Sir, Ms. Reality Winner spent 5 years as a political prisoner for leaking evidence of Trump's ties with our adversary, Russia.
Leavenworth for Hegseth!
ok Mr. Jeffries, what else besides this letter can you do? Can you follow up with any action? Tell us these criminals can't just keep breaking the law.
You people are seriously disconnected from reality.
Fired? His boss is an incompetent buffoon, convicted of sexual assault, a felon, who routinely violates our Constitution, sells secrets to our enemies, and is now going to enrich himself more by funding some crypto scheme with our tax dollars.
So would it be better if democrats just said and did nothing? As far as getting rid of the idiots goes, dems have no power to remove them. All they can do is make as much noise about it as possible. Doomed impeachments are not as advisable to push as doomed bills
As much as I hate Churchill for being an absolute racist, he was there and visible to the British while they looked to be wiped off the planet by Germany's incredible barrage of munitions.
Schumer and Jefferies, are hoping that maybe Trump will trip over himself and accidentally EO himself out of office. Neither representative are showing any backbone or spirit.
What I'm saying is there's nothing wrong with doing the letter as long as its not ALL they're doing. A lot of democrats are stepping up and doing rallies and townhalls and podcasts and introducing doomed populist legislation. Given Jeffries isn't really one of them
Letters are a waste of time.
A bunch of Democrats need to go to the White House with reporters from several networks and make Trump come out and address the security breach.
On camera, force him to answer questions and tell what he’s going to do about it.
Don’t give him room to breathe.
The as*hole doesn’t read and he doesn’t care because he thinks he’s safe from criticism and confrontation.
Getting in his face will terrify him and will get results.
It’s true though. Letters are a joke. There are crafting a police state right before our eyes and that wack ass party is doing nothing at all. Nothing.
What you do is work 24/7 on Republican voter suppression and civics ignorance. The Democrats are a minority party (and no, what you learned from cable news about McConnell's power in minority is a lie). They need more votes in congress and more popular support and "progressives" try to deny both.
You need to learn to get some goddamn balls and go in there and physically remove them. We're all sick of passive aggressive letters. Clearly, they're not getting us anywhere. GET UP OR GET OUT!!!!
A lot are saying Schumer has them muted(not blocked though 🤣). People have to piggyback on posts.
I tried posting twice on this thread and my post wasn't here.
Replied to yours and boom, there it is.
Proves they're useless.
More upset about the leak versus the ongoing genocide perpetrated by the United States of Israel. The people of Yemen have been bombed nearly 500 times in the last 20 years. Enough.
Starting with Johnson, 125 members of the House, Thune and 30 members of the Senate. And go After governors who send shitty replacements that are in DUMP's pocket by extension.
Now, THIS is what taking action is! For those who said to stop telling these people to "Do something," this is the result of the pressure our leaders are feeling. It might not turn out to anything, but now they know they can't just be sitting in their offices throwing policy at us.
Did you miss the point that he used Signal? An app that our own intelligence has shown Russia to be hacking? And also automatically deletes all information so that it can't be documented or subject to FOIA? Focus on those too. There are more fundamental issues than just the reporter in the chat.
There's no possibly in the violating of the law there is violations of the law. The espionage Act comes to mind first and foremost and I guarantee if a proper investigation and hearing is held you will find trees in here and it will spread beyond just this group. I'm not very confident in the
Leadership of both houses in the Democratic party now is your chance to prove yourself and you better not let up on this there is no compromising on this this is a threat to national security on the highest level. And you need to tell your cohort in the Senate to either step down or talk to
The senators and have him voted and removed from leadership. You know as well as we do that there are more qualified people to be the minority leader in the Senate than Chuck Schumer and his time is up and he has to go especially after his last betrayal that is good at our benefits and our rights
They are introduced and the majority have to vote to send the Articles to the Senate where 2/3rds must approve.
Rep Green has said he will introduce them but it’s political theater. Ritual magic going nowhere. People should be yelling at the GOP to impeach him.
Also: chain of command. 👇
Not to mention, didn't he just try to give Musk, an unelected civilian with no military security clearance, our China war plan without the president's knowledge?
And how about the weak ass Republicans who are minimizing it like someone burped in a mtg vs endangered us all. Senator Kennedy and Tuberville shame on you!!
Exactly. How long have they been using this 3rd party chat program to bypass the record keeping of the official secure channels? If they didn’t invite a journalist, nobody would’ve ever found out. We should really be digging into this.
Hegseth looks bad right now. After he's gone, it makes Trump look weak and creates precedent to remove the rest. It becomes easier. But if you go for all at once it risks muddying the waters and they can claim overreach.
Tell me a time a strongly worded letter has done anything. This is PR and you are falling for it. One must ask themselves, how come it's only Pete Hegseth in the crosshairs. Congress has tools for situations like this, and he is not using them.
They will claim overreach regardless. Some people might find that more credible if Jeffries targets the entire administration/chat, but there will be many more people who will not know that the whole admin is on the chat.
It's more important that the whole admin is hit by scandal than it is that Hegseth resigns
If he resigns *and then* Jeffries asks for more people to resign based on previous info, that looks more like over reach, bc if it was urgent to remove them why didn't he say so?
What do think he can do or us... Than contact our representatives and dems on here often and rotate thru a list to keep pushing..
Same thing we've needed to do all along
All the Dems should join AOC and Bernie in getting the message out. Tell Social Security recipients how totally screwed they are about to be. Raise the alarm, quit acting like it is business as usual. Help get the masses to rise up against the dictatorship. Waiting for the midterms is too late.
Well, I've been pushing for constant emails, calls to representatives and post to dems here often and rotate thru a list.. Go under their names... Lots of people will see it then
Get educated about what's happening on here and news..
Go to protests...
Big ones coming up April 5th across the country
You could argue the American people got us into this mess by failing to be engaged in politics. They don't research candidates or think for themselves. We've had generations that get their info from talk shows/podcasts/"news" stations. We have abdicated our responsibility.
Or you could argue that ever sense dark money came into politics thanks in large part to Mittens Romney, that both parties are taking money from the same masters. Neither party represents the people anymore, only a shrinking handful of politicians who haven't gone all in on their corporate masters.
YUP majority will agree that - in the actual given unprecedented signal scandal context-, that undoubtedly would be a logical scenario to apply. Still knowing the deep level of corruption generated by Trump at this stage, I fear it would take more than a miracle to happen. How is the big question..🤷♂️
I think Trump admin using Signal instead of securely is a Trump policy specifically because Signal doesn't store cloud based history & instead history can be deleted & expunged as if it never happened by the user causing major conversations to never get to a US archive. This is the major story.
This is a good first step to write a sternly worded letter. If only there were leverage like leveraging a shit down that and hadn’t pissed away while sabotaging the entire Democrat party.
I’ve been on him to do something. We need to give him some encouragement for doing this and for letting us know what he’s doing. Yes keep pushing them but credit when they do or they won’t even try.
He's not the law...
Some we're at hearing with more stupidity.. Than answers.. I don't recall, no, not a problem etc
It's up to dRump primarily to do something..
We know how that goes
tbf a lot of these political discussions are incredibly high brow and so stuck in legalese that it's almost entirely different from english, much like how accounting is different from regular math
GOP caused years of havoc when they had no power. Slowed everything down and made the party in power work for everything.He falls into this whole mess because years of no planning because they all thought easy win. And now the leadership is just bowing down
Weak can't lead and can't produce a message across the board. He's not a fighter he's more of a strongly worded letter, and we NEED in your face fighters.
He has an old guard mentality and not a rabid dog bite. New messaging based leadership needs to be front and center those who ain't afraid
Thanks and what do you think they should DO at this point? They seem to be grabbing the moment to speak into microphones which is good, but how can they get hegseth out?
As a leader he should have dispatched every available Dem to hit the circuit the minute the story broke. Flood the system to counter attack the GOP flooding the system with lies.
None of that was done and that is a simple thing from break of story till now.
While I am sure we would all like to see Jefferies pull out a pitchfork and storm the office, Jefferies, is holding the House together, they are voting in unity. He is holding press conferences and keeping the information flowing.
Have you bothered to watch hearings today?
Or is it just your habit to park yourself under the replies of every member of the minority party in Congress?
What have you done today to help elect more Democrats so they have actual power again?
What does "sell everyone out to save your own ass" mean?
You can’t get out of it by NOT voting. That’s how we got here.
Voting is necessary but not sufficient. Again: what have YOU done today (beyond being a Reply Guy to Democrats)?
I’m also working, but I’ve called all three of my Congresspeople to insist that they go on record that everyone involved in Signal-gate resign or be fired. And if that doesn’t happen, they do what they can to move to impeach them all.
I don’t care about approval ratings. I care that we flipped a PA Senate Seat in Lancaster County last night. In a district that Trump won by 15 points.
Reminder that “fuck procedure” is how we got here lol we have nearly zero power in govt rn so the speeches, letters, etc is kinda all we got right now. Want that to change? Show up and vote in midterm elections☺️
No shit but what do you think Hakeem can do with the numbers in the house? Like, really, please enlighten me? Are you calling your reps to keep them in line? We're on the same side, but piling on with no alternative course is just getting yourself spun. Be practical.
They have a HUGE platform. They can all yell, scream, demand and make it know to the other side that they intend to "protest vote" NO on all future non-bipartisan bills until the other side clean up this mess.
I wonder how long it will take for the Democrats to put their manners aside, forget the official channels and stop playing by the book? Then at some point they will finally be really useful.
Throw out the "procedure" book and do anything and everything necessary. Not vote for their bs bills and unqualified candidates and fucking certainly not censure your own for doing anything but bending the knee like he is
It’s practical to build a public pressure campaign. Not to scold your own caucus for doing that, complaining about grassroots orgs, and in Schumer’s case, actively colluding with the GOP to pass their budget. Miss me with excusing weak leadership in the name of being “orderly”
Hold rallies, organize strikes, stage protests. Endorsed from the top down these actions will amplify. Leadership remains unwilling because if they get too populist, it will start to cut into their donors’ money stream
If Trump shut the government down, then he could have fired every single person who's disloyal to him, and only reopened the departments he wants, basically stopping any chance for AOC or someone to fix his mess in four years.
Mitch fucking McConnell was a thorn in the side of the Dems for YEARS as the minority leader. Why the absolute fuck can't Jeffries and Schumer do the same? How is asking that somehow impractical?
It's not at all. But we could game that out instead of jumping into a bluesky thread, ridiculing ANY action taken on behalf of leadership. I feel like Hakeem is beginning to sing the right tune but way too late. Schumer is a fucking coward. We do need much stronger leadership in the Senate.
he could take some cues from what the GOP did the entire Obama & Biden presidencies. get on all media outlets, screaming about this. refuse to move forward with anything. lawsuits against every single EO. file articles of impeachment (even if you know they won't go anywhere, file the damn things)
Lol! No, ma'am. I'm a progressive and as mad as everyone else over here in CO, but I'm trying to maintain composure. We on the left get weird when we're all yelling at once because we don't hear that we're yelling different things. Each thing deserving a united voice.
You asked what I do? I amplify messaging and stories on social media, I donate and I email my reps. I march. I protest. I’ve literally been tear gassed by a police department that’s currently under DOJ investigation because of their actions. I’m not just venting—I’m engaged.
And I expect leadership to be just as engaged. Jeffries might be limited procedurally, but that’s exactly why he should be taking a cue from AOC, Bernie, and Tim Walz. They’re out there holding rallies bigger than what we see during campaign season.
What would you have him do? In case you didn't notice, the U.S. voter failed to give the Democrats any power.
AOC, Crockett...they are powerless to do anything too.
Next time, if there is one, GET OUT THE VOTE.
He has been sitting back for months. Also, Massie got on a week before the CR was passed and said both Schumer and Jeffries made deals with the republicans to make sure it passed. He been playing games with us.
Hakeem talks a good game. But he just talks…. No action… no getting out in the streets in America.. no action plans to thwart MAGA…all hat no cattle..all bark no bite..all booster no payload..all foam no beer.. all hammer no nail..all sizzle no steak..all broth no beans.. He can strut sitting down.
And what do you want Democratic members of Congress to do? Whine at them all you want but since you didn't work hard enough to give us a Dem majority in the House or Senate, what specifically power do the minority have?
Well, I expect the democratic members of Congress not to vote to confirm appointees in the Senate. I expect leadership in the house to establish a war room response to our democracy being burned down . Apply civil disobedience tactics to disrupt the relentless destruction of Democracy.
Jeffries can hold press conferences each & every day outlining why this is illegal and dangerous. Every day he can demand Articles of Impeachment be filed. He could educate Americans & not let corporate mainstream media pretend this is not serious. He could DO something!
That is fair. I think Mr. Jeffries is probably a nice man. I don’t personally know him so my opinion of him shouldn’t count for much. But as an outsider looking in, he (and Congress in general) appear to lack the urgency to meet the crisis.
All of them are a disgrace to this country. Had they any shame, I would expect them to retire from public office, but alas, here we are. Business as usual.
Sure they can - they can organize a nation wide protest, a calling campaign, get surrogates on any & all shows & podcast & hammer it home. Or go to red districts & scream about it-Fox viewers are insulted & we have to break through. And get Veterans on every Fox broadcast screaming about the breach.
Nationwide protests are great but you have to get the American people to attend. Protests seem to be done during working hours. Media needs to start reporting these protests as well
Okay. We'll take is liquor away for a week and make him do a time out in his room. Oh, and 2 days without a cell phone and no porn for the rest of the month! 🙄
Stop being worried about decorum. There is a foreign oligarch talking control of the govt & decimating social services, including those for veterans. Getting with police, etc. and arresting doge, Musk and Trump if possible. We aren’t going to vote our way out of this. It’s either that or revolution.
I have a question. Beyond strong, carefully chosen words, what’s being done to actively purge this lawlessness? Are there no good men left who swore allegiance to this country? This is a blatant takeover—we know it, they know it, yet we just stand by and watch as they fill their shopping bags.
Every American with one or more Republican members of Congress needs to call them. Capitol switchboard 202-224-3121 open 24/7/365. Ask for your Representative or one if your Senators by name.
No, those who put guns over children’s safety aren’t the good men. Our military bears arms to fight real threats—not civilians playing Rambo, fearing gun control. Unless they have to. My point is there are military at all levels and law enforcement who should still be loyal to the constitution.
They have not YET been asked to go against our constitution. That would involve them bearing arms against US citizens and refusing to follow martial law.
I appreciate the concern but I am not fighting anyone. I’m too busy being concerned about the bigger picture. I can however discuss with others who have shared to the post. But I am under no concern about what others think of me. If your post is meant to be sarcastic in a polite way, my apologies.
I know right? It’s like they think this is a joke and it doesn’t weaken the chances we might have at the mid terms. They did this in 2016, tried it in 2020 but Biden’s coalition wasn’t having it and they damned sure did it to Harris in 24. Something conspicuous about 16 and 24.
I think everyone is still in shock from the election results. Trump admitted Jan. 19th at his klan rally the day before his inauguration that the election was rigged for him to win. People's spirits & minds are unsettled bc we all know the truth. The (D) won't fight for it bc of the 2020 election.
Law enforcement is in on this through and through. Even those who aren't are just gonna keep their heads down. Honestly its more like permission for them as it sounds like life inside detention centers of any kind right now are even more of a nightmare than usual to say the least. El Salvador,... 😬☠
We can find a way to let any republicans who jump ship now, and do the right thing, know that they will be defended against this regime. Those who fail will be considered part of the enemy.
💁🏾♀️ Most of the people of this country gave the power over to Trump and the Maga(R). Now that they don't like what's happening, they want the (D)to do something. We'll, sorry, the (D)are no longer in power. They used voter suppression & Musk to win. We have to wait until the midterms to make a change.
I never voted for them. I also do not believe this was a fair election. Too many indicators point to thievery that too many refuse to consider. But I digress, the “D” may no longer be in power but they are by far NOT powerless to raise up and question the lies and deceit bringing it to the light.
While I appreciate your effort to stand up for women (which I fully support), it’s clear from my statement that by “good men,” I mean the people of the country—both men and women. It’s simply a way of speaking that represents all who uphold what’s right, regardless of gender. Blame English.
No worries. I'm a woman, and I make the same statement from time to time. I only posted because I admire the way you responded. It's very respectful and gentlemanly. Reminds me of why I left Twitter. It was too toxic and argumentative. Thank you!🤗
Sorry to hear that. I will continue to try to plant seeds so that people can remember to overtly include both men and women when they *intend* that meaning.
I grew up with male-exclusive language and realized that I had to STOP every time and remind myself that it means BOTH. Why not just SAY both?
I don't "blame English." I blame those who misuse it and don't take responsibility for excluding women.
The language has words that include women. Try "human", "people," "humankind." I challenge you to find any sentence structure that MUST be male-exclusive.
While I appreciate your effort to mansplain to me that "men" = men and women, THAT is the point!
If you MEAN "people," then SAY "people."
I realize that men never think about this b/c they are ALWAYS included, but when I read it, I see "man" and have to STOP and remind myself that "man" = woman.
Respectfully, I am anything but a mansplainer. I appreciate your challenge, but I challenge you not to assume intent—consider the message first. Character limits sometimes require a catch-all. Responding isn’t the same as mansplaining. I do apologize if my response to you caused you to think that.
This is the "mansplaining" part (in the comment below). You, of course, are not aware that I taught high school English for a few decades, so I am aware of the "meaning" of the generic male exclusive language.
We’re in this mess, which will only get worse (as we continue to witness), until a BRAVE LONE WOLF IS BRAVE ENOUGH to QUESTION “The.20.24.Election.Results.” HISTORY WILL SHOW that NOT QUESTIONING these results WILL BE OUR GREATEST REGRET AS A NATION. Let’s exercise OUR COLLECTIVE VOCAL POWER!
Sir, you ask the question that is slowly been percolating in everyone's mind. You can't quote laws to men that carry guns. This is it people. We are at a crossroads.
Pretty much up to the courts unless some Republicans decide to the right thing at great risk, if the legislative branch choses to abrogage it's responsibility not much a minority of members can do on their own besides publicize it.
Judges need to issue arrest warrants. Everyone is afraid of number 47. Nobody wants to take on the WH mafia.
If this nation never rises to be a democracy again, it will certainly not be on the shoulders of the White House alone. Congress watches the theft and the judiciary throws up their hands.
Nothing at all will be done except a few angry worded letters.
The Commander in Chief is a felon and a grifter that doesn't care his administration is a bunch of clowns.
This is how the GOP keeps pummeling us.
They install unqualified buffoons that the Dems helped vote into power, who then break laws, harm us or our country... and all we do is send a stern letter.
That is a good start, -- now tell all your members that until all of those people in that group are fired for their incompetence and threat to our national security, ALL future votes on non-bipartisan interests will be a NO (in protest). This is the time for YOU to lead.
It seems to me like every crazy thing this regime does is deliberate more than anything. Not caring about the potential outcome and treating the citizens like enemies is what freaks me out the most. Those type of humans lust after the power it gives them to bomb a country or shoot someone. 🤯
Hakeem. You know that's not going to happen. You guys need to toughen up, and start getting people fired out. You need to do whatever you can in your own legal authority to have them removed from office. Use the 14th amendment. That is enough to disqualify him and have him removed.
Up*** we need these people out. You can still enforce the laws. You know what you have the power to do, your can tour like Bernie and AOC. But you need to be fearless. All Democrats need to step up to the plate for this one.
The Trump administration is the government of the worst, composed of the incompetent and clueless. All that matters to Trump is personal loyalty to him.
Every Dem should be in front of a mic. Call them liars. Call them traitors. Make the MSM cover them. Do a massive rally in D.C. Throw sand in the gears at every turn.
That's ridiculous, won't do anything now...
We the People must do our part to save ourselves now before it's toooo late!
Must be practical and reliant!
Contact your representatives often and dems on here often directly to them...
Many are, including Schumer himself. You think he’s passing up the opportunity to yell about this? Hearings have already started too, Trump cabinet is getting grilled and giving pathetic answers under the scrutiny, and the media has been loud about it too.
Then all the people who held their noses, voted for Trump and claimed "but there are guardrails" had no idea what they were talking about. There aren't any and the GOP have learned how flimsy the system is. Depressing.
Should is not the word I would have used either. Demand it. Stop being afraid of Republicans. You need to be fearless or we will lose our democracy. This country depends on you. Our party is dying. Please don't let it. We need laws for the lawless.
But the lawless are in charge, I see you miss the point of your own words.
'Our party is dying' only creates hopelessness; it doesn't spur people to act. It's exactly why we are where we are right now.
Well yes,but I choose to tell it like it is. Present tense. Not dead. It can b saved. But ppl must act swiftly. The urgency is in my words. Not hopeless. I've been fighting the good fight, just as I hope all Americans will begin to carry the torch w/me. We musn't let democracy die. Not on our watch.
You arent very nice. Calling some1 who loves their country & has been fighting tirelessly for it uneducated. I'm assuming you're not a Democrat or independent. Because we don't lack manners or empathy. Us activists r the ones out there fighting for our reps to do something. Bernie & AOC actually r.
What would you have him do instead? He doesn't get to individually fire cabinet members. They have to check all the boxes before bulldozing. A letter is part of that process for electeds.
Look - everyone gets to have their own opinions. Fine. But if they start off all ramped up with no place to go any higher, they lose all leverage. You should do it your way though.
Dems need to make this their Benghazi and NOT let it go. They can continue to do what they did today - calling these traitors out, keeping it in the headlines, and pressuring for consequences.
Trump has said, on camera, twice, that the election was rigged for him.
I think he's at the point of cognitive decline wherein he's losing the ability to not say secret things out loud, in public.
if the president cared, or else future military endeavors will be put in jeapordy by such an incompetant secretary of defense, american soldier's lives needlessly lost, etc.
because he doesn't there is no consequence, and this letter is a waste of time
Do not stop talking about this because if this was a Democratic president the Republican party would run this into the ground. This is serious we are not safe under this administration at all
K. What does that mean? What specific things could he do that you would approve of?
Would those things result in anyone being fired or resigning, and if so how?
Well, if the Republicans circle the wagons (as they are slmost certain to do), there aren't really many other options other than shouting it from the rooftops daily...
Ds in the House Oversight Committee & in the Senate can repeatedly file, demand, get protestors demanding, go on FOX and maga sites & networks & continue to demand hearings, subpoenas. Make life miserable for Rs until televised hearings. Ds can make it miserable for them but it takes effort.
Throw the rule book out. This is a different type of warfare. I'm not a lawyer or a politician so I don't have prescriptive guidance. But that's what the enemy is doing. And they seem to be getting their way at every turn.
They were also doing it while Biden was POTUS. Trump should be in jail now, anyone else who committed the crimes that he did, when he did them, would already have been behind bars. The prosecutions were slow walked and look how that worked out.
Trump has a big 🧠 memory problem. Hillary Clinton initiative to host data- that had to be 1st VALIDATED ON SYSTEM- on her personal server was ILLEGAL yet we may never know the exact type of information. In the case of Trump, fact is Mal-a-largo documents had ALREADY been classified TOP SECRET//SCI👇🫡
The Trump administration is the government of the worst, composed of the incompetent and unqualified. All that matters to Trump is personal loyalty to him
AND all chump maggots are moving in the same direction lies and all as they decimate USA unlike dems who except the 3 and bernie doing their jobs just seem to be enjoying the show.
I want to know who told them to use signal so they could disappear messages. Or do they just know this? They are so unethical and complain about merit yet they are so unqualified. Imagine if Hillary Clinton had done this. Or Barack or Joe.
Thanks Hakeem this is fantastic! You are doing Gods work with this letters. Keep up the strong words!! We love you soo much big guy! You are the best. Boot licker
This is the result of unqualified yes men being confirmed to positions for which they are obviously unqualified. But we all knew this. Our people will not feel safe until a Qualified person replaces Hegseth.
A strongly worded letter is the modern Democrats only known strategy. But not too strongly worded because they don't want to alienate the billionaire donors that they have in common with GOP pols.
Exactly. Hesgeth fucked up THIS badly and has only been secretary since Jan 25. And this is what we know about. What else can we expect from the wholly unqualified chromosome -hoarding dullard?
What EXACTLY is it you're wanting Democratic elected leaders, who are IN THE MINORITY in both chambers, to DO?
Come on, be specific. Show your work. What? Fist fights in the well of the House? Cage matches? Challenges to duels? Scream loudly and light their hair on fire? WHAT?
I'm with you on this. If people were really that upset, the economy would be shut down, labor would be shut down. People would be swarming the streets protesting. The GOP leaders wouldn't be able to move publicly without voters demanding answers.
on one hand you’re wrong. I think people *are* ready to shut down, labor strike and protest. on the other hand the issue is leaders like and aren’t willing to organize those because it will tank their portfolio. we need real leadership to organize
That has never been the way it was done in this country. MLK wasn't an elected official. Neither was A. Philip Randolph or Sojourner Truth. When has an elected official ever organized a massive civil action?
true! I agree, an organizational leader can emerge who isnt an elected official. all I’m saying is the demand is there for the taking. so far no one has been able to amass the adoption of a big organized civil action. elected folks have the pulpit already seems like they’re in the best position no?
Democracy is about convincing the public of things. R leaders fear the electorate's backlash anti-MAGA Rs more than they care about standing against it. Does this letter seem like the kind of thing that would galvanise that electorate? Or does it seem like it appeals to the institutions they loathe?
What is it that you think someone else can do for you?
Members of congress can vote on legislation. That is the only power they have more than what you and I have. So what is it that YOU are doing that is so effective?
Yes, however when the house is on fire fuck it, grab the kids and run. demand immediate removal and trials, speak with the military and have this administration removed by force. That would the first thing they could do. And get those innocent people back from concentration camps asap
Impeachment requires the House, currently ruled by Elon’s minions, to draft & approve articles of impeachment which then require 2/3rds vote of approval in the Elon controlled Senate.
If he is impeached, none of this stops because here is the chain of command.
But Rep Green is working on it anyway.
But you know they don’t have the votes for that, so it ultimately accomplishes nothing, right?
You know that there is actually a chance that with enough pressure, they might be able to get Hegseth removed, but if they divert to impeachment, nothing changes.
I didn’t say it was a recommended course of action. You said the only difference between Jeffries and average citizens is the ability to vote on legislation. That isn’t true.
In terms of actual power- actions he can take that will make a REAL difference (not just appease keyboard warriors) there is very little they can do right now. They don’t have the votes.
People on the internet seem to think representatives have magic wands, but really they just have 1 vote each.
You're acting as if Congress can remove cabinet members. Spoiler alert, they get to do that only if the president is impeached, tried, AND removed. Talk to the GOP,they're the ones that have the power and refuse to use it.
This is step one of the right action. But they don't have the power to remove them, we gave all the power to the republican party, who are not going to police themselves.
What these guys should, what somebody should do, is to identify tiny two Republicans who are most vulnerable to flip and identify them so that everyone can call their offices specifically.
I'm sorry, but why do we have to come up with solutions?
What did we send these guys to Congress?
You think if the shoe was on the other foot, the Republicans would be clutching their pearls crying "woe is me" on their fainting couch?
If he doesn't know what to do, he can ask a Republican.
Tell their social media staff to quit posting here and figure out how to explain what happened to the Red states, how it might impact them, and tell them how to help pressure removal from office.
I would have him get a research staff, a legal staff and a spokesperson who doesn't look like deer in headlights. Draft articles to remove Hegseth from his position. Bother the shit out of every mainstream news agency in the country to cover it 24/7.
"They dont have the power to remove them". Yeah, welcome in nazi germany. Now I guess the best answer is recording memes, dancing videos and expecting people to put blue waves in their bios while supporting AOC/Sanders/Crockett who are "true human leaders". Dems are guilty as fck, remove them too.
You get a follow for good logic. Thank you. Al Green has introduced articles of impeachment for the Tangerine Tyrant. Then he had the balls to stand up to the BS on TV. They're trying with what they have.
Yes, this is sad, but true right now. Need to keep up the outcry. But this is only the first major screw-up. More to come, and they will flame out themselves.
I feel exactly this when people having "blue wave" emojis in their bios share the latest Crockett dancing videos or recall AOC was a bartender once, like these are the strategy and answer to ICE raiding schools and arresting kids while the constitution is burning. Please tell them to do less.
I don’t dislike AOC, and her ideas and values are mine.
I’m a realist. I know people in deep red states and their values are NOT AOC or my values.
Expecting anyone who voted for a felon who tried to overturn an election, and knew we would get fascism, to vote for AOC for president is pure fantasy.
There's plenty they can do, we've seen Republicans obfuscate, stall, and obstruct in the past. Dems aren't an actual opposition party though, so they don't oppose, they enable and assist.
They managed to do that even when the Dems had a super majority, so no. Hell, the Dems could have blocked cloture last week, but they chose not to. They do not oppose, they enable and assist.
The Senate Dems can filibuster everything until Republicans cave. They don't have the votes to break the filibuster.
Republicans will either cave, or remove the filibuster. It's a win-win.
How is it that the republican party regularly disabled the dem majority? The democratic leadership are deeply unserious and think the destruction of the country is good because it may lead to more votes.
He should be on every news channel, podcast, social media platform, demanding that hegseth resign or get fired and everyone else in that group face disciplinary action. Make sure everyone knows what happened and how big a deal it is.
I agree, but appearing on news channels takes time. If he hasn't in a couple days then I'll be joining in yelling at him to do more, but to me this is him saying he's working on that. I don't think he'd post this and then just shut up.
My guess is, general public doesn't know the full story, or the significance of Signal in this story, among many other issues that enfold what happened here. It's a whole cluster fuck that they can't afford to let disappear.
Talk about this and keep talking. Use it to tell Americans how incompetent and dumb Hegseth it. This one is easy for people to understand—and clearly Pete is panicked about it.
It's a crack in the armor of invulnerability they Dems can exploit—if they are aggressive.
Are you seriously unaware two different congressmen have already done this? Shut the fuck up. And it wouldn’t matter if 215 did it. It’s going nowhere.Stop the performative nonsense
Everyone on that text thread should be impeached and every senator who voted to confirm any of them should be embarrassed that includes the 99 who voted for Rubio.
"From 1998 to 2004, Jeffries was in private practice at the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. In 2004, he became a corporate litigator for television companies Viacom and CBS"
And yet the Republicans want to float a bill to impeach a judge and dismantle the authority of federal judges. But one of their own? Nope, can't have that. And what's happens if a foreign terrorist country tries to invade us, huh? Then what, jackasses?
I don't think he'll resign, and trump won't fire him. And impeachment is a political process, not a judicial process. It has political effects: it puts the Hegseth's story in front page for a while and forces the GOP to vote for him. Or not.
Would be hilarious if 5 or so GOP hawks voted to impeach.
Yeah. So America can see them choose Trump again like we did already and yet dumbasses will still vote for him. Again. Yall got to shut the fuck up about the what about democrats at this point it went from activism to stupidity way shocked than it should have. Be realistic or quiet damn.
…Dems referred and voted for Trump for impeachment in public twice and we watched Republicans reps choose Trump over America both times and then we washed America vote him in again or sit out. Accept that these people are evil and don’t care. The average American the greatest person these days
That's completely unproductive and will go nowhere. They will and you know it. They did when Democrats actually had majorities and showed what an evil fucker Trump was. That's stupid. Now they don't even have majorities so they can't even bring articles.
100%. They probably won't succeed but at least they fucking tried. Right now they just look like fragile little ball sacs, afraid of their own shadows. FUCKING DO SOMETHING!!!!
It’s not that they won’t succeed, it’s that they can’t even be brought to the floor for a vote because the republicans control the committees and the Speakership. They literally would not be forced to vote.
I want them to stop acting like powerless lumps and fucking do what they should, regardless of what they think the outcome will be. Yeah, they'll probably be overruled but at least they fucking tried.
Target the people who voted for Trump because he appealed to their immiseration rather than an institution? The issue isn't that he sent the letter. The issue is that he's using a massive platform to promote carrots to people who voted for sticks, and hedges his language the entire time.
Wrll without power there's not much they'd do. Yes it would be great if they all in Rambo gear with war paint on right now but there working g town halls there doing interviews and most importantly working the grassroots
Do you not see the irony of your comment? What do you think your worthless comment will accomplish? Stop making posts blaming other people from not saving you and actually do something about it yourself.
So now instead of Jefferies expecting God to do his job for him, you're expecting this person to do his job for him.
At what point are we allowed to request that our employees do their fucking jobs? At what point do elected representatives have accountability for a fascist coup?
Yeah, totally, we should have the same expectations of preventative legislative action out of elected officials that we do out of literally everyone else in the world. Dumbass.
Why the fuck do we have representatives for then? They are ELECTED representatives to do the things that we ourselves cannot do individually. THIS IS WHY THEY REPRESENT US. There is a serious disconnect between the voters and their representatives. WE ARE ANGRY. A letter doesn't represent us rn!
I’m curious what you think they could do in this specific situation. They do not have the authority to remove him. The GOP has also basically neutered their ability to subpoena people.
Yes, Jeffries is shit but I’m not sure what folks expect him to do about Hegseth.
Ok, so people insisted Jeffries DO something and now they say he can’t do anything. Which is it? Let’s be real though, stopping fascism isn’t done by strongly worded letters or posting on sm. There’s only one way to stop it.
I think it is a good step Jeffries is calling for his redignation/firing. Every democrat/patriotic American should do the same. Democrats need to keep this corruption in the news, and not let big media memory hole it.
They should suffer the same fate as the people who were responsible for getting 13 soldiers killed and then droning to death an innocent family in retribution.
Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel and others are already getting grilled in public hearings about this. They are putting the pressure on. There’s more happening than just this letter.
It’s an OpSec blunder. This isn’t as easy for conservatives to hand wave away, plus a fuck up like this has heavy indication that there’s more where that came from. The heat is now on and they’re now being cooked. The fact we’re having hearings at all means they’re scared.
They all should be fired for:
1. Participating on an insecure medium forbidden by pentagon
2. Refusing to answer questions
3. Lying when they do respond
4. Using the forbidden medium to hide illegal acts
Basically the entire Republican party is guilty of this shit so they need to fucking be arrested or at least fired. We need to figure out how to cycle through this bullshit and put actual Republicans in place that are actually not going to be fraudulent. Fucking Nazis
Nothing is going to change until the midterms at the earliest. They need to start building up some good candidates. I think we should start checking into our candidates for our areas. We have to elect better people. Not just trust whoever they push on us.
Respectfully, what changed? What’s stopping them from taking away the people’s Jobs? Social Security? Healthcare? Social Services? And the like. While I agree with the effort what immediate impact will that walking do to stop the corruption? Nov 5 was the day for REAL CHANGE. RACISM WON INSTEAD.
Don't you think it's past due time for SCOTUS to reconsider their decision granting Trump "absolute immunity"? They're definitely going to rescind the decision if there's any chance a Dem is elected anyway. Trump entire criminal admin have jeopardized national security.
SCOTUS has to make a decision on what country they want to live in. A few may choose DT’s kingdom, but I’m hoping one of those bootlickers will think deeply about it and consider what Putin does to his “hired help” once they are no longer useful. Maybe they will choose democracy instead.
Oh puhleeze. You think Trump is going to listen to you? You're a black Democrat. When tf are you guys going to fight fire with fire? Please tell me this is a cursory letter before you fire the first shot because the rest of us are SO TIRED OF DIPLOMACY that the Trump administration ignores!
LPT: An indecorous and decidedly passionate public statement might bring hope and inspiration to seriously frightened and hugely pissed off voters now that this ever so politely letter has gone up the street.
Leavenworth for Hegseth!
Fired? His boss is an incompetent buffoon, convicted of sexual assault, a felon, who routinely violates our Constitution, sells secrets to our enemies, and is now going to enrich himself more by funding some crypto scheme with our tax dollars.
As Susan Collins might say, I think Hegseth learned his lesson.
A bunch of Democrats need to go to the White House with reporters from several networks and make Trump come out and address the security breach.
On camera, force him to answer questions and tell what he’s going to do about it.
Don’t give him room to breathe.
Getting in his face will terrify him and will get results.
Fucking weak ass pussy.
I tried posting twice on this thread and my post wasn't here.
Replied to yours and boom, there it is.
Proves they're useless.
These cowards need to put down the pens and pick up the swords already.
What are you planning to do after he doesn't lose his job?
Democrats don’t take over.
Any member can introduce Articles. A strongly worded letter does nothing.
Rep Green has said he will introduce them but it’s political theater. Ritual magic going nowhere. People should be yelling at the GOP to impeach him.
Also: chain of command. 👇
Who HIMSELF took donations from Len Blavatnik no less.
By an actual firing squad, ideally.
I just find the virtue signaling there mildly amusing.
It’s a good start but you’re still playing by the old rules.
If he resigns *and then* Jeffries asks for more people to resign based on previous info, that looks more like over reach, bc if it was urgent to remove them why didn't he say so?
I'll yell at Jeffries if he does nothing, but I'm gonna give him a couple days to start going on tv before I do.
Your post needs to come with a call to action to the voters.
WHEN will the Democrats stop relying on an outdated “toolbox” on how to handle the GOP?
Same thing we've needed to do all along
Get educated about what's happening on here and news..
Go to protests...
Big ones coming up April 5th across the country
Many of those are also part of the outdated “toolbox” that I referenced.
Can't give the fight!
Everyone in the Signal chat should be scrutinized and questioned. They should also be pressured to resign.
Basic protocols of National Security were, without question, violated.
!!!!!! ACT !!!!!
Look up
Sir, grow a pair. ASAP.
Some we're at hearing with more stupidity.. Than answers.. I don't recall, no, not a problem etc
It's up to dRump primarily to do something..
We know how that goes
Wtf really. Actions Hakeem Actions because your words have no value here.
Took you a really long time to state these facts while we've been here demanding since the story broke.
Wtf did you need to kowtow to Elmo/Trump/Putin to get approval first ?
GOP caused years of havoc when they had no power. Slowed everything down and made the party in power work for everything.He falls into this whole mess because years of no planning because they all thought easy win. And now the leadership is just bowing down
He has an old guard mentality and not a rabid dog bite. New messaging based leadership needs to be front and center those who ain't afraid
None of that was done and that is a simple thing from break of story till now.
Playing nice (guy/gal) got us into this mess. Now we need real fighters to get us out of it.
Still to this day the leadership has no message Dems can get behind and focus on. Since election night
A sternly worded letter! That'll show'em!
You are hilariously out of your depth and are gonna sell everyone out to save your own ass.
Fuck off and get out of Crockett and AOC's way.
Schumer, needs the lesson.
Or is it just your habit to park yourself under the replies of every member of the minority party in Congress?
What have you done today to help elect more Democrats so they have actual power again?
What does "sell everyone out to save your own ass" mean?
Voting is necessary but not sufficient. Again: what have YOU done today (beyond being a Reply Guy to Democrats)?
I don’t care about approval ratings. I care that we flipped a PA Senate Seat in Lancaster County last night. In a district that Trump won by 15 points.
AOC, Crockett...they are powerless to do anything too.
Next time, if there is one, GET OUT THE VOTE.
Even though I don't believe there will be consequences, going forward, I still think you did the right thing.
What’s better then words on paper? Action!
Go after them! Hold their noses to this. Demand action.
These people need to resign immediately.
You sound like an all hat no cattle troll.
will be very effective and
make them change their ways......☠️🫠
Nothing the President hates more than looking stupid.
I'm just glad they had a hearing today. I don't know the outcome other than the Press Sect doubling down on #TheBigLie this afternoon.
FL 06 for US House! Follow, amplify, donate and volunteer!
FL general election 4/1/25.
In Nov we flip NY-21. Support
If so- start the proceedings.
I grew up with male-exclusive language and realized that I had to STOP every time and remind myself that it means BOTH. Why not just SAY both?
The language has words that include women. Try "human", "people," "humankind." I challenge you to find any sentence structure that MUST be male-exclusive.
If you MEAN "people," then SAY "people."
I realize that men never think about this b/c they are ALWAYS included, but when I read it, I see "man" and have to STOP and remind myself that "man" = woman.
If this nation never rises to be a democracy again, it will certainly not be on the shoulders of the White House alone. Congress watches the theft and the judiciary throws up their hands.
The Commander in Chief is a felon and a grifter that doesn't care his administration is a bunch of clowns.
They install unqualified buffoons that the Dems helped vote into power, who then break laws, harm us or our country... and all we do is send a stern letter.
My god this is not rocket science.
We the People must do our part to save ourselves now before it's toooo late!
Must be practical and reliant!
Contact your representatives often and dems on here often directly to them...
Be specific about what actions you think would make a difference.
Democrats have no power in Washington right now, they are the minority party and are shut out by the fascist regime.
'Our party is dying' only creates hopelessness; it doesn't spur people to act. It's exactly why we are where we are right now.
Harris cheated out of 3,650,000 votes by these Jim Crow tricks
4.7 million voters purged.
3.2 million registrations rejected.
2.1 million mail-in ballots tossed.
The big question is what now.
Election Discrepancies: Unveiling the Truth, Nathan Taylor from Election Truth Alliance
Were Nevada ballots changed? Data expert details problems with vote data
The voters who stayed home handed this country to Trump.
So what do we do now? Not being sarcastic…looking for ideas because Yelling at HML Jeffries isn’t it.
And btw, thanks for civil engagement. Much appreciated.
I think he's at the point of cognitive decline wherein he's losing the ability to not say secret things out loud, in public.
I think it’s fair to say he didn’t pass his probationary period at his new job.
Fire him.
because he doesn't there is no consequence, and this letter is a waste of time
Would those things result in anyone being fired or resigning, and if so how?
IMO; Jeffries is doing fine, but Chuck ain’t on the same wavelength and the left arm and right arm aren’t communicating.
Now what.
It won’t matter if there is no history around to be read.
Come on, be specific. Show your work. What? Fist fights in the well of the House? Cage matches? Challenges to duels? Scream loudly and light their hair on fire? WHAT?
You're just NOISE. 🙄
Evidently, we're not there just yet.
Are you ready to be a martyr? I'm trying to get there.
Members of congress can vote on legislation. That is the only power they have more than what you and I have. So what is it that YOU are doing that is so effective?
Trials would need to be initiated by the justice department, so that would be better to do in four years.
Remove this administration by force? You think congress has the power to do that? Come on… you can’t be American…
That’s funny.
Like there will be real elections again.
If he is impeached, none of this stops because here is the chain of command.
But Rep Green is working on it anyway.
You just said they can draft articles of impeachment.
Does it matter that you specifically didn’t assign it to Jeffries?
You know that there is actually a chance that with enough pressure, they might be able to get Hegseth removed, but if they divert to impeachment, nothing changes.
People on the internet seem to think representatives have magic wands, but really they just have 1 vote each.
This is step one of the right action. But they don't have the power to remove them, we gave all the power to the republican party, who are not going to police themselves.
What did we send these guys to Congress?
You think if the shoe was on the other foot, the Republicans would be clutching their pearls crying "woe is me" on their fainting couch?
If he doesn't know what to do, he can ask a Republican.
Just block them.
But also like, understand it doesn't just happen lol.
I’m a realist. I know people in deep red states and their values are NOT AOC or my values.
Expecting anyone who voted for a felon who tried to overturn an election, and knew we would get fascism, to vote for AOC for president is pure fantasy.
Rallies are good to inspire people, which we need, but nobody should expect rallies or shutdowns to stop the executive orders or purges.
Volunteer, donate, and vote for 2026 democrats.
At what point are you willing to acknowledge "vote blue in a year and a half" is not a viable solution to what's happening at present?
The dems do not have the seats!
Please learn how government works!
There are things they can do *and they are doing them* stop assuming you know better internet rando
Republicans will either cave, or remove the filibuster. It's a win-win.
Seriously yall just want to sit and shit on your hands
He should be rallying his party to vote against everything Trump wants until Hegseth is removed.
He should drag him by the asshole to stand before Congress and explain his white supremacist self.
for a start
It's a crack in the armor of invulnerability they Dems can exploit—if they are aggressive.
I voted for Kamala.
muskrat gave them the power.
We are never going to win again with attitudes like this. You’d never catching a fucking republican talking like this. Ever.
Then what?
What happens next?,amounting%20to%20an%20impeachable%20offense.&text=The%20second%20proceeding%20is%20an,official%20is%20removed%20from%20office.
It’s why the 118th Congress was full of Republican efforts to impeach Biden and Biden admin folks, including a successful vote against Mayorkas.
Are you this bad at your actual job?
"From 1998 to 2004, Jeffries was in private practice at the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison. In 2004, he became a corporate litigator for television companies Viacom and CBS"
I guess he was bad at that too
Ideally there's enough pressure on him that he's forced to resign to help Trump save face, which still ultimately weakens Trump. That's what we want.
Would be hilarious if 5 or so GOP hawks voted to impeach.
The letter was very passive. It says "likely violated the law".
Has he not done any research?
Honestly may be a better chance of putting public pressure on him to resign.
Honestly - what do you think this will accomplish
Other than make you think
You look like you are doing something
You know/we know
This will accomplish
Waltz called Jeffrey Goldberg
Last night on FOX
Do you think he/they care about a letter
We need new leadership
I'm not
This is where we exchange
Information ideas opinions
You have every right to yours
It is critical that we point out
The failures of our elected officials
Not to criticize
We have put ourselves here
We are at DEFCON 1
At what point are we allowed to request that our employees do their fucking jobs? At what point do elected representatives have accountability for a fascist coup?
Thank you
Yes, Jeffries is shit but I’m not sure what folks expect him to do about Hegseth.
So you tell me, what are YOU doing that is better than this?
Why didn't y'all think of this before?
What makes you think the Senate hearing on this will be anything other than a dog & pony show?
There will be no consequences.
If you read my profile you'd realize how dumb your second question is. How many right-wing atheists do you know?
"dear king orange,
I know you were part of the breach but I totally believe that you would totally fire the others for what was done.
guy who can't find his balls"
But instead, you wrote a letter.
1. Participating on an insecure medium forbidden by pentagon
2. Refusing to answer questions
3. Lying when they do respond
4. Using the forbidden medium to hide illegal acts
Weak and ineffective.
Public officials who ignore Section 508 are particularly enraging.
LPT: An indecorous and decidedly passionate public statement might bring hope and inspiration to seriously frightened and hugely pissed off voters now that this ever so politely letter has gone up the street.
Good luck in your future endeavors.