Artist, dog-lover, and avid reader.
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A less risky approach is littering.
It's a demographic that can't cope with touching a coke can jammed in the handle. Being known as the dirty stations would also be devastating.
It's not as satisfying but an apple core a day...
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I'm just shocked it's not the first image on his Wikipedia entry.
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It's a nice visual but it's more irritating to walk up to a vending machine only to discover the buttons are smeared in gum, than it is to walk past a broken machine.
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Even when the big box specialist stores don't outright fail it's usually because they went all in on one supplier that offers a generic version of everything.
It creates a situation where the only options are small, medium and large. No style or feature variance.
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I've seen bigger.
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You know that old cartoon thing where a robot or alien learns to speak from broadcast signals? It's like that if you replace the references from 20 years before the audience was born and fake commercials with that real unsettling imitation human Mr Beast stuff.
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It's dumb to be annoyed by it but they don't say soda like Americans, they say soda like American YouTube Kids content mills and that makes it 1000% more irritating.
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Drag to an edge if you don't want to use the keyboard. They're also handy if you're stuck on a single regular width monitor.
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I don't love ultrawide but Win + Arrow Left/Right solves most of the annoying stuff.
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*I do have a few friends who refuse to pay attention when stuff is explained and just want to be told what dice to roll. They really drag the game to a halt.
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It's polite/expected to be familiar with the basic rules but it's a very learn as you go process. Your DM is your guide for the entire game not just the plot.
As long as you show you're making an effort/paying attention nobody minds going a little slower for a new player*.
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I have similar feelings about early Facebook when the focus was two way connections without anonymity. A lot of it sucked but it functioned well as a social network and mostly self-regulated until it started transitioning into a social media platform.
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So the takeaway here is to be more specific? If she had of threatened Kim Keck they wouldn't be able to use vague mass shooting/terrorism threat charges and would be forced to put the CEO in the PR spotlight of any legal action they took?
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If he were actually worth $400b he'd be locked in a vault doing whatever he does at gunpoint. We would strip mine him then find an excuse to level South Africa on the off chance they had any sort of claim to him.
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Yeah a bonus is just backpay they can weasel out of.
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Living on less also means compromising on what I want. I want to fuck around with my friends on the weekend. Even if it's just watching movies at my place I want to feed them.
My job lets me do that while also setting me up to achieve some level of comfort in my old age before my back breaks.
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It's always tempting but the harsh reality is that I have decades of being old ahead of me. My body isn't going to peacefully fade away because I'm old, broke and miserable.
I've banked plenty of good times and they're not getting me through today. No way they're countering unhappiness at 60+.
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Sorry, for $500 the best I can do is a guide to making it randomly stop every few minutes, wait just long enough to imply you're finished, then start back up again.
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But these specific parameters rig the question. The household thing means people are choosing on behalf of people who are denied a voice. It turns it into gambling lives vs trusting people's ability to solve a child's riddle. It forces us off onto all sorts of unrelated tangents.
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Which is confusing because it's the 'cowardly' option even though it's coded elsewhere as this noble sacrifice only fathers can make for their family.
Maybe that's the appeal? It reframes shoving your way to a lifeboat as a manly burden?
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The only argument for blue I can think of, and it's a stretch, is that guaranteed survival would come at the cost of people who failed to think it through properly but ultimately had good intentions.
That said I think they just screwed up their loaded hypothetical.
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In my case a lot of the manufacturing technology I deal with has potential for restricted applications like military technology. They don't want to reject the category outright so they ask me to confirm that I understand the restrictions.
Then they do whatever at the relevant borders.
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I don't export books so I've never had that specific one but if I'm reading it correctly it's a pretty standard agreement that you understand items under that HS code can be rejected if they contain the content described.
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I'm a firm believer in glossing over alignment clashes whenever possible to avoid pulling the 'why are these slasher teens friends' thread, but the second you said chaotic I knew you'd be justified stabbing the guy with a fork.
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There is a deep bitterness at the heart of Australia. When times are good we're all fun and games but the second things get tough it becomes clear how many of us have chips on our shoulders.
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I'd argue the whole game was great. Aside from glitches nothing was bad.
There was just a ton of post-ME3 fatigue in the community so getting them excited about any ME game was an uphill battle, and without a hyped community behind them Bioware struggle.
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I remember KotOR having a touch of it but back then it was part of the charm. It was fun.
Now even the slightest hint of that style makes it sound like the Predator echoing Avengers.
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My thyroid desperately explaining that it's one of the good guys while my immune system makes it dig it's own grave.
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My partner found hers at 37. Catching it early saved her breast and possibly her life.
Also remember the point of self checking is to notice changes so start early to get a good idea of what normal feels like.
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When I worked in a gym we'd say consistent training and tightly managing your diet coupled with a strict regime in the leadup to show day, but I sell servo motors now, so probably those.
Jackman looks like he's rocking about a dozen a week but he's a pro. We'll put you down for six and work up.
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I think vomit bowls might be an American thing. I've always been given a bucket from the garage in case I can't get to the toilet.
Granted sticking my head in a garden bucket or anywhere near a toilet is way grosser than using a mixing bowl that's always kept clean/germ free.
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Actually I'm arguing with my own internal monologue and the echoes of thousands of long forgotten forum users. Checkmate.
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Exactly. They don't have to believe it they just need it to create space to bluff.
Call them on it and they're either genuine/dumb enough to do it or lying/now angry enough to burn you to make a point.
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For the most part the bar is low enough and the technology is simple enough that it shouldn't need human intervention.
It's an expensive dead end, a scam on almost every level, but if outside of PR trick shots there's no need to fake the majority of what it outputs.
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Being a dumb kid I never figured out the anime connection. It reminded me of the really good stuff I'd see sprayed under bridges so it felt like they were going for some sort of skate park x-treme edge. MIB eventually won me over.
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Is there a term for the fear of this? I legitimately get uncomfortable reading a tweet placed between two videos because it's going to assume I'm intentionally watching whichever one is positioned to auto-play.
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I'll subscribe right now if someone can explain what makes the Lament Configuration a puzzle. There's more puzzling light switches out there than that stupid box.
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Great. Now I'm going to spend the rest of my life waiting for a chance to say 'right in the bean'.
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Now I'm imagining an out of place young teacher from a privileged background walking in to a chaotic classroom, sitting backwards in a chair and stunning the troubled inner city kids into silence with a Swift-ified reading of Romeo & Juliet.
Really turned those kids lives around.
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Instead of bringing up the manufacturers downloads page for the manual it shows me 20 sites with scraped copies of the PDF full of fake download ad links.
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Damn. Leaving the name on the application rejection address as 'no-reply' is cold blooded.
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The icing on the cake is that makes me refuse to ease up when I'm getting overwhelmed with self-improvement. I won't even slow down until I collapse and land back at square one.
Knowing the pattern should help but instead makes it feel like a choice. I make the choice so I must I want this. I don't.
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I think it's easy to feel like that because my problems are where I land when I fall, and when I've fallen I get relief from the constant struggle I have to maintain to push forward.
I confuse wanting to stop and catch my breath with wanting to be somewhere that makes me unhappy.
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Me anytime my phone makes a sound.