married into wealth and power for the Shizz and Gigz. 🤗
I am the widow of a Viet vet and the mom of a 3X afghan tours Bronze Star Vet. My dad was a WW2 vet. I'm very aware of POS repubs stealing valor and disgusted by it.
Dance hard on those ashes. Too many fragile men (and women) like to assume the visage of those serving our country, thinking it will make them seem stronger and more respectable.
Burn it all.
If he manages to stay out of harms way on the ground, I still have to pray that the plane he takes home will make it safely to the runway. 🥺
My dad, a 5’ 7’ badass (who’s unit spearheaded the liberation of Bergen-Belsen) beat the crap outta him.
They folded at the slightest push back.
Armed forces my fucking ass. Gravy Seals ass business identity.
More like "Toothless Mob" Pissery
I swear I think my phone sometimes "corrects" my words to incorrect ones.
Fucking losers
they just made crappy beer while a giant stupid asshole was the face of it.
Must be the fault of the deep state or a woke mob...or possibly Jewish Space Lasers.
A military-themed brewery endorsed by the governor + given a $300k+ handout, can’t survive in the city w/the world’s largest naval base
But they’re the victims
How much more preferential treatment does one need to fill the gaping hole of failure + incompetence until it’s a win?!
Respect to those who do not tolerate the lies.
Enough is enough.
Beer is not my thing.
But when you own or run a business, you need to be mindful of what you say publicly. Your opinions do matter. They can define you and the business you work for. Sometimes, you need to smile at everyone. 😊😉🥰
But he was not military.
So good that he sold himself on it - in spite of the cornicopia of evidence to the contrary that he gets everytime he looks in the mirror.
Active Duty, Guard, Reserves, and Retirees!
ALL #Veterans!
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs Yelled At Us,
"We Will Not Lie, Steal, Or Cheat-Nor Tolerate Among Us Those Who Do!"
You Know That Oath!
Act Like It Means Something!
🇺🇸 🫡
Lie, blame and fear-monger. Grift and con. Lie again.
I wonder what the bond was per year alone
I would suggest to find the highest amount of tourist traffic
relocate to that seasonal tourist setting & apolitical necessary
There is a country song in this somewhere.🎸
How long until saving this brewery is a US government project?
As vets we need to punish said offenses! Make sure public knows about these idiots
PASS IT ON!!!✊🏼🇺🇸✊🏼
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) joked on Friday about the violent attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) husband, Paul Pelosi, who is currently hospitalized.