Brother, you are so woefully unequipped for this moment, and I frankly don't think you even care so long as you keep getting invited to the right parties
And you're telling me that you cannot imagine anyone not thinking in the same straight line as you. I expect the shit to not just hit the fan but to be so damn deep, 50 years might not be long enough to dig out. So yes, I'm also a scientist and gravity is very well known to me.
Resign you feckless scum bag. We all saw you calls for working with fascists. That makes you one too. The Democrats will only lose with the likes of you heading the party.
Imagine having a tool that can push disinformation 24/7?! The use of hundreds of thousands of bots who back the interests of the few corrupt the opinions of the many. A perfect tool. It was perfectly used by trump et al. The bot problem must be exposed fully so regular people fully understand!
I hope this guy's comms staffers go to him and say, well boss, the general sentiment is 'Act more like a member of a real opposition party instead of posting about the mother fucking Bills sports team.'
I’m talking to you. You should absolutely be fired because you’re a fucking moron with zero awareness
Screw your bipartisanship. Do your damn job.
For the love of God: PLEASE RETIRE
Complicit fool.
But sure, go your little team.
Please read the room or pass the baton for someone better equipped