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Just a human doing human things while trying not to let the existential dread set in. 300 characters is not enough- Prepare to be confused by my attempts to trim my verbosity.
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Also, note that she is always ether asleep, or her focus is somewhere else. If I try to get her attention I just get a face full of dog. (Usually far closer than this photo, but I grabbed it as they were coming in for the face to face contact)
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Lol.. trust me, she doesn't. However, I take a crap load of photos and generally a few turn out... I also rigorously purge out of focus shots because I loathe looking at them. But yes. Usually both she and kid are mid-flail.
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I mean.. disgustingly frou frou- we never put bows on the kid until she was old enough to request them-but it delights me none-the-less for some reason?
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I have a stupidly strong suspicion that they don't care because they believe "all those babies born to poor families are brown", or "single welfare mothers". And no amount of data will correct those assumptions, no reminders of empathy will change their priorities.
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What I have been very recently learning is that this is actually not true. This sentiment was causing me so much distress- but once I realized that a lot of people Don't WANT to teach their children these things the world made so much more sense. People at their root may not be "good".
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Probably just not enough left after he ate his fill of it. He seems like a paste eater, doesn't he?
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To be honest, the racoons damaging a C-T because (it is assumed) they thought it was a garbage can and were trying to break in is probably my favorite news story of the last 10 years. No, I have not fact checked it, because honestly, I don't think my heart can handle it not being true...
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You mean the safety regulators he got fired? Those safety inspectors? Weird coincidence, right?
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Please imagine the "shut up and take my money" gif here...
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Perhaps it's the equivalent of "I can't be racist, I have a black friend..." defense?
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Is it really any weirder than people with medical education believing that there are only two genders and not "believing" in trans folkx? People find it more comfortable to discount something that they don't understand than to admit their own ignorance...
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I think part of the issue may be an indexing one: too much random shit to search, so they take shortcuts. I don't think that can easily be solved (though I did a thought exercise about possible ways to do so- for example, a "premium $" search engine that takes longer but is much more thorough?)
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Or so they can dismantle the teams that follow through on the data requests, and threaten to put the requested in jail...
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Do you not understand how politics work? How negotiation works? How to deal with bullies? You don't have enough of a spine to be worthy of representing us any longer.
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You say that you refuse to vote to shut the government down. However, your vote grants permission for further perversion and distriction of the government. Your vote hurt working families far more than the threat of a government shutdown might have caused. You handed them the bargaining chip.
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I am endlessly frustrated that history classes always skimmed or skipped this part of our US history. I learned about it in my late teens when someone mentioned that our local fairground was used as an internment camp. So I guess If History !="learn" Then " Repeat" (Am not a programmer. Obvs.)
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*makes creepy eyebrows your direction* "How YOU doin'!?" Wait. That's not right...Let me try again. Ahem. *Puts creep eyebrows away* How are you doing? I know how stress tends to cause flairs for many of us- Is there anything you need from your community? (Please don't kill me.)
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Here here. I have never been able to afford to get *everything* done in the same year. Which leads to more problems over time, costing more money. I have been stuck in the "money-trap" of my own mouth for the last 12 years.
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That is precisely the theory I considered when I thought this through. Also explains how it frequently auto-replaces less common word choices with simpler words (that make no sense..)
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I ca6nt even tell you how happy I am that other people are experiencing this. I tried googling it, but unsurprisingly, I got no results validating my experience about search tanking... I feel like I need to tell young'uns "back in my day, you could get a relevant search result from google..."
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I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that they gave you a glow tetra or something like that? Yeah. I also can't stand goldfish being given. Yes it's a 10c fish, But they can live 40 years and get a foot long. That is not a commitment you want to surprise someone with.
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Alternately you may end up with a native salamander with a bioactive enclosure that you can't release because once kid has hidden them in their room for a while, they can't go back out... So it certainly not 100% foolproof.
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Of course since it's your child's pet they have to be involved in all research. Go into specifics required to sustain a biologically balanced habitat -chemistry, food, all that stuff. My child generally decides that it's too much work, or that they are better off outside. ymmv?
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And then start the tedious process of reading everything you can about said animal.
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I wish you all of the luck. What has always worked for me was having a big long discussion about all the things that a specific animal needs. Say "If we are going to keep this animal, we have to make sure we give it the best life we can"
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I realize in retrospect it may have sounded like I was minimizing your experience - The idea of having any living creature gifted or provided without consent terrible. It puts parents in a really crap situation, choosing between modeling empathy, and modeling boundaries....
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Why. Why do people do that. I ran in aquatic rescue for a few years until COVID got in the way, and the way that people treat fish as decorations just blew my mind. I know we talk a lot about furry pet abuse - but The abuse that fish experience even by well meaning people is intense.
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Could be worse- local school had a "circus" 8 years ago, sent any kid with a watertight container home with goldfish. A neighbor found out next morning when cleaning out her kindergarteners lunch box: 2 sad fish in a tupperware with bread crusts. I took in a LOT of rescue goldfish that season.
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Honestly, no clue, though I am curious by nature and have mulled it over. I am delighted that I am not the only one who has considered the possibilty that they are a decoy/distraction/scare tactic- It feels like one of the fronts this battle *should* be fought on.
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Ugh. Im envious. Every time I do a cost/benefit analysis of the "choices", the less socially acceptable path wins. Ngl- some of it is probably self-esteem related bias, but being an introvert does not work in my favor here, it seems ..
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Regardless of 230, that is HARDLY the most pressing issue right now, Dick. Can we debate that one once we have pulled our country out of the hands of those trying to destroy it? What will 230 matter once elon is king of the hill? Not like he is going to follow the rules either way..