Cake is good, but pie is better. Visit to see me write about old computer hardware, and for videos mostly about old PC gaming. I also like to run and ride my bike!
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It is just as good as the show. Ryan North perfectly understands what makes Lower Decks good, and has nailed the voices of the cast in written form! Also, over seven years ago he did a great interview where he had to recap a TNG episode while drunk as BALLS:
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Is it everyone's favourite Bisexual Trashfire Nurse, the Pansexual Goblin Pilot, or the Stoic And Built Like A Brick Shithouse Science Officer (that neglects his fiancee)?
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Also, thanks for attributing the "wrong but useful" quote. Now I can attribute it correctly! 😀
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I agree! I tell my students that we know LNT is incomplete, and probably "wrong" in a conservatively safe sense, but I haven't seen anything that works better. If one can show a robust population-sized study showing a threshold or hormesis effects. Cells are a good start, but not sufficient proof.
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I don't know how exactly Blippi got onto our child's YouTube feed, but he did... and once he saw it, the requests kept coming. As bad as Blippi is, though, do NOT let "Gecko's Garage" enter your home either, especially the Baby Truck Boo Boo song. It's 2.5 minutes of pure, uncut misery.
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"Tactical Gravol" has now entered my lexicon!
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"Come on, Mandolina. Red goes in the red bucket, white in the white. You know that."
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The people who staged and edited these puppet PSAs went WAY harder than they ever needed to. They're just so damned good!
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The song "When The Ice Worm Nests Again" bubbles back up to the surface sometimes, and I think I only ever heard it on a crappy 45 RPM record player in my Grade 1 class:
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I had somehow NOT seen this before. It is brilliant on so many different levels, and I love how absolutely cartoonish the animation gets. The teeth flapping while snoring are a stroke of pure genius!
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I still cringe a bit at how much I liked it when it was new, but I chalk that up to the fact that Evanescence was a way to get awesome chunky guitar sounds without being as... unapproachable as Slipknot or Korn were to me. I like to call it "Baby's First Nightwish." 😅
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The 20th Anniversary edition of Evanescence's "Fallen" is really good; it sounds way better than the original release did since it's not compressed anywhere near as much, and doesn't hurt my ears when listening on good headphones!
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This playlist is great, but it is missing... TUBTHUMPING:
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This is The Internet; everything is either THE ABSOLUTE BEST or PURE UNFILTERED EVIL. :\
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Always remember; fundamentalists celebrate every time they have a loss that wasn't as big as they thought it would be, and keep pushing harder. Forty years of concerted effort got them where they are today; we need to push back just as hard!
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You... made it this long without a SSD? You have INFINITELY more patience than I do, I made that transition eight years ago and never looked back.
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I would wager that Vance never saw or read MacBeth, so he'll say "No, it's like THE LION KING, you IDIOTS!!" 🙃
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My first instinct would probably be Polygon, since it's consistent with their content. They have a guide for pitching stories at
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That is a different experience from my use of the MDR-7506. The earcups on mine are still good after three years of use; maybe I don't wear them as much as you do?
For anyone else wondering, they sound pretty good (especially for the price) but they are FLAT; you need to use EQ for music listening.
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I think they mentioned that in one of the books, "Ascendancy" if I remember correctly? An exiled Quarian said he was "So-and-so vs Whatever-the-heck," and the non-exiled Quarian he was torturing said that he was shipless and called him some sort of slur. I don't have the book handy to check, though!
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I mean, if The Mouse is going to be aggressively terrible, we might as well get them to wipe out some other terrible people along the way right?
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"Ow, my most of me!" from Teen Girl Squad pops up in conversation from time to time, and I've been known to say "IT'S OVER!!!" with a Strongbadian accent.
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"Linkin Shark," I am dying laughing here!! I can only imagine how angsty the music is, something about how everyone expects them to never stop swimming but they just need a break.
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It looks like the scam account got... BALEETED!
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*starts chanting*
Gremlin Lunch
Gremlin LUNCH
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That PERFECTLY captured every mediocre Dude With A Guitar that I knew growing up.
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I am so happy that you did not suffer the same disappointment I did with Outpost! The sequel was alright, but 12-year old me was CRUSHED when I realized that I had spent months playing the game and couldn't give my colonists a happy ending. :\
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I sunk a truly MASSIVE amount of time into this game, over 1000 turns on a lowly 386 that could barely run it. Even with the patched 1.5 release, it was still incomplete and broken. The animations never played, and it couldn't be finished; it never let me build a spaceport or terraform the planet.
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Was it Skyroads?
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Just today I had to click on the "Recent Downloads" tab in a co-worker's browser to help them, and I said "DOWNWOADS!" At this phase in history, people have either never heard of Homestar Runner or our brains are forever twisted.
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I got boxes for a project at work from Global Industrial (, but a quick glance at their site didn't show me any shipping tubes unless they're hidden somewhere.
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Every time I end up talking to The Youth about the ills from prior generations, I always have to apologize for my generation inflicting Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter upon the world. :\
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I am just barely dipping my toe into what Dropout has to offer, but the service would be worth purely for the distilled chaos energy that we get from Game Changer and Make Some Noise. The fact that they offer even more is an amazing bonus to me!
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So, how many times will you say "I'm hungee" while ordering pizza?
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No, no, no, that's how you get teens to reset their music taste to factory defaults for that calendar year. You need them to raise only their LEFT arms then have them tug earlobes to sync periods.
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Forged from an entire generation's worth of three-ring binders, the Cool S Sword will not vanquish your enemies but they WILL think you're cool enough to not bother being enemies with anymore.
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Born in 1984, and I agree; music when I was a teenager was largely pretty dire, even if I like some of it. We definitely don't need a comeback of Nu-Metal, terrible gangsta rap, low-effort pop music, or every rock band sounding like budget Nickelback. (note: it is OK to like those things anyway)
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I agree wholeheartedly, but more important: MORPH SAID THE THING. 😍
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My partner and I were impressed with how consistently GOOD the entire season was. That finale was big without being gratuitous, and the whole series has the right mix of pathos, humour, and excitement. I am eagerly waiting to see where it goes next!
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Alex Plante is on Hot Ones, but it's just eating more and more of the King's Head Vindaloo Wings.
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In X2 it was a RX-8, so it was at least in the Mazda family! But a Miata would be COMPLETELY in character.