Oh yeah, the dictator, of course
There are no “illegal” protests.
naturally, they'll just call anything unpeaceful and open fire/start arresting people
When are we done being nice?
We should all yell louder about it.
No protest is illegal.
know before spending $200,000.
This is his precursor/projection of what’s coming this summer.
Turn the military & national guard on any group of protestors. He’s wanted to do it for years just like Putin.
If Trump didn't have a 1:1 power over the primaries the traitors might not lick his dog-shit covered boots.
Registrations will be way down.
I can hear the bullshit already:
"X is actually the safest and most advanced voting platform ever built."
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”
— Ursula Le Guin
Kash? Kegseth? Bondi? Elmo?
I keep seeing it but have no clue.
The less i know about him the better. Thanks for bringing me up to speed.
I just assumed it was a noise he made or the name of one of his 100 kids.
Wow... that college education of mine is paying off.
This is tfg's goal.
Each state has protest laws designed to spell out the demonstration permit process. PRIVATE PROPERTY owners can set their own rules for speech on their property. Speak with a local attorney/contact the local gov’t where you plan to protest to learn more about your rights! CYA
“Legal protests” still allowed.
I believe a firing squad is in order
J D Vance was telling us Brits we didn’t have it when we do, but now this?!
Unless poking the bear is how they plan to force the need for martial law
She showed me the deep scar in her arm where a bullet hit her. A slight turn and she might have been killed.
Nobody but white-supremacist groups are participating in "illegal" protests (bringing guns, slapping people, blocking traffic)!
This is just an excuse.
Translation: Anything Trump doesn't like.
I wonder what constitutes an "illegal protest" in his view. He needs to explain.
1. Protests are illegal
2. Deploy military
3. Martial Law
4. Suspend elections
Asking for a friend
This is an order that is so stupid it looks like a joke.
I’m sure the “Twitter files” jokers will be all over this.
It's grade-A illegal.
donald is the enemy of the people.
Liquidate him today!
Then Trump will justify declaring martial law.
#resist #StopTrump #StopMusk #StopFascism
Asking the lawyers.
Like this one? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/11/us/politics/trump-milley-military-protests-lafayette-square.html
Except #Hegseth would happily march with #Trump