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comment in response to post Mijn afstudeerscriptie … ik wist niet eens dat die buiten de TU-bibliotheek beschikbaar was!
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@ionica Ik ben vanuit de ondernemingsraad betrokken bij de WTP-transitie van (veel van) de pensioenregelingen van Randstad. Dan heb je het niet alleen over je eigen pensioen, maar over de gevolgen van keuzes voor /alle/ deelnemers in de verschillende scenario’s bij verschillende keuzes. Ik ben […]
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@randahl He is wrong. Tesla allowed him to buy X, X allowed him to win the presidency, controlling the President allows him to take a wrecking ball to American society. Summarized: ultimately Tesla allowed him to go on his destructive rampage. Destroying Teslas is tit for tat, even though it […]
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@randahl It’s the stupid, economy.
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@randahl I think he actually expected people would be grateful for him taking on government. He misjudged.
comment in response to post Nieuwsgierig zijn naar hoe dingen werken en héél zeker willen weten dat het klopt wat je denkt. En dat doe je door slim te bedenken wat er zou gebeuren als je het mis hebt en uit te proberen of dat zo is.
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@randahl Amazing how he still hasn’t got a presidential aura.
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@marc_veld We could start building the madhouse anyway. There's quite a few people who would be fit for admission, including the ones thinking that we should be a vassal state of either Russia or America.
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@roelgrif Trump is terug en SARS-CoV-2 ook. Wat een samenloop van omstandigheden. Het is maar goed dat de CDC en de WHO dit goed in de gaten … ehh … never mind.
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@randahl No, he would have caved at the Ardennes. Withheld support for the troops at Bastogne, called for a ceasefire so the German tanks that were on the way to Antwerp could be refuelled and then pressured the Dutch to give up Surinam and the Antilles in exchange for “peace”, while accepting […]
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@marc_veld Dat begrijpen ze heel goed. Maar ze hebben liever een Rus in de stal dan een moslim in de keuken.
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@randahl Putin and Zelenskyy sign a ceasefire, Trump and Zelenskyy sign the minerals contract, Putin breaks the ceasefire. Ukraine has then lost its minerals and can’t fight back against Russia because the US will not support it if it does.
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@w7voa Yes. That is exactly why Newton and Leibniz used infinitesimals to describe the motion of falling bodies.
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@randahl Make sure he pays upfront.
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@BobC7000 @randahl Maybe Anonymous woke up? Can’t imagine China or Russia spoiling a perfectly good train crash.
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@marc_veld You did see that this article is from March 2024, right? That doesn’t mean it isn’t happening still/again, but this is pre-Trump. It would be disastrous if Trump were to give realtime satellite intelligence, of course.
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@kaliagainstallodds @randahl Maybe you should learn how the internet works. It’s not your lawn.
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@BobC7000 @randahl Cascading failure would do that.
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@kaliagainstallodds @randahl Well, I must say that your tactic of jumping on people’s backs, calling them “boomers” and assuming they know nothing, certainly illustrates the nasty experiences that people can have on social media. I get it: there are lots of assholes around and women get much […]
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@BobC7000 @randahl Nahh. Just a server croaking and no one left who understands what it did or how to replace it, probably.
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@kaliagainstallodds @randahl Okay, let’s make that “any other pic than the default grey elephant, dickpics or yawning cleavage” then.
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@w7voa Shadow tanker? Or a real accident?
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@bert_hubert For me, it’s not so much “this will pass” as it is “we will manage”. And if the situation becomes so bad that we can’t manage, then, well, probably no amount of preparation would have helped. So take sensible precautionary action, but don’t let yourself be paralysed by the possible […]
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@randahl G7 → G6 + A1.
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[Foute grap] @ionica De mysoginist op de communicatieafdeling: “Schrödinger, dat was toch iets met een kat en een doos? Perfect voor Vrouwendag!”
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@randahl Isn’t the age-old adage that “military intelligence” is an oxymoron?
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@Gargron “Generative AI” should properly be called “Regurgitative AI”. It is not going to produce anything that hasn’t been put in in some form. And repeated ingestion and regurgitation will not result in more appealing results.
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@martinlentink @randahl An often overlooked part of Art. 5: «[…]will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary[…]». So next time the US ask, a perfectly acceptable response could be […]
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@marc_veld If he doesn’t choose, then the choice will be made for him. The EU protects its citizens with all kinds of regulations. The US wants as few regulations as possible. Starmer is dreaming if he thinks that the UK would be able to get the best of both worlds. More likely he’ll be shafted […]
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@bert_hubert Wens: het laatste pijltje van linksonder naar linksboven 🙂
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@w7voa Looks like the refusal of the world to respect Trump is sending him into ever larger displays of his destructive power. He doesn’t realise that it doesn’t gain him respect, only loathing. It also causes others to show that they are not easily cowed weaklings, but have serious power to […]
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@fonolog O, nee, dat denk ik niet. Als een middel—Esperanto—in een brede behoefte voorziet, namelijk: communicatie met sprekers van een andere dan de eigen moedertaal, dan kan het zich verspreiden tot er een kritische massa is bereikt. Je ziet alleen dat (pidgin-)Engels die rol in de afgelopen […]
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@fonolog Ik begrijp de vraag niet in deze context. Wat bedoel je precies?
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@fonolog Mooie gedachte, maar als Esperanto echt een werkbare optie voor communicatieproblemen was, dan was die taal intussen wel veel breder in gebruik. Ik heb bovendien geen enkele illusie dat Trump zich zou laten voorschrijven dat hij Esperanto moet spreken.
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@randahl @bigbelgianbopper Rutte is buying time. I’m sure he and Zelenskyy coordinated this.
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"Finally, the big winner in the Oval Office on Friday did not even have to participate in the fight."
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@briankrebs I feel it’s more like social engineering allowed them to install a rootkit.