it's been so long since i played a bioware game, was the dialogue always like this or is it just another case of post-marvel AAA games writing
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I don't want to understand whatever complex of issues birthed the Iomen/Mission Vao/Kaylee Frye/Fred Burkle archetype but it suggests something deeper and sadder than Whedon's individual hangups.
There was just a ton of post-ME3 fatigue in the community so getting them excited about any ME game was an uphill battle, and without a hyped community behind them Bioware struggle.
Wrex: uhhhh Sheppard
Sheppard: …Saren Arterius is right behind me isn’t he?
Tali: is this happening right now?
DLC character Clank from Ratchet and Clank: *raises eyebrows*
But, no, it was just BioWare.
Give me cryptic musings from forlorn derelicts all day over Whedonesque quippy garbage any day.
Now even the slightest hint of that style makes it sound like the Predator echoing Avengers.