With all due respect, have you ever had to beg for your life or the life of a loved one because of lack of coverage? Or been saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in medical debt while “insured”? To me, that explains the collective shrug and gallows humor being displayed in response to this.
We don't want the wrong people identified. I get that's one crimestoppers, but it doesn't look like the same jacket or backpack as the shooter. You could be pushing misinformation.
I'd also argue that the shooter's eyes/eyelashes are lighter, maybe blue-eyed, while smiley-guy has darker eyes, and dark, well defined lashes-- but i admit, what I'm seeing there could be down to image quality.
Obviously two totally different people, unless NYPD thinks he changed into a different, but similar jacket and backpack (which... why?). I think you're going to see NYPD retract this today.
I'm hoping he comes forward voluntarily and tells his story and I'm guaranteeing his story is horrific, his mother, his father, his grandmother, his grandfather, whoever may be a sibling or a child, dead because of corporate greed.
I’m just out of patience with speed over accuracy in the media. We got where we are in large part due to the internet. His jacket and backpack are different, so it’s not unreasonable to wonder if this is correct and wait for more information.
Look, morals are individually subjective and universally inconsistent in their application. Do we want assassins to just be out running around? Generally, no. Do we want *this* assassin to be held accountable for *this* murder? I don't.
I suspect this is the type of person responsible for the murder. An anti corporate radical. I dont like some aspects of our capitalist system but abhore violence and murder.
I’m guessing you’ve never not been on your parent’s insurance and/or have lived a pretty privileged existence if this is even remotely surprising to you.
Revolutionaries. We don't want revolutionaries to be caught. As Pearl S. Buck said: “When the rich are too rich there are ways, and when the poor are too poor there are ways...and that way will come soon.
Might be good fun if someone in the know would docs the whole board of directors. It's not like any of these pricks have a conscience. Maybe, being in the crosshairs would help them develop one.
Not when you post the wrong guy. I don't care you got it from the police. Its not the same guy. And are we really caring about a billionaire CEO who probably has done some horrible stuff to where people have died.
Not saying it’s right obviously, but why did the French Revolution occur? The people lost too much control over their lives… it’s a normal historical response.
A way to mitigate that is by helping and enabling people.
Angry, literally everyone hates insurance companies. They’re like casinos where you’re forced to bet on your own misery/death. And the house always wins.
Maybe show us that we *don't* have a two tiered justice system where genocidal oligarchs with the blood of millions on their hands actually see significant prison time. THEN I'll care about them getting caught.
You have missed the part about our rage boiling over. If Trump can go unpunished, we are going to start rooting for those who take revenge on those who take the fat cats down.
I am so naive. I came over here for more mature conversation but I find it’s the same old f-bombs & vulgar name calling. Just a different crowd doing it
I hate that it’s come to this but, yesterday’s actions did more to get the corporate greed bunch to listen than a million strongly worded letters we are constantly writing.🙁 we are on the verge of our health care system collapsing. Don’t believe me? Speak to any practicing physician. They’re TIRED.
It wouldn't take long for an investigative reporter to tally thousands that died from lack of healthcare because of that CEO's policies. He was no different than a mob boss telling underlings to whack those who cut into his profits. But our legal system doesn't care about that kind of murder.
And now that same company has decided not to pay for anesthesia for any surgeries take longer than they, the insurer, says it should take (be ause we all know nothing unexpected ever pops up during surgery). These companies have become monsters.
I take exception to your comment. You imply their descent to pure evil is a recent. I've been fighting them since the 20th Century. Just wait til Trump kills the ACA and we lose protections from pre-existing conditions. Before ACA, there were cases of adults denied melanoma care citing teenage acne.
I posted that this was cold-blooded murder &, whoa, the responses were wild. All I want is ppl to realize this isnt how to fix things. IMO, it’s the result of not holding trump to the rule of law. Now ppl will take things into their own hands & we’re back in the Wild West.
Can we at least wait to hear more? Can we not just say the shooting was justified bc it was a $$$ insurance exec? And I know this post will also get a lot of negativity.
It would have been justified if it was a meteorite from space. Not justified "bc it was a $$$ insurance exec" is cope. Dude had it coming *specifically* because he was an executive with a fiduciary obligation to prioritize profit over public health.
I'm with you. I can't stand UHC they've screwed me over so many times and have indirectly killed many, I'm sympathetic to the rage and pain but I'm not going to cheer over murder.
You are correct. There's also the fact that people have assigned motive when there's nothing even factually confirming the killing was vigilantism. There exists the possibility this assassination is linked to something personal or business either way it's unconscionable.
Like, folks are saying like this shows how people are mad and all that and it's like...how does this fix anything? How does this make UHC a better company or fix the industry as a whole? Do folks think that if industry CEOs are afraid of getting assassinated, they'll magically become altruistic?
Who is the real assassin, the CEO whose company let many people suffer or die because they didn’t want to part with the cash or the guy who attempted to stop that evil? Food for thought.
Who’s the real killer? The guy who killed a man that’s killed thousands or the man that killed thousands? Just because our society has developed in a way that condones corporations killing people for profit doesn’t mean the UHC CEO wasn’t evil—think of it as someone assassinating a modern Hitler.
Nevermind that this guy and our healthcare system bankrupts millions. Here’s the estimate from my child’s outpatient heart stent this summer—the procedure failed.
I think the way many people are feeling is that insurance companies play with our lives everyday. Making arbitrary decisions about our health. It’s an unjust system so many of us are having a hard time giving a shit about this greedy CEO
I want the assassin to be caught. I want to hear the story. I want other CEO's as well as any other would be assassins to hear the story and learn the lessons both good and bad.
They won’t care. The assassin will go to jail and the CEOs will go on killing and bankrupting people. Your ideals are admirable, but unfortunately our world isn’t working that way.
Nobody thinks this one incident will change things, but if it keeps happening it might motivate some changes in the direction of progress. Overnight? No. Over decades? Maybe. Three more CEO's just might change minds.
Like I said, I admire your ideals and I hope you are right. But this Xennial-Millennial has seen nothing but the rich win and the middle class & the poor lose her whole life, no matter what happens. At least in this country.
The short is that Anthem BCBS and the assassination stories broke in the same news cycle. First the assassination of United's CEO & then an anesthesiology cap for surgeries. Not long after they reversed the cap. 😳
The guy wasn’t great but he was doing legal stuff that the system rewarded him for… I don’t see how he deserved to be assassinated. You should be mad with the system that puts profits over people not at the people who are playing by the rules
Legal can still be deeply evil. Insurance companies are the definition of such, not to mention inhumane scum bags who cause untold suffering in the name of profit. “Deserve”? I won’t be judge and jury. But I’m sure not feeling sad.
I don’t want people shot on the streets. That is never good no matter what. Including this instance. Health insurance companies are complicit in deaths and long delays in care for people. That definitely needs to change. Why are we letting them get away with that?
Big Insurance companies have lobbyists & they tell our representatives in congress how they want them to vote on legislation and that’s how they get away with it! They’re all in it together!
There needs to be EQUAL justice. Perhaps we shouldn’t allow negligent insurance companies stand idly by while their customers die of preventable illnesses.
The oligarchs were hellbent to turn the clock back. They may not have calculated their timeline correctly. It could be they turned it back to 1780s France.
I work in out-patient physical therapy. Private insurance companies haven’t increased how much they pay us per service in over 20 years. Not just my clinic, all the small businesses. There’s nothing we can do about it except not take insurance and charge patients out of pocket.
Donald Trump is going to brutalize the already awful healthcare system so he and his rich friends can make even more money while normal humans can’t afford basic medication and care.
What weak minded person would accept this as a legitimate argument. No one said we should accept Trump's policies or the actions of medical insurance companies. They said we should support murder.
This country was born from violent revolution against a ruling class. I'm not saying we're at that line yet, but clearly there is a line otherwise this nation wouldn't exist.
We can do both. As they seem to be linked.
We can't be having vigilantes executing people in the streets, no matter what the POS supposedly did. This is really taking a turn.
But no, all you care about is the wealthy CEO, nothing else matters to you.
I think he needs to go to jail.
Thompson's health insurance should cover any issue.
And if not, he's not eating avacados anymore, so he should be able to save up for the medical bill.
A way to mitigate that is by helping and enabling people.
Show us the rule of law actually means something.
Nobody should be gunned down on the street.
But if somebody has to be, a healthcare CEO is not a bad choice for society.
Hoping they never find him.
May the greedy CEO’s get what they deserve!
I, too, am not a fan of corporate greed & how we’re subject to oversight panels telling our doctors how we should be treated.
I mean he did, indirectly, get a lot of people killed.
Just because it's not something from an action movie, doesn't make it less of a killing.
We prefer the term “claims adjuster” here.
I’m sorry, love your stuff, but I’m not crying over this asshole’s death.
He was an awful person who ran an awful company, that sometimes kills people, present tense. Today, United Healthcare is gonna kill someone.
It shouldn’t be “legal” for insurance companies to kill people.
And your “play by the rules, so you’re not accountable for anything” theory is bogus.
Oil companies played by the rules. And now our planet is wrecked.
You telling me they aren’t accountable?
I don’t recall saying legally. If that were the case and they were held legally accountable, we probably wouldn’t be taking about this.
In any case, yesterday, one CEO was held accountable, and in this case, I don’t care one bit about the legality of it.
Oh, and BLOCK is an appropriate response (thanks for finding another one for me to practice on).
Wishing you all the best!
But yeah, we should just accept it huh
Eat the fucking rich!