I find it amusing in the extreme that the only person I know with a Masters in Philosophy would rather hack his own feet off and eat them than publicly dispute with strangers thataway. So duuuuude dunno what you're DOING with your Masters, but spectacularly losing it over trifles is highkey comedy.
This is the kind of dogshit low IQ trolling that has been missing from the world since 2012. Thank you very much for being the change you want to see in the world.
we can call the awards show The Trollie Problem
"your gay"
"no, YOU are"
But maybe he just has a miner in them
no ad rev, no politics or culture war, just people smugly being dumb on purpose for entertainment
Why are you so mad Bront
Academic exceptionalism is just another form of white supremacist patriarchy.
—Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope