neoliberalism is what led us to this - dems started co-opting republican policies and it left republicans with nowhere to go but further right.
dems could have just been marginally better (a public option instead of ACA, maybe not let 6 million lose their homes, etc) and this wouldn't have happened.
Neoliberalism is HOW WE GOT TO THIS FUCKING POINT, DAVID. Reagan? Neoliberal. Clinton? Neoliberal. It's all the same right wing bullshit that DOES NOT BENEFIT WE THE PEOPLE. STFU w/ this bullshit. Neoliberalism put literal Nazis in NATO and NASA, because we would rather protect capital than ppl
I wasn’t trying to be hyperbolic. This kind of heavy handed privatization program is invariably done against the democratic will. Pinochet ring a bell?
NOPE! “Free” markets, deregulation, reduction in govt spending is why billionaires own this country right now. NO, I don’t wish we had neoliberalism just as I don’t wish for fascism. I wish we had a democracy where Americans cared for each other & were smart enough to know when they’re being played.
In all sincerity… are you okay?! Speaking as someone who dutifully votes every chance I get, and believes wholeheartedly in left-of-center folks finding solidarity, what do you think your contempt is accomplishing?
I would rather die fighting Nazis in the street than capitulate to the genocidal greed-fueled fee-market BS of neo-libs any longer.
People want food and health care. To hell with that free market capitalism neo-lib BS; That's just polite fascism, it's still killing people for profit.
No, we’re crushing fascism and neoliberalism and embracing far-left policies that actually provide for people, allowing them to create and innovate for a better future.
“people are going to really be wishing for a system that prioritizes capital when they’re being crushed by a system that prioritizes capital” do you have a TBI
i would agree, but most commies are rich which is why they can afford luxury beliefs which dont really affect them, and their parents are in the "i pay less taxes" bracket after trump like ackman's kid
Commies like to fantasize about war and revolution, and know in their hearts they wont be fighting it, it will be someone else who is a symbol of oppressed groups.
all i can say is, if u actually depend life or death social supports and u are given to luxury beliefs like "really are democrats any different from trump" i just hope you lived in a solid state with that attitude.
I never said that the gop and Dems are the same. They are not; however, what they do share is a deeply held commitment to capitalism and imperial war. Neither are good for everyday folks and both exploit them, whether stealing the value of your labor and calling it profit or military
Shit I wonder what the neo libs are up to right no- up, crying...fully giving in to republican demands. What a strong group of folks yall are. Fuck progressives though right? You fucking pos, youd sell out your own mother to nazis to get a tax cut.
lmao this is *literally* neoliberalism, the fuck are you on about, presidents signed many exec orders before, they fired loads of federal workers before, they burnt their proxy vassals before OFTEN lmao
biden and obama deported more than trump, made more war than trump lmao
it's all fucking performance and aesthetics with you fucking clowns
You're OK with a literal genocide done by your Biden bc he's on your fucking fake "team", you ignore all his atrocities like good little fucking slaves
but bad orange man does all the same shit your favs do and it's HYSTERIA
'The people who will shortly be experiencing fascism will be hankering after the system that was absolutely no defence against fascism, provided us absolutely no nothing of benefit, and built every repressive institution so that it could be seized by fascists!'
If you're gonna be a fat buck-toothed seppo sociopath, I'd rather you be a fat buck-toothed seppo sociopath blatantly and on my face rather than hiding it behind a "white savior" narrative, because it's simply much more a chore to weed out freaks like you who pretend that they won't call us a slur.
Far from it. The economic rebuilding of the economy under his watch created such massive class inequality, the only thing that’s come close since is Biden post-Covid. Trump is on the fast track to outdo both of them soon.
Jesus fucking Christ no fucking way. You neoliberals can just fuck right off. And to the right is exactly where you're headed and why we don't fucking want you around. Neoliberalism is just creeping to the right on billionaire money. Fuck off.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
dems could have just been marginally better (a public option instead of ACA, maybe not let 6 million lose their homes, etc) and this wouldn't have happened.
Fuck off, Davey.
the problem is that neoliberalism just doesn't benefit enough people, but that's the whole purpose of the system, so it could never be sustainable
People want food and health care. To hell with that free market capitalism neo-lib BS; That's just polite fascism, it's still killing people for profit.
Is there a voter outreach? A party that is your own? Candidates that aren’t Jill Stein?
You act like people can't read Marx at a public library. Like you have to go to college to radicalize.
But whatever you have to tell yourself to keep licking the capitalist boot.
biden and obama deported more than trump, made more war than trump lmao
fucking liberals
You're OK with a literal genocide done by your Biden bc he's on your fucking fake "team", you ignore all his atrocities like good little fucking slaves
but bad orange man does all the same shit your favs do and it's HYSTERIA
because you're weak pathetic right wing nazi-style hypoctires who would sell your own fucking children to lick the boot of your Liberal Lords
the whole US ruling class and their agents needs elimination, liberals along with them
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
This shit is what's been happening for decades, just with the volume and tempo higher than you're used to.
Plenty of foreign countries we've helped coup have heard this version of the song before.