Boston United, Cleveland baseball, cheeseburgers, heritage steam railways | Teignmouth
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I see Elon Musk is now calling Mark Kelly - former astronaut and Navy pilot - a traitor. What a fucking piece of shit that man is.
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I see Eric Berger's got his snipe in nice and early. Next it'll be "why do we need this lander when Starship definitely won't tip over?"
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As someone who works in quality in a regulated industry, I would be absolutely fascinated to see the precise details of how exactly an error this glaring (and reliably replicated, by the sounds of it!) made it out into the real world. The internal QI report on this would be blockbuster.
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Goes past me down Smugglers Lane in Holcombe about 7pm every night. Love the fact XC only use a four car unit too.
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Live And Please Let Me Die
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I followed Kisin for ages on Twitter "for balance" but then he started chucking about words like "r*tard" and it was an easy decision to bid him farewell.
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Starmer’s professional experience in dealing with not very bright criminals honestly a great asset right now.
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The thing is there are people who think of themselves as "serious" space commentators who would likely cheer on giving everything to SpaceX. So blinded are they by their slavish devotion to the company they fail to see handing the entire US space program to a single lunatic is very much a Bad Idea.
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I was a big fan of Philip Sloss and his NSF articles on Orion/SLS precisely because they were very technical, but now NASA have clammed up and everything out there is politicised frothing at the mouth at the thought of giving everything to Starship. "Launch on 420 lol" memelords have taken over. Ugh
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There are people on the NSF forums who seriously believe there will be humans flying to Mars in the next transit window and I'm not even sure where to start digesting that level of hysteria. Is there another place where the discussion is less delusional?
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Eric getting all giddy at the thought of a beautiful, beautiful monopoly.
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Ah! I didn't realise there were versions that had set times/restrictions. With ours you just fill in a form, submit it and wait for a call back. I used it last year when I had a weird spot on my arm and was seen in person the same day, and that would never have happened had I had to phone them!
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We have "Doctor First" via an app at my GP. You log a ticket basically and a GP will get back to you via phone first. Works extremely well for those who know how to use it.
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I live in south Devon and this is making me extremely anxious
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The fact *Douglas Murray* of all people is going after Trump like this is pretty extraordinary and shows just how insanely far-right MAGA has got. This isn't going to end well.
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In Bannon's case especially, calling for the end of democracy and insinuating the only way they'll give up power is through force... there's absolutely no argument whatsoever he chucked that salute and *really* meant it.
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Bizarre watching cheerleaders for commercial space cheering on the failure of SpaceX competitors and begging for a monopoly.
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Pretty crazy watching the Ars comment section going from cheering on Musk to actively loathing the guy in a matter of months. The anger is off the charts.
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Yeah. I get the impression whoever wrote the headline for this piece didn't actually read it!
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I'd sign that petition tbf
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Oh, they knew - and they're actively cheering it on. They admire Putin for being an authoritarian running a sham democracy because that's exactly how they want the GOP to consolidate power.
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I think it was Sam Bain and Jesse Armstrong who had a plastic toilet seat they'd stick over each other's head, slowly closing the lid until one of them came up with a punchline for Peep Show. That's the kind of pressure that'd cause me to melt down like a Soviet RBMK reactor core.
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Maybe online writers' rooms would have been better for me because I was absolutely USELESS in the in-person ones. They terrified me. I basically clammed up, sat there saying not a word, then travelled home on the train back to the Midlands cringing with embarrassment. Ugh.
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I think he can explain things well to non-space fans, though. His books are good in that way. That's more what I meant. I find his "everything but SpaceX is useless" attitude grating and sadly that oozes out of lots of his work.
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Eric is a very good writer but I'm constantly baffled as to why someone so invested in the commercial space revolution is essentially cheering on a monopoly and so gleeful over the failures of potential competitors. "Let Elon do everything" is not "commercial" space.
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*Iteratively incinerated
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What. A. Show.
Reckon Nora *actually* went to the 'other' side, or was she lying?
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Pretty extraordinary how fast an entire county can be picked apart by a mad billionaire and everybody just.... stands aside and lets it happen.
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Apparently there was no executive order to feed USAID "into the wood chipper", nor any act of Congress (obviously) so.... how exactly is Musk getting away with doing all this?
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Now put pineapple on a cream tea and watch BlueSky go up in flames
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This reminds me of how an otherwise innocuous Tweeter called Jenny something who ran the benign "World Of Crap" about Rainbow and Argos catalogues of the 80s suddenly, out of nowhere, went full fascist and started writing pro-Trump propaganda for Russia Today.
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I'll be honest: watching all this from the other side of the Atlantic makes for utterly compelling, morbidly fascinating viewing. It's right up there with season two of Squid Games atm.
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I'd like to say I'm shocked but sadly rumours have been swirling for years that Watson is a pancetta man. In hindsight, there were signs...
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Damn, missed it. What was it? A carbonara recipe using the wrong kind of hard cheese?
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Only my friends are allowed to call me that.
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Brilliant album no doubt, but I learned a valuable lesson when trying to order it online: don't type the word "pornographers" into a record shop search box while logged onto a work computer.
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Ahhh, my home town 🥰
I tried to impress a guy in Boston Massachusetts who asked me where I was from. I said, "Boston... England!"
He just looked at me and said, "Oh cool, sprouts"
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This reminds me of a decade or so ago when some writers decided they wanted to write about football like they were Don DeLillo or something.
This still stands as one of the more egregious examples:
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You can force Facebook into a chronological timeline using a particular URL on Windows desktop. That's about all you can do. Instagram shows me an entirely arbitrary timeline of stuff from days gone by... or even two weeks ago ffs.
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Facebook is dead other than local groups arguing about roadworks on Queen Street, Twitter is full of bots again, Threads is rife with bullshitters, BlueSky insufferable smugness. Cats and dinner on Instagram is about as good as it gets.
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Ah the old "legacy media" twats.
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The content on Threads is genuinely appalling. Genuinely. Multi thread stories that didn't happen by people who would be chased off here or Twitter in seconds. And their algorithm pumps it out to my eyes thinking I want to see it. Fucking useless.
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It's noticeable that Poppy comes in for a disproportionate amount of nastiness on the #SaturdayKitchen live hashtag as well. Don't get it. She's absolutely fine.
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Grace is a superb choice.
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Say hi to Culverhouse for me, the mardy little fucker. He's already started walking away from interviews in a huff after one question. Great start.
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BlueSky is currently all Kenji Lopez-Alt fans who parboil their roast potatoes with bicarb of soda. Enjoy it while it lasts: the people who put cream in carbonara will be here soon.