Among the material devastation to everyday people, Senate Dems have now blown a hole in their ability to work with the House.
We had an agreed upon plan, House took immense risk, then Senate turned around midway and destroyed it w/ a fear-based, inexplicable abdication.
They own what happens next.
We had an agreed upon plan, House took immense risk, then Senate turned around midway and destroyed it w/ a fear-based, inexplicable abdication.
They own what happens next.
Their names will be etched in our history books for the rest of time.
They along with this administration are the harbingers of Destruction of the Constitution so many died for.
They didn’t really ‘brought’ anything.
The main problem is the current Republican governing philosophy is literally shutting down the government. They will likely not care about reopening it.
They were never going to save you. Neither option would
1. If they shut down the government the DOGE/MAGA would continue to do what they’re doing, but all the focus (and blame) would be on the dems instead
2. If they didn’t, then they’ll continue to do what they’re doing, but it…
Personally, I think 2 would be the better option.
But, I can understand why someone would choose 1.
Either way, unfortunately, neither would have stopped anything
By then it will be too late.
Way out of line picking her as a target .
We were never supposed to have only two parties !
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
I am not willing to compromise on our commitment to equity and everybody getting a fair shot, to have them.
If you can't pull just as many Republican votes then you're not a third party, you're a second Democrat ticket.
We were never supposed to have two parties
But it won’t happen until we get rid of the fucking Nazis first
There isn’t enough organizational structure
It seems like,on critical votes, they rotate who takes the heat, but always ensure enough support for the GOP to block progress 🤬
Not this time, anyway.
But yea. I put what we call “a set of irons” and hammer a halligan tool in that with a flathead axe to pry it open when needed.
I ain’t axing a door like it’s the shining though.
The senators and house reps are pretty pissed off right now. NOW is when we call them daily to force the resignation of at least Schumer (and maybe the other 9)
I'm tired of all of us pretending that we have anything in common with the democrat party just because we hate republicans more. Those fascists have been profiting.
They belong to the billionaires, too.
Cuck Schumer is the captain of the Washington Generals.
Congress, traitors and gop traitors seats.
White House. Aim for a supermajority and hit reset on the country.
Every market dive and misstep is an advertisement on YouTube n TikTok n podcasts.
I'm a trans person from a red state, democrats treat not giving a shit about us like a competition
Van Hollen
It's an amazingly short list. Schatz particularly feels like a complete stab in the back from today, and I have to cut way back on trust.
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
They voted for Russian puppet Marco Rubio as Sec State TO A MAN / WOMAN. Yet you call their appeasement "inexplicable".
start with taking Schumer out of his minority leader position
- he just caused alot of damage
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
It's basically Bizzaro maga.
The American people don't have leadership. We're going to have to do it ourselves. is where real republicans are at too
Definitely need to test them out, & if they are actually good to get everyone to them.
- Rochester, NY
The rest of the Democrats in NY are Republican controlled opposition who do not care about Democrat voters
Well, except on an election year. Then they "love 'em".
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
What about a distant territory?
I figure it will take a few years.
Ya’ll fix your own house. Leave us alone.
Life is different here in 🇨🇦. You may need time to adjust. We have childcare, universal healthcare,(no med bankruptcy), dental care, dual languages-french/english, respect for our Indigenous culture, common sense gun laws, live + let live/love attitude+++++
They just chose submission to the fascist was the best play because they are complete cowards.
Being angry at them doesn't mean we're not angry at Republicans. They're just the ones who are supposed to answer to *US*.
The rest of the world doesn't care which party they are in, just what Americans are doing.
GOP leaders are lost causes.
How will they take me telling them to blame rhe guy who beat you?
If the Democratic Party can’t get their act together… God help you.
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
The old guard needs to GO.
both Gillibrand and Schumer. I am furious!
Sorry I don’t have enough to throw away.
When I lose my SS income after I invested in it my woking life & after we delivered almost $1 billion in grassroots donations to Dems between July & Nov. 2024, my wallet has to close.
Help the ones that voted NO. The ones that didn’t, may god have mercy on their souls. Vote em out.
🤑cha-Ching 🤑
DESTROY Citizens United.🤬
Still can't believe x amount of all the stupid money I sent them probably went to an ad on the Vegas Sphere.
No voter registration, no donations, no eyes on marketing emails.
Money in politics is already a scam model. This is why we are here now.
Mail postcard tagged with #TheIdesOfTrump ! Tell POTUS what you think: March 15th, mail your messages to: President The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500
We need leaders who ain't afraid of being called names.
The Crypto Queen Chuckles Failed us.
Anyone that supports modern dems are shooting themselves in the foot.
I don't see a way to 'take over' the DNC the way the far right did the gop.
Which means, dems will splinter and gop will solidify power.
**Angus King, DICK Durbin, Catherine Cortez-Masto, Gary Petersburg, Chuck Schumer, Brian Schwyz, John Fetterman, Jeanne Shasheen, Kirsten Gillibrand & Maggie Hassan ARE COMPLICIT in everything that comes b/c of GOP now**
and how could I have forgotten
We need Sanders, Warren, etc that can take leadership Now.
I'm giving up on y'all. Clearly, illegal stuff is happening, and you're doing nothing!
Let's just let it burn and continue to blame The People instead. 👍
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
Thank you for trying.
The Senate let down the American people.
How can we trust any institution?
The courts are our only hope.
Now of course I wouldn’t trust the current OPM to follow that criteria.,and%20guidance%20on%20RIF%20procedures.
This doesn’t apply if it’s an emergency furlough like this would have been if the funding bill hadn’t passed.
Makes sense
There are two major parties in DC right now: MAGAt & Republicans cosplaying as Democrats.
A People’s Progressive Party IS A MUST & our only salvation from this crisis!
Progressives Rise Up!
The DSA isn't perfect but in the imperial core it's literally the closest thing to a viable third party. The greens are controlled ops, and PSL is small
Why are multiple people in my notifications this ignorant about the DSA? Why am I of all people the one having to defend this when this is what I'm critical of them for? Fucking brainrot.
So I'm just going to ignore your chirping. You either blind support blue no matter who. Or you're supporting a third party even if that third party in the DSAs case, works pragmatically with left leaning dems, especially down ballot.
The bull moose party does not exist. You're talking about a random party from 100 years ago. Meanwhile we have actual third parties with infrastructure and ground work that has actually swayed elections.
The fact you misinterpreted that shows your stupidity.
Go fucking do the ground work to bring the dead party back from the grave if you're so butthurt over it. I don't give a shit. I'm just saying existing third parties have infrastructure to sway elections.
The DSA helps elect leftists/progressives, that usually ends up being democrats like AOC. They are the ones helping left leaning dems beat right winged libs.
And third parties aren't why trump won.
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
I am so mad.
I’m so disappointed. I just can’t. Literally crying.
I literally blame everything that happens on the pathetic democrats.
It's time for you and your progressive colleagues to take over the party, or take over the green party and let the pathetic democrats crash and burn like they deserve! I'm done with them!
There are agents working against us who have infiltrated both sides for the overall objective to destroy our country. The enemy is NOT who we think but their agents are currently dismantling our country.
Four amendments will be added before final passage.
2. One out of every ten veterans gets to stay
3. Free Teslas for all of Congress
4. Photo Op with orange cheeto
Now I need the other three.
The people will do the rest.
It's sickening.
We will remember.
I'm getting fractured on coffee and horror movies...
Also, your House Representatives are pretty pissed off right now. Might be a good time to talk w them.
He's damn lucky we're in a genteel era and won't be calling for more than that.
We Rise!
I think I agree with your general sentiment, but this is really kind of incoherent
You may want to edit and repost to be clearer.
Just a friendly suggestion.
They cheered like sheep!
We are teetering on the End of the Democratic Republic End at the 249th year
2026 the End?
We are Teetering! Heir Trump,Protecting%20America's%20Monuments%20from%20Vandalism.
If #GeorgeClooney can push #Biden off the throne, perhaps a #Celebrity with #Power can push #Schumer out of leadership
he must step aside NOW
no more deals, #Fight
Also, your House Representatives are pretty pissed off right now. Might be a good time to talk w them.
I doubt he'll even share the 'quid pro quo' that made him flip and put you all & us in harms way now.
The people are with you.
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
She’s the only one who can reverse course and save the Democratic Party, there’s nobody else who can offer credible change, who has the name recognition.
And I'd rather see her running against Vance that year.
2028 Dream Team is Walz - Crockett.
She's the only candidate who puts Texas in play and nearly guarantees wins in Ga., N.C., Penn., and Mich.
He's the only candidate with real-world China experience.
Together, they win the heartland and make an AOC Presidency possible.
Watch George Carlin’s (RIP) “It’s a BIG club, and you ain’t in it.”
Chuck is in the BIG CLUB.
He’s got $80+million, a daughter who lobbys for Amazon, and a son-in-law who works for Blackstone.
They ain’t ever going to have to worry about Social Security or Medicaid.
Can you imagine having to “fight” to CLAIM and KEEP a VICTORY if Democrats actually WON?
Never. We were the Bull Moose party. Not anymore. They are all phonies
Fuck these rats.
#Scabs #Cowards #Turncoats #Traitors #TrumpsRats
Bet Chuck cancels.
Look at his donors. He is comprised and corrupt.
They need to be recalled, now
I honestly don't think I've been this full of rage in my life. You expect this shit from Bush and Trump, bit not your own.
Much as the Republicans
A progressive party that runs on popular ideas would hijack the majority of the country. From both parties.
Trump is only popular because people *THINK* he's going to "fight for them."
If offered a choice of a candidate that actually will fight for them, they'll take it.
Either the new party dies and gets rolled into a venerable one, or an old party dies.
Either way, the two parties in power are both on their death bed.
We aren't talking about spoiler candidates in a single election. We are talking about party reform.
96% of Congressional Democrats voted correctly.
Fight on.
We should also.
Good comparison between our sorry excuse of resistance and the resistance party in New Zealand
It's a recognition that life is full of choices between two non-ideal options. Again, 96% of congressional Democrats voted the right way.
Right now a third party on the left wouldn't stand a chance of getting enough support to do anything except split the vote and put more Republicans in power.
Sure are a lot of accounts trashing Dems tonight, with 20 followers... 🤔
And it's something that anyone with a lick of common sense has noticed by now.
But the DNC leadership keeps pretending like this is business as usual.
Also, your House Representatives are pretty pissed off right now. Might be a good time to talk w them.
Most days it's far more accessible.
And you probably know this already but don't go through their website with all the dropdown menus, just search their title/name/ phone number. WAY easier in my experience.
It's not made easy and accessible, that's for sure.
Cortez Masto
There's a procedure for that and it only takes 10 Senators to start the process. Call your senators and demand they oust him immediately. It was only 10 Senators who capitulated on this. The rest are livid. The house reps are livid.
Which is why NOW is unique moment, when they could actually be pressured into doing so
where do i turn at this point?
Now you turn to the Representatives of your state and district, demanding they push for this process - they are PISSED, and will probably be able to help direct you too! They just stuck their necks out and now are vulnerable.
They also NEED confirmation they did right.
Attend his book signings , he’ll be all over the country including LA, SF, Santa Monica, and more
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious, maybe call them too.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
Call your senators. Only 10 total capitulated.
The House Reps are furious.
This is a moment we can actually get some change!!!
Now that they're teenagers I'm introducing them to anarchist and communist literature.