The question is no longer if EVs are going to dominate the future. That’s fairly obvious. The question is now if the US is going to have any role in that market. Right now, it’s not looking promising.
-The 5 minute charge sells the car without much persuasion.
-Their U8 is gorgeous 🥰 Inordinately pleasant to the eye and functionally well thought through. It can swim! I kid you not.
It's done. They will be making horse and buggies mandatory soon.
elon refused to join up with everyone else in usa
he is a selfish prick
its his fault
totally and openly corrupt
Odd therefore that America’s flagship EV maker would tolerate an obviously distracted chief executive.
China's done that to US for many, many years.
Maybe it's ... OUR TURN.
I would also suggest he’s undermining all American businesses.
Probably the best option is to begin impeachment and minimize the damage.
It’s that simple.
Maybe they shouldn't have sat on the technical?
The plan now is probably to pray for more electricity to rain down or something.
Maybe look into REAL EV's that cost significantly less.
Also wow that front-end is hideous
VW make good EVs, thats not one of them
That rivian is a hideous thing you might only need if you’re a tradesman. Otherwise literally anything else will do
Unless you work trade there’s no need for any more car than this
However *Public Transit* is the future, not replacing terrible cars with slightly less terrible.
Meanwhile in the US, academia is being pilloried, investors are fleeing and the engineers are emigrating
Yeah, I ain’t buying this.
Y’all white monkeys or something?
EVs only works for the masses if cars can fully recharge either whilst driving or under 2 minutes. Otherwise the inconvenience will kill it. Also the infrastructure just isn't there for mass EVs.
1st, nowhere has a grid that can support 100% electric.
2nd, charging at home takes overnight, if you buy the wrong charger it takes days.
3rd, hydrogen can literally be like buying a battery, slot it in and you have 1500 miles and no pollution.
Crewed lunar landing next.
It’s over for him.
BYD makes cheaper better cars.
They'd happily finance $60k+ @ 12%APR to stick it to the treehuggin' Libs and whine about being poor.
I am hoping Hydrogen cars can be developed more quickly.
Short sighted profit at the cost for future generations.
And, regardless of their lies, environmentally, things are already getting dicey.
china is not a honest/trustworthy actor when it comes to spyware or tracking features - this is a car👀
Cybersecurity overrule ANY blink china could offer.
Also, their products literately break as they being used.
10+yrs 100% EV driver, never tesla/chinese.
US-EU-Japan EV r top of the line
Advantage lost.
We could beat them, but we're too insane to.
"Let's wait and see if they're real" is last century's cope.