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follow Chris Murphy on Instagram. he's the most active one i've found so far.
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angry, is it time for the rebellion to start yet? please tell me there's a rebellion brewing and that we're all going to be invited. i can't bear the fact that this is being allowed to happen while Dems... do what?
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he doesn't care. i legit don't think he has the ability to consider repercussions aside from 'what do i want to do right now.' he's a classic narcissist. and a sociopath. and probably the most malignant man on earth.
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it's horrible and so, so sad. his mother must be freaking tf out.
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god that kid's a pyscopath in training.
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i can't believe this is even a real timeline. i feel like we're all caught in the same bizarre acid-trip dream because we took the wrong vitamins.
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totally agree. there's a quiet/passive resistance going on inside government agencies right now. we need to be the public voice for them.
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the problem is, they're speaking with the government's voice now. the people who work in any federal agency have been told to obey anything that comes from Musk's people. they've already taken over our government. Musk needs to be brought up on state charges, somehow, and stopped.
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ooooh, didn't SCOTUS overturn the states on this one, though, saying that this wasn't a state matter but rather a federal matter?
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omg i'm so completely horrified right now. not surprised, but horrified. the world is going to end up declaring war on trump.
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my understanding is there's nothing that actually disqualifies him from being a candidate though, is there? i mean unless he's dead, there doesn't seem to be any real disqualification other than human decency re: presidential candidacy. if i'm wrong, i'm going to come down firmly on your side.
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real question, though: if congress rolls over and lets him put in for a third term (if he's still alive)... does that mean Obama can run again?
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agree with you re: going backwards, to some extent. humanity should be better than this. we're not. half of us are progressive/other half are either regressive or to blind/stupid/lazy to do anything about anything that doesn't directly affect them. in that way, i'd say we're still a disappointment.
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not sure whether that thread is anything more than bait, but this is 100% happening in other agencies. my sister works for Fish and Wildlife and it's unreal what's going on in there. i have a friend who works in DOJ and it's the same there. 100 percent hostile takeover, w/zero regard for casualties.
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... his assault on the 14th has already been paused by court order. did you miss that part? i applaud you on the civil rights aspect and respect the hell out of you for making it through law school, but i've known too many attorneys to just take all that at face value. sorry.
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Dems didn't do anything re: the 14th b/c the courts are going to take care of it for us. Dems confirmed Rubio b/c he's a hell of a lot better than any of the other nominees. ICE expansion is more complex than you're making it. I agree about standing up to fight harder but you're cherrypicking, imo
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i don't know where your family is but in So Cal we're getting rain today and tomorrow, and that does a whole lot for morale. our immigrant communities are already being hit but i have faith in Gavin to hit back. think it's only a matter of time before CA stops sending our food out of state tho.
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the left hasn't allowed anything. we're in the middle of it right now, and the right is absolutely bonkers if they think we're not going to fight, tooth and nail, for the country.
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i'm not sure California does it legally, either, tbh. Gavin knows exactly how to fight trump, and this state has given him a mandate to do whatever he needs to do.
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wouldn't that require an act of Congress? can they actually pull that off? california here, and we say we'll fight it.
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yes but if blue states can stop paying that disaster money into the federal government and keep it ourselves, we take away one of their blackmail tactics. signed, california.
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california would love to 1. keep our money rather than sending it to the feds and 2. have our own FEMA fund that trump and the GOP can't threaten to withhold. states in the south... good luck to you.
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that's... not how interest rates work. but i'm zero percent surprised that he doesn't understand economics.
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second point: thinking that we don't have to stoop to trump's level to beat him has, in my experience, gotten him into the oval twice, now. normal rules no longer apply, unfortunately.
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the problem is, 'fauci et al did nothing to require a pardon' doesn't actually mean d*ck in this new world. have you actually seen trump in action? thinking common decency or laws will save fauci et all is naive, imo.
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literally the only thing that would have prevented him from running is death, friend.
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agree, but he didn't. unfortunately, we have to deal with the reality of the situation rather than hypotheticals. in which case, i still don't think there was actually TIME to run a regular primary. you'd also have to get all the states to sign on to the expense of another round of voting.
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honestly i'm kind of confused by the ongoing existence of this statement. there literally wasn't any time. if we'd gone through the entire primary process, voting and all, whoever won would have had only weeks to campaign. we're already complaining Kamala didn't have enough time. like...
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thinking he can just take over other countries and having no clue what that would actually entail is peak Trump.
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'preparing for a very real possibility' sounds like a great way to prepare to get screwed, honestly, rather than doing anything about it. it's a victim mentality. not cool. second point: Trump can't change the constitution as easily as you seem to think he can.
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ratifying the constitution isn't as easy as trump thinks. he'd need 2/3 of the house and 2/3 of the senate, which he won't get bc Repubs have the slimmest majority in the House, and just a tad bigger in the Senate. he'd also need 3/4 of the states to confirm. which he won't get. it's a bluff.
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think we can all agree that if there's more than one story about it, it happens too often.
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honestly i haven't looked into it that deeply, but Elon is sure intent on making sure no one ever says anything bad about his cars, so if there are, i'm sure he's fighting them tooth and nail rather than admitting he has some SEVERE design flaws. my ex drives a Tesla. those cars are trash.
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i read a different one, though i think it was in Texas. woman driving on her own land from one place to another b/c it was too cold to walk, ended up in a stream, drowned when people were there with the jaws of life trying to get her out.
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i've been married to a narcissist. they do actually say these sorts of insane things and act like they're the truth. it's unreal.
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god i'm going to miss him. it's been so nice having a grownup in charge.
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there's also a problem with glass. people have drowned in them even with firetrucks and cops trying to get them out, b/c the doors lock electronically in water, along with the windows, and the glass is unbreakable. it's bad design all around.
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just said this the other day. i already miss not having to worry about the news or the president trying to set the world on fire. one of the BEST things about Biden getting into the Oval was that i could stop worrying every thirty seconds that something bad was going to happen.
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wow that's some great word salad from you and means... absolutely nothing. well done. remind me again what your party has actually accomplished? oh that's right. nothing. go away, MAGAt. no one wants you.
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and yet you failed, and failed, and failed again. and will, if this report is correct, fail once more. the monkeys truly are trying to run the asylum. only monkeys would actually be getting something done.
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oh that's an extremely good--and hilarious--point.
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says the MAGAt, who belongs to the party that can't even manage to vote for their OWN speaker.
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Trump made public appearances rather than actually working. Biden works rather than kissing up to the press. guess which one of them actually got more done for this country? Biden making public appearances wouldn't have convinced people to vote for Harris, honestly. we need better answers than that.
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omg Angry you had to open THAT can of worms, didn't you? people are insanely attached to one side or the other of this question and there is zero logic to it. imo reading a story--or listening to a story--is the same exact thing. you experience the book. but man do people get hot about that.
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it's also him taking credit for something that already exists. if you plan to open a business or invest a certain amount of money in the economy your app for citizenship is already expedited/basically approved. this is nothing new. he THINKS he's creating something new. typical trump.
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i'm thinking that's a very sketchy 'defense.' maybe he liked having it with him. honestly there's literal video of the shooting, and he's the one doing it. i don't think there's much of an out for him, regardless of whether he was carrying said manifesto or not.
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mass shooters leave manifestos behind all the time, this is as out of order as you might think. there's a good chance a 'manifesto' is actually a journal entry about how miserable a certain thing is, and i suspect we've all got something like that hidden in our houses.
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thank you for taking one for the team! what the heck was this argument about?
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and you thought there weren't trolls on BlueSky, Angry.