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Resist now-stand up and fight back now! Push back now! We can’t afford to keep waiting until another tomorrow.
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I truly understand-To be honest, I turn to prayer, my faith and reading scripture.It helps me to realize that God is in charge! He knows what’s going on with Trump, Vance, Speaker Johnson, Russell Vaught ,Elon Musk-all evil representing the anti-Christ. God knows what’s going on and he will fix it.
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This is wrong. He doesn’t care what the law says. He just does what he wants anyway because apparently NO ONE is willing to step up and stop him. PLEASE, SOME GROUPS OR SOMEONE STOP ALL OF THE ILLEGAL ATROCITIES MADE BY TRUMP, MUSK, VANCE , VAUGhTsnd SPEAKER JOHNSON. NOW!!
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Leaders-you need to speak up now. Harvard President, be a leader and speak up . America and its citizens needs your help.
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Better wake up really fast all of you Republicans Senators -Trump doesn’t care about any of you-he just needs you vote and then he might be done with you. Wake up now and take action Congress to Stop Trump and his regime for good. Bring back our government and right all the wrongs.
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It’s all on you-all of the Republican Senators and House members that just stood idly by and did nothing. What just might happen to all of you is Trump might likely not need or want Congress anymore so he will fire all of you. He doesn’t want to have any group telling him what he can’t do.
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Stay strong and consolidated Canada. Don’t let Trump interrupt anything. That’s what he wants to do-don’t let him.
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The Resistance is strong but it needs to start Now before we lose anymore of our government. Trump, Vance, speaker Johnson , Russell Vaught and Musk need to be permanently removed from office immediately so we can take back our government and get democracy back on track. We Americans can’t wait.
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Why is Canada even welcoming Rubio to their country. Rubio is a liar and an embarrassment as a Secretary of State.
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Nothing that The Democrats did not already know. Trump had this election rigged from the very start. Unfortunately, no Democrat under Biden’s last few months would stand up and stop the certification of the votes and demand a forensic audit and the investigation a rigged election.
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Ok let’s see what RFK’s response is going to be to his first outbreak?
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Wow, just Wow!!
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Stay strong AOC-the democratic people have your back. Keep fighting for what is right.
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Tom Holman -you by far are a despicable human being.
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Rachel, important message I’m trying to get to you, evening anchors on MSNBC : the EO on federal funding freeze is still active. The memo that was rescinded was just a stunt by Trump. The actual policy itself was never stopped. We need to nationally make all 50 Governors aware of this ASAP.
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Chris Hayes, can you please get this important message to Rachel and other evening anchors. TheEO on federal funding freeze is still active and running. The memo that was rescinded was just a stunt by Trump. The actual policy was never rescinded. We need to inform all 50 Governors of this ASAP.
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Rachel, the EO on federal funding freeze -the memo that was rescinded was just a stunt. The actual policy was never rescinded and is in full action today. That’s why no one is receiving the funding. We need to notify all 50 Governors of this immediately so that can respond appropriately.
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Rachel, I wanted to make you aware that the federal funding freeze memo that was rescinded, doesn’t matter because his policy was never rescinded or blocked.Freezing of funds to all 50 states for all programs listed previously are still in full effect. We need to inform all 50 Governors of this ASAP
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What is Congress going to do to stop this insanity. First, get rid of Elon Musk from the White House and government. Second, correct all illegal actions taken by Trump and bring the thousands of people who were fired for no reason at all. Third, police Trump on any actions he continues to take.
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Senate Democrats you should have been prepared to ask this moron a variety of different questions on a variety of different topics. You should have come at him as a collective front. Cmon-get it together-you’re representing all Democrats across the country.
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How ubsurd is this statement. Seriously??
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Unbelievable already contacted my Republican Senator and Rep apparently to no avail,If the Senate Republicans pass all these unqualified members and nominate them, after their horrendous backgrounds, SHAME on each one of you.I would love to know how your constituents back home feel about your vote.
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Rachel,despite reports on Wednesday,the White House confirmed later that his federal funding freeze was still in effect. He rescinded the memo, while keeping the policy in effect.He didn’t back down at all.It was a stunt to create +headlines and confuse the public. How do I get this sent nationwide?
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Yes they did. Not me but millions of others did.
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He is evil and unhinged and doesn’t care about anything -he will continue down this path of destruction until some organizations stop him. He wants to see what he can get away with before someone calls him out and stops this insane nonsense.
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The people will help Congress and other institutions keep track of all his moves and ones that need Congressional action to approve. The news agencies are keeping track of every move he makes.
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I didn’t vote for this!
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Not sure right now. All I can surmise is that if they fight against it, Trump will employ his cult members to take action against anyone who goes against his policies or decisions.