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brought to you by Monsanto. If you remember me from my viral bean jar tweet, no you don't.
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oh boy oh boy oh boy do I love painting trim

the US military being kneecapped would be funny if it didn't reinforce my belief that we're getting rolled in the next major war and Trump WILL push the red button in a final act of pettiness

My "don't sell your stock" message seems to be causing panic despite what I said

you know in a movie where the bad guy has the protagonists at gunpoint & tells one of them "I'll let you choose who I shoot" just to be sadistic & the main hero nobly says "I will not choose" and that person who refuses to participate in murder is very obviously the good guy. quote tweet unrelated

lowkey pretty fucked up how Wofford old yeller'd a real boston terrier after their loss

just a friendly reminder for those looking for good entertainment websites that The A.V. Club is free from G/O, the film section is under my care, and we don't run slop

all the vlad jr extension money went into R&D for this abomination

if the democratic party had a functional propaganda arm it could make a lot of hay of the fact that a non-trivial number of MAGA personalities and politicians are child sex offenders

Reading this in the voice of Kevin Spacey's character from Seven.


Spray painting the shitty nazi mobiles: domestic terrorism Gunning down dozens of school kids: ah you little rascal. you scamp. you cheeky bugger

Lord Exultant is finished now to move on to the next models

The president of El Salvador doesn’t want our judiciary cutting off his newfound supply of slaves.

Call me a luddite or whatever, but I think if there was an EMP that took out the internet the world would improve 300% immediately

Every time a public official does this kind of obsequious Dear Leader Trump shit it should be interpreted as what it is: laying the groundwork for a pardon they know they are about to need. Assume this 100% of the time and you will be right about 90% of the time.

sure the Dodgers are entering an era of dominance but do they have a hands-off owner with an incompetent front office? didn't think so, LA cucks. Go jays


*adds to photo folder and will return to it in the next couple weeks*

Just found out Texas is trying to ban anime to which I say

To anyone who thinks my timeline is depressing now. Just wait until it's the start of July and the Blue Jays are at a 25-61 record

On the "bright side", fascism has a hardwired expiration date because the constant need for out groups causes it to self-cannibalize rapidly. Assuming we're stuck like this for the long haul, in about five years the Tech Bro vampires will be full on at war with the Turner Diary fetishists

that was Slobodan Milosevic's defense case (if he'd lived long enough to present it) and the excuse made by Ethiopia's government and by the Interahamwe in Rwanda and, most notably, by Adolf Hitler who claimed he never wanted war but that it was "angestiftet" (instigated) by "globalist Jews."

whenever someone is like "the media just did Trump-favorable coverage because they want clicks and ratings" the way to disprove it is that they buried the Trump-Epstein connection story despite the fact it would've done amazing ratings and clicks. They just liked Trump and wanted to help him.

WIP my Lord Exultant

GW did not miss with these new Emperor's Children models. Absolutely gorgeous

The policy problems follow the cultural problems since the gerontocracy, the inability to shape media topics, and lameness all come from an inertia to sustain a political project that only services a select few.

It's actually kind of funny woke isn't on this list

I will never post something that simultaneously pops off and annoys the shit out of me like this one did ever again.

Important to note the Trump administration will deport you even if a court says they can't. They will never listen to a judge. No one is stopping them. They'll deport anyone they want for any reason they make up.

Oh baby, it's my time to shine.

It’s so funny that any rational person would be like, well you need 7 of our votes, so what are you going to do for us? And Senate Democrats just like didn’t think to do that. Like stand up for yourselves.

"they're harming the good government pupperinos" could activate like 50 million people if it gets into the wider media sphere

If there's one lesson I hope whatever society comes next it's that Ohio needs to be flooded like it's fucking New Londo

Decided to gussy up my Rhino in preparation for the emperor's children launch. Gold door? Why not? The third legion is ~fabulous~

Among the material devastation to everyday people, Senate Dems have now blown a hole in their ability to work with the House. We had an agreed upon plan, House took immense risk, then Senate turned around midway and destroyed it w/ a fear-based, inexplicable abdication. They own what happens next.

Wow looks like this is actually pretty easy to message if you give half a shit!

we won't give them a shutdown, which they want! we will instead give them the bill they are trying to pass, which they will HATE. checkmate, mr. trump.

can't stop thinking about the absolutely phenomenal merchandise the blue jays officially marketed during the 1993 season

It's cool we're still doing the "write a puff piece about someone directly causing tremendous harm to innocents" thing

I know this is extremely vulgar idealism, but I do think we should try to aggressively reassert the norm that lying is bad. Not in a "Four Pinnochios" fact-checking kind of way, but in a way that frames this kind of lying as moral degeneracy that is fundamentally corrosive to the human spirit.