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💙 Married. Mom.
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Cartoon by successpictures.

Already hearing that Republican members have been showing up to the House floor trying to take up the Dem side seats for the joint address 💀

Here's what we have to say to all the boneheaded buffoons who insist all Zelensky has to do for peace is accept whatever shit deal is thrown at him: All PUTIN has to do for peace is LEAVE UKRAINE.

以前推特上有个互关,每天聊风花雪月吃喝玩乐,不闻政事,岁月静好。 川普一上台,不在美国的Ta突然咬着牙根说:“我儿子之前因为歧视性少数(这里用的是另一个词)被学校强制学习,我不敢反抗学校,老川上台可出了我的一口恶气!”好像还用了一些侮辱性少数的语言。 取关mute。但这一切只是刚刚开始。 为什么以前看不见这么多流氓?因为社会共识的束缚让他们不敢肆无忌惮。 当川普把无耻、霸凌和自私搬上了世界舞台,他便撕下了全球流氓的遮羞布。 曾经有所顾忌的流氓们突然意识到,原来羞辱他人、践踏规则不仅不会受到惩罚,甚至还能赢得掌声。 于是流氓们开始比谁更流氓。世界的下限再一次被拉低。

🔴‼️Please repost & share!! This sweet boy "Kahiau" was taken from mom AT THE PARK by bio dad + police in Hawai'i using FALSE documents. Honolulu PD didn't verify docs. So bio dad took him & fled to California!! Mom hasn't seen him in weeks. Please keep an eye out, Cali‼️🔴

That’s right. 🇺🇦

Britain must 'lead from the front' in Ukraine and ‘tough choices to come', says Sir Keir Starmer

Dear World, Please have faith is us Not all Americans voted to hurt our people Not all Americans voted to hurt other people in the world We will be back -Jen #SheShed 🇺🇸

Chicago 🇺🇦🇺🇸

#记得要开心哦🥳 #晚安😘⭐️ #goodnight 😘🥰

#Oscar 👏👏👏

These fascist monsters are committed to the creation of a New Axis of Evil in which Trump and Musk work with Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Netanyahu, Milei, Modi, MBS, MBZ, Orbán, Erdoğan and other butchers to subjugate the decent folks on Earth There's little time left for America to save itself


对世界正义和公正的迷茫? 以前以为,至少美国这个地方,在内政和外交方面,基本上是宣扬和站台正义和人权的。 川普颠覆了美国的基本国策。。。打着美国第一的口号,改弦更张,实行了强权就是真理的政策。 星期五在白宫的拙劣表演,更说明了这就是一帮彻头彻尾趁火打劫的流氓恶霸。 我已经越过了悲痛的节点。作恶多端必自毙。这样一个不能为民谋生的政府,早晚会暴露其邪恶本能,搞砸经济,天谴人祸,激起民怨沸腾。。。 每天都在等着导致他轰然倒台的消息。

Senator Murphy: “The White House has become an arm of the Kremlin.”


Dumb, Dumber & Dumbest

The United States of America is no longer the world’s super power. To be the world’s super power…the rest of the world must know they can trust you. Those days…are over.

世界需要一个公平公正的强国. 就一个吧.

Missing him yet?

钟馗道士? #VictoriaBC

trump 要美国人民象朝鲜人民一样听话! Ps: 被愚人民眼界格局无法跨越. 永远活在底层思维模式里. 永远没有幸福感. 乌合之众! #trumpless

Keir Starmer will urge Trump to provide US military cover to secure peace in Ukraine and to make it clear to Vladimir Putin that any future aggression from Moscow would be repelled



New York City

It's coming. Pay attention.

王丹自己就是大外宣! 他跟国内要人的关系老铁. 随时可以疏通关系!



‪Being different is your superpower. Don't be afraid to be different.

Good morning 🤩 #CanadianCano ☕️ 😁

Do this. Say this. 👇🏻

还有川粉在教训我们,要顺应性全球右转的潮流,要反思自己为什么不能理解和支持川普。 就算全球领导人都是川普,我也不会改变对他们的批判和鄙视。 就算独裁者遍布全世界,你也无需为独裁者唱赞歌,与独裁者共情。

英国晨星报: 村里的傻瓜回来了 🤣🤣🤣

👇 没有人解释过为什么女性的权利应该因州而异,而男性在全国享有相同的权利,无论他们住在哪里。难道美國人不是都受第十四修正案保護嗎? 厌女症政策将女性视为“低人一等”。 没有法律可以控制男人的身体。那麼女性應該得到同樣的權利 平等保护就是法律。

Last night's Pentagon massacre is much more than realized. Not just firing the black CJCS and first woman CNO but all the senior JAG officers and hiring a man who just joined 3 different crypto firms tied to Kushner and Thiel as Chairman. I did a deep dive into it



川普时代 我们的盟友不再信任我们 我们的对手不再惧怕我们