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Aren't y'all just a little late ?
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Don't you wish you had this attendance last year ?
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Your Democrat judge had that option and chose not to punish Trump because the judge realized the complete proceedings were a sham. Being a Democrat, he had to pretend to agree.
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Mr. Gregory ,
How does one adhere to the constitution and still prevent school shootings? Your insight would be of great help in this site matter.
I'm thinking that schools need to start the young on why one doesn't kill a playmate.
Teachers should concentrate on teaching that all life has value.
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Hey Jack, the DoE SUCKED at its' job. Our education has been going down hill since 4-4-80. We have states that lowered graduating credits so at not to hurt the dumb ones.
We have participation trophys so as not to hurt the dumb ones.
We removed jungle gyms so as not to hurt the dumb ones.
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Here's a new talking point.
1. Trump WON the presidential election.
2. You now get to live with it for 3 yrs and about 10 mths.
3. Expect changes, because they are coming.
4. Look for a new safe place to go live, in another country.
All I heard was your foul mouth rants, how did i lose ?
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Repealing Section 230 would remove the legal protections that shield social media companies from liability for user-generated content, potentially leading to increased censorship and a less open internet. Critics argue that it could harm the tech industry and limit free expression online.
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It's a same that you honestly believe that your foul mouth makes you a somebody.
Your assumptions about me make you the ass not me.
Since birds of a feather flock together there are now 2 freaky looking "its" walking around claiming how great are.
Try something new in your life. Take a shower.
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You have no class, no style, no struture going for you. You've done your best with what you have to work with and it shows. You are the reason Biden enforced DEI hiring.
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Look in the mirror freak face. Youre the reason people look at you, turn their heads, and snicker. We always have and always will.
Your profanity laced comments indicates your inability to hold an intelligent conversation with a correctly built person.
Bye Bye Bimbo.
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Is this how you justify your total ignorance ? Remove the blinders and see the situation for what it really is.
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You were doing a poor job of entertaining me.
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Thankfully, I don't have loose screw where it counts. Ive been built correctly.
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Again, you miss the point. You should "Think" about what is said vs how it was spelled.
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We're not talking about quality, were talking about recalls. Try keeping up with the intended subject.
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It's not a threat, it a statement that you should be thankful I'm not in charge of deportations.
p.s. Thanks for pointing out a typographical error. Youre an excellent GRAMMAR NAZI.
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Hey they dude or dudette, there is a difference between undocumented immigrants and illegal immigrants. The illegals now recieve free living in the USA.
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A tattoo is a special language with special meanings. Your lucky I'm not in charge. You wouldn't hear about my accomplishments but you'd start to wonder why the suicide rate had increased dramatically.
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1st, his mother had to explain the tattoo. And that was done after he was removed. How in he'll are we supposed to know what every tattoo means?
2nd. Palenstenians are raised to hate/kill jews. There whole assistance is to hate/kill jews. They started the war using stolen aid to buy the weapons.
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Prove me wrong. Show me where the illegals are self supporting. Show me where the mayor's of sanctuary cities have not informed their residents about an increase the the city budget becsuse of the illegal immigrant situation.
Citation needed, nice try. It's on every news station, everywhere,
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Poor spending ? BIDEN pissed away $180 Billion on a selected few instead of creating Universal Healthcare for the USA. Then he PISSED AWAY another $ 20 BILLION on his personal projects.
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Love your "whataboutism". Lucky for you I'm not in charge over there.
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You ready. Free housing. Free food. Free medical. Free Assistance. Eric Adams gave them Free Phones and Free Cash.
I haven't recieved a Free anything from out government that I've been paying taxes to and God forbid I don't pay my taxes on time.
So yeah, they are being treated better than I am.
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See, i do care. They are not self supporting and IM PHUCKING TIRED of all the TAXES I have to pay and I'm tired of watching it get sent everywhere but here.
Let's fix ALL our problems 1st, then send the surplus to needy countries. Lets be the exampke for thr world that we know how to fix things.
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They have entered America illegally and now they want everything changed to meet their desires. Democrats believe its okay to break any law that they deem unnecessary. Let's burn the cars at a Telsa dealership, let's keep the immigrants, let's bitch about the rich Republicans. Rich Dems are okay.
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Hey MARK, how come you don't have midgets on your basketball team? Do you have a problem with DEI ?
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Why not. We go to jail when when do illegal acts. Why are illegals treated better than an American citizen?
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Have them prove it before you jump ships.
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Your reply did not answer the question.
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Georgie is the one doing the screaming about how bad things are. Have you done anything to make everything a little better ?
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What have you done to make anything better ?
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Was he here illegally ?
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The largest recalls in history include the Takata airbag recall, over 65 million vehicles, G.M. recall of 30 million vehicles due to faulty ignition switches. Ford's 21 million vehicles recalled in 1980 and Toyota's 7.5 million vehicles recalled in 2012 for window switch issues.