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Bobbi is so predictable that even an AI will refuse to take his place due to the risk of brain death.
I guess there's no depth that is too deep for his tongue go up.
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Oh yeah, life is great for women under the extreme Muslim regime led by men.
I wonder why she's not feeling the urge to go and live there.
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On brand.
Nothing less you can expect from this mob of lowlifes.
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Oh no.... What a shame.
No more reading Bobbies' dribbles?
I really gonna miss him /s
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I don't know, but assuming it's bobby-boy, cause... Stupid writing.
But kudos to Bobby getting our feeling towards him so well.
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Great minds...
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You'll scare them even more.
It's everything they are afraid of.
Poor blue ticks and their fragile soul.
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However, the blue tick is not a totally bad feature.
It's not that I go there too often (almost never tbh), but I'll be happy if some engineer could add a filter option to hide blue ticks.
It'll make it almost not complete shit.
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Was pretty much the same in her, to my humble opinion, great post few days ago asking people to dickheads.
Blue ticks: "Oh no! You can't say that!"
No ticks: "straight to the point. Great message. Thank you very much"
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Let me get that stright; someone with the own vision he is saving the world, stole someones' else property, went on damaging someones' else property and ran away instead of owning their hero actions.
Yep. On brand alright.
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Oh no....
Poor Dan.
He can't use the over priced, greedy franchise chain that does nothing well anyway.
Think about it; if you're a good tradesperson, you don't need to be part of a franchise.
You'll have your own good reputation.
Well, all more of a reason to never use them.
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When someone lost their argument and can't explain it anymore, they'll say the other side just "don't understand.
Very convenient.
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The western world (which does not automatically imply the US) agrees that it's not ok to kill people because they don't believe in the same prophet.
Not anymore.
They also believe woman are equal and people can love whomever they want.
Tell the rest of the class what Hizbollah fight for.
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What are you on about?
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Maybe try an old AI to make it readable.
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Who would have thought... You incubate and harbour terrorists and then you're being hit by those you fight against.
The Westbank people had every opportunity to not be a shit place and yet, they chose to teach their kids hate.
Simple logic that seems to not compute for blind islamic believers.
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All that if you are NOT a fenomentalist Islamic.
Or a woman.
otherwise, you'd probably want Sharia law.
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Pretty much most of the western world, which is exactly what the Hizbollah stand against.
It's an Islamic fundamentalist terror organisation who believes is the Sharia law - a backwards religious doctrine.
Google which countries are ruled by Sharia law and get your answer.
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You don't need to be breaking thinks to make others feel uncomfortable and threatened.
And given the levels of aggression in other locations will the same message, can you see why it's not a legitimate one?
Why do you expect those who do not agree with what they argue to feel safe?
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May he rot in jail.
Poor girls are scared for life.
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I need to get a life...
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Can't hurt.
I do believe kids actually get a good hang on what's what in social media and the only ones who are influenced by Tate and co are incels who are looking for that kind of messages anyway.
To me, it's the astronomical amount of money (aka people) who consume content such as OF
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Might be the only way to reset what's happening in the US.
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The guy has no existence of he's not blowing his whistle to the pack of idiots who listen to his dribble.
He's the parallel to one of those really big flies that somehow manage to slip through the door, even tho you made every effort to not get one in.
Pretty poor ROI for $100M
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At least I'm not making excuses for terror organisations.
Everybody and their benchmarks.
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You support terror organisations and I'm the nutcase.
Sure Jen.
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Blah blah.
You're ok with terror organisations.
It's all there is to it.
All the rest is excuse you are making.
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They killed (and keep killing) innocent people in the name of their ideology, but that's ok.
It fits my agenda so I'm ok with that.
Digging deep enough, you guys always get there.
Terror supporter.
Nothing to do with Isreal.
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Yes you did.
Then I asked how come similar fundamental islamic terror organisation operates in other countries, you responded that there are other evil governments.
So you support terror organisation that are very similar in their agenda and indeed have strong ties.
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Not to mention that many of those organisations are, infact, the evil government
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I see.
So in your view every terror organisation out there is a result of some evil government.
And that gives them the right to kill innocent people.
Twisted view, but hey - everyone to their own.
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Blah blah.
I guess Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen etc are all the fault of Israel.
The same mentality and brutality exists in those places, different organisations named, with the same killing methods.
Against other Muslims.
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They are so cute.
In their own disgusting way.
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Been waiting for you.
Took you long enough 😎
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It can go over of two ways;
* Impending end of the US.
* A wake call to the quiet majority.
I hope for all of us is the latter.
There's enough shit in the world without this.
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Can I assume you're local indigenous are NOT including a fundamentalist Islamic terror organisation?
That makes sense.
That's why you can do your "research" from the safety of your home.
Words are easy.
Have you, as part of your research, made a field trip to meet with those people?
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Those guys just can't, for the life of them, take any responsibility of anything.
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How do you fix the capitalist system?
It's not great, but it seems the alternatives are even worse.
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I was wondering if part of the ruling is that they can also not use the land for any commercial use.
Those people care about their profit more than anything else.
Taking away their ability to profit from this land would be the strongest punishment.
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Matildas are awesome!
I can't believe those people who have them hard time because they didn't win.
Like common! Let's see you do those girls can do.
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Oh well, that's pretty much the reason I assumed you're a bit thick.
It's not hard for most, so I guess it's something that is unique to you.
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When you think it can get worse...
I'm not sure if I have to be concerned that I actually recognised most of the names.
I never remember names!
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I don't believe in bans.
They make the thing you ban more desirable and harder to control.
Education. It's all education.
And accountability.
Make big social media companies pay and over night, all the trolls and bullies are gone.
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I'm sorry I do not fit into your narrative.
That's ok, you can still treat me like one.
I rarely (as in never) take anything some dude on the internet think about me to heart.
When you done with your chanting of Netanyahu, maybe we can shade some light on your support in terror.
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"Researched and followed". Yep. Academic research.
You might wanna try to experience it and then you'll understand things that you cannot "research".
Your knowledge is as valid as the common cooker anti-vax who "research" what the mRNA does to the body.
Unlike you - I didn't need to research.
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Ok. Thanks for the suggestion.
Don't mind me if I do.
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On the level of 0-100, some places are closer to 100 and some closer to 0.
Which side of the scale you reckon South Africa on?
I don't remember the last time I heard someone saying "Oh! I wish I could immigrate to South Africa from (any normal country)".
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Ok. Sure.
I didn't know I'm discussing with a 12 years old.