Wow...why can't the cop/criminal or the person in the gym get to stay in the jet instead.
I'm sure the pilot already gets paid more than the others & probably even more if they're exclusively flying private jets.
This is what I was thinking. I'm a little over 200lb (about 94kg) and if I lost 100lb I might be dead from muscle atrophy and malnutrition. Maybe he's like 350lb to start with? In which case sensible eating and a little cardio for 100 days should make that pretty straightforward.
Private jets are nicer than my house, and I live in a nice neighborhood. It makes no sense.
Why MrBeast is still a thing perplexes me. It's clearly exploitative of children—and there have been some adult folks involved I wouldn't be comfortable leaving around children unsupervised. Gross stuff.
Jesus Christ I hate this mf more every day. He's just this dude who's so rich that he gets off being entertained by normal people having life-changing shit dangled in front of them. Fuck off.
I don't think he particularly gets off on it. As far as I can tell, he doesn't feel anything. He does it because the algorithm rewards it, it seems more compulsive for him than anything. He doesn't seem to be enjoying himself very much.
there will be a twist at the end where the cop takes off his hat and the criminal takes off his little bandit mask and we realize they are the same person, and that person is us
There was an amazing patch of 80's movies that somehow foresaw the descent into fashy technofeudal oligarchy and keep getting more relevant by the year, sometimes by the month
I cannot agree with you more. Someone will eventually die due to this. This only the beginning of a real life Hunger Games unfolding. And we are being subjected to it in real time.
Where is he even getting all this money from?? He’s so rich that he can give all this cash out? I’m convinced mr beast is a meth manufacturer on the side.
Not a billionaire yet, but MrBeast sure plays one—trapping people in jets and jails for content like it’s dystopian fan fiction. But hey, let’s all clap for the generous overlord.
These people watched The Running Man and went Yes! I want to do that to people! In the past, we would call them sociopaths. Now, they're influencers. Unrelated question, why are we so fucked now?
I had a chat with my 12yo about how the altruistic things he does are really just very much intended to get HIM more views and money and not actually great for the person "receiving" the "gift" but it was very hard to get past the "gift" concept. 😭
I remember one time at a 711 they had the beast bars at the front counter and some old guy saw them and said “deez nut? are they allowed to sell that?”
For that kind of money I would live with Kevin Spacey for 100 days. Anywhere. $500k? that would change my life even after taxes, I don’t even know how this is a challenge. 500k id live in a public bathroom for 109 days IDGAF.
Very interesting COMPARISON! John Doe and Mr Beast are like inverted images of each other. Both putting people through hell for some purpose, but where John wants wat he does to be studied, puzzled over,.. Mr Beast's purpose is for you not to think about it that hard, we're just here to make money!
I think he saw Squid Game once, and thought the money and the game was the point, all the themes and critiques of capitalism and unjust systems of exploitation going straight over his head.
Early on, I felt like most of his stuff was "interesting experiments you would do if you were 16 and had millions of dollars, like "I Built A Giant House Using Only Legos". I wasn't the target audience, but I thought it was pretty cool 1/2
Imagine a thread of grown-ass, real adults glad handing and congratulating each other for despising a show host strictly geared towards early teenagers.
First having recently watched Se7en for the first in time in years imagining this in Spacey's voice is f'ing serial killer creepy. Imagining Mr. Beast saying it in that voice is next level terrifying. He is unlikeable and weird now.
I mean the target audience is everyone. It’s not like he invented reality tv and putting people in crazy situations for cash, he just happens to be the best at it. But CBS has been doing it since before he was born.
You are correct. And he certainly didn’t invent reality TV, but he kind of made it worse. Eventually someone will die. And when that happens, will people finally wake up or will they watch the video out of morbid curiosity? That’s something to think about.
That is sad reality here. A whole generation is going to grow up thinking it is okay for poor people to suffer for entertainment. And yes, the parents who are letting their kids watch this are also to blame.
Unfortunately, yes. But we are now living in a society where cruelty and humiliation is a spectator sport. We are living in Ancient Rome 2.0. Only the modern day gladiators are people who are desperate for a life changing amount of money and they will endure anything get it.
I never bothered to learn who this Mr Beast guy is, other than he has the creepiest fake smile I've ever seen. I think I'm going to keep it that way, because that post makes me feel like I had a stroke.
“Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to wave a shitload of money in their faces, and then you'll notice you've got their strict attention.”
Squid Games was about life or death for everyone involved. Remove that and that entire series is nothing worth watching at all. Did you actually watch it?
Squid games without life and death involved is literally, factually, just adults playing children's recess games. SMH.
Ugh this dick. I've only seen a couple of his videos but that asshole during the NBA all star game was doing his damnedest to make the kid lose the shooting contest. Even Lillard was giving him death glares and encouraging the kid to the point of obviously bricking a couple shots
I love how losing 100 lbs in 100 days is iterally the most unhealthy thing a person could possibly do, since extreme weight loss causes reeperable damage to organs, but hey, it's for some mid YouTube video~!!
I'm sure the pilot already gets paid more than the others & probably even more if they're exclusively flying private jets.
Why MrBeast is still a thing perplexes me. It's clearly exploitative of children—and there have been some adult folks involved I wouldn't be comfortable leaving around children unsupervised. Gross stuff.
Does this mean the criminal can just leave jail early if he forfeits money that he never had to begin with?
Schödinger's Jail Cell
wherever is good
seems he has a perchant for watching people's humiliation & hardship for money!
If you're one to watch Mr. Beast, how do you feel about these videos now?
Hopefully, you're human again.
It's bigger cringe than this kid that grown adults get buc over this kid.
Deja-Vu all over again.
That's exactly how it works.
No one here knows. His subscribers don't either.
He isn't ever winning an election, not for mayor, let alone president.
Imagine hating on a mf because you think he's gonna win the presidency in twenty years, while not even knowing his name. long as I don't have to live WITH Kevin Spacey, or his character from Seven.
i guess there’s a first time for everything.
and lol yes fuck this dude
"One day I will turn kids into nazis and sell terrible chocolate. One day I will do this."
Ideally, food and water too
Imagine a thread of grown-ass, real adults glad handing and congratulating each other for despising a show host strictly geared towards early teenagers.
Squid Games was about life or death for everyone involved. Remove that and that entire series is nothing worth watching at all. Did you actually watch it?
Squid games without life and death involved is literally, factually, just adults playing children's recess games. SMH.
And Titler is sealed in a cybertruck, forever.