“I feel liberated,” said a top banker. “We can say ‘retard’ and ‘pussy’ without the fear of getting cancelled . . . it’s a new dawn.”
- plaintiff's counsel
But THEY’RE the victims, of course
In the good old days we cancelled idiots by not associating with them, by quietly walking away or maybe yell back.
Now they complain as snowflakes that a right has been denied them
The motherfuckers were already there!!!
Liberated is definitely not what they will feel.
I was never a person who couldn't say it. I was a person who just didn't because it hurt others. Imagine.
With Freedoms Come Responsibilities.
You're embracing irresponsibility.
You find that "liberating"
It has an important effect on others
And it's not "liberating".
It's irresponsible.
Omfg, what losers. 🤣
These fuckers have some nerve, that's liberation? While women die because all the reproductive care has gone out of the state?
Those accustomed to privilege see equity as oppression
BTW - straight white guy myself
they were always able to say retard and pussy, only now they are delighted to avoid any responsibility for their words or actions.
how very inverted tiny dick of him. his mom must be proud.
They just found a random idiot working at a bank and wrote a story about it.
Cool bc we all hate bankers. Ok.
lmao, even
Let'em talk shit! Karma will eventually catch up to them!
In the meantime, the American people need to stand up to these assholes! Democratic Leaders have capitulated and left us to fend for ourselves!
Never Bend The Knee!!
Disseminate Truths!!
Fight The Good Fight!!
He’s liberated today - let us know the names and the banks..
You want to call me a retard pussy I will close every account:)
Next union meeting is going to end with the CEO walking out saying "suck it!"
WTF is wrong with these people????
That says a lot about their juvenile mindsets, doesn't it?
Being free to be an ass is just a side benefit.