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Also not considering is a stand against current administration, since it's still under executive branch
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Couldn't block any of the nominees, why would this get blocked.
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Ideally Senate. Nothing against his personal life, however given where we are, getting conservatives vote for him will be tall task (Same that kind of happened with Female and person of color in past election). Obama did break the mould, however where we are is totally different than when he won.
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Because they are Presidents butlers, so only listen to their masters.
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And then the Veto at the end
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Neither Media creates the laws, neither Dems had control of house to create them when 2025 was getting drafted. People forget about Kevin McCarthy, Joe Manchin, Sinema had tied Dems from getting anything good get done (other than standard things Infra bill, which will be now in shambles with doge).
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And now he will be wasting so much money to fight the lawsuits for wrongful termination, retaliation, conflict of interest, use of incompetent (no knowledge/expertise in said area) personnel to conduct operations. At this stage people should start suing him personally for civil liabilities.
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- well as wrong reasons (polarization and retaliation vs. actual savings to all tax payers)
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As well as giving unrestricted access to oligarch without any oversight of any kind.
Everyone is up for efficiency and eliminating waste in right way (Previous administration lost this opportunity, well no one ever thought about doing it. Its good that current one is doing it however wrong way as
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Unless it has teeth to it, like resulting in republican voters revolting against their masters, it's just another number for next few years.
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Everyone knows what he thinks and what he believes. Only thing anyone can do is on his actual actions being against the law. His words could be used as evidence for actual actions, or more likely used for anticipating what he could do next and build strategy upon. Not sure what else can be done
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Same applies to other side, there is no emergency that a person or group outside existing government agencies get such a broad access to all American's data without any oversight. What harm would have come with temporary restraining order compared to what is at stake - unauthorized/illegal acts
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hope he shows way to congress ones. Even though he got nothing to loose anymore, only republicans can fix themselves!
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Chevron Donziger case -
"The judge appointed three special prosecutors after the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York declined to prosecute Donziger for contempt of court."
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maybe this is what required from republicans, and try getting current elected republicans to honor their oath to constitution over just being afraid of the Don
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Unless their words have any value in turning the tide, those will do nothing to change rep electorate base (who already gave verdict last November), the elected republicans who control congress-senate.
It's now left to the courts, current Dem leadership and people to stop the country going downhill.
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For him no civilian jurisdiction to use. Being at top shouldn't he be also part of military. Hypothetically couldn't they just use military courts to get what needs to be done! If he can stretch the law, it's not stretching that much.
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Dem leaders weak to use filibuster?
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All of them need to be forced to take a civics test like immigrants are made to
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For last how many years FL has been electing republicans locally and federally!
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The ones who are well paid like engineers, would have enough to survive for few years if they can't find job with some other company.
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Board has been in his pocket and greedy share holders or they are just as facist as him, wanted to give him pay raise earlier.
All are his enablers and complacent in his making. He became what he was allowed to become by his enablers.
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Unless it's For Sale sign they are not serious!
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At least the ones getting paid a lot, engineers & brains and democrats should stop working for facist. It would be hard to believe everyone in all his companies are now republican!
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hope perjury has some real consequences
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If things get worse, hope lawyers are ready to sue them criminally and civil to held them directly responsible for bringing in potentially incompetent people with no experience and potentially causing any future mishaps
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And Dems have not explored investigating single swing state election results (knowing other side hardly plays it fair).
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Only people who should be on these other platforms are the ones who are trying to influence the other side to switch! Guess news agencies would fall under this umbrella, however they should be here as well.
By now everyone sane and against facism should be here and dumping these companies.
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- just us tax payers money. Hopefully some of these lawsuits turn criminal in nature to penalize and stop this mess.
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Corporations with some spine should join the lawsuit, its not just individual data, they will have access to corporations tax data as well, should be big conflict of interest between one corporation's CEO getting access to their data (not that people care about that ,just builds a stronger case).
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It's a pity that people still work for facist, assuming majority are well educated talented individuals with ability to discern right-wrong (not). That company won't be in existence without its talent, which ironically continue supporting a fascist. Hope they grow some conscience and mass resign.
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hope twitter and Starlink (if at all its out there) and all others one linked are getting dumped as well.
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Hope like chevron case some private entity can continue the case. Dems should be doing what needs to be done.
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That further makes it hard for her to be a leader. If leaders only want to be president when things were dandy, and now (start of worsening situation) no where to be seen it implies a 1 time presidential candidate.
Guess voters on fence who didnt vote for her might have been justified?
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Shopping at any company HQed in red state from P&G (Ohio) to Home Depot (Georgia) to Walmart (Arkansas) is indirectly funding republicans and red state!
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Hope people with T-mobile start dumping them for partnering with facist owned company
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Everyone is to blame so don't leave him out. A thief getting to steal with false pretext, pressure on other people which makes people allow thief to come and take away doesn't mean thief gets to go Scott free.
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1 person getting access all information with no strings versus IRS employees gone through training, having financial acumen of right and wrong, knowing government policies, having access to only few records with audits of who accessed whose records with serious repercussions of unauthorized access.
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Well who knows they may not be impacted to be bothered about this.
What this oligarch and dictator will do is use this data against their opponents to silence their voices.
It's either ideology and hatred that has united entire republican clan to say nothing or they have some dirt on them.
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Why don't they start with getting Corporations tax returns first? That's where the wastage might be!
There will be army of corporations suing them, just based on conflict of interests for allowing their competitor access to their data!
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Where are the Dem leaders, there should be emergency injunction.
They have no business getting personal tax data of anyone. Every single persons record should require a court order.
Wastage is about how government spends money not anyones tax returns.
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It's pity that these techies, assuming not all support facism, & reasonably highly educated, continue to work for his companies. How much do they need to earn more to ignore American ideals getting trampled. Yeah it might be dream job to work in high tech, however not quitting a dictator org is sad
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Few political civilians at top can't stop them if they decide to interfere on what is right and wrong (which courts should be deciding with law enforcement enforcing the court orders). Crazy thought, could they even try him in military court since being at top, he is kind of part of military?
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Maybe Military if they believe in human rights. Ultimate power is with them, just because Constitution didnt make military separate branch for right reasons (or not), they still hold the real power if they determine constitution (supreme law) is going down the drain, with no checks and balances.
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Symbolism like MAGA red hats would have had some impact on republicans sticking together even if for wrong reasons
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Yeah it might not matter to him and may not have much impact. However right now any symbolism people take on to stand up against him, it helps. It doesnt matter if people able to sell theirs, what matters is showing up against the dictatorship. Simple For sale is next best thing if no one is buying.