does anyone have any good readings on how to manage, like, terror and despair right now because i'm genuinely finding it very difficult to live my life from day to day without having severe moments of acute crisis
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Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl helped me in college, taught me about trying to understand your sphere of influence and focusing on things you can control.
Listen it might help you or might not but look up some videos on anarchist calisthenics.
For a lot of people we feel the terror and despair because we don’t feel like we have any power over the situation. IMO the solution is to find ways to regain control over small actions we can do every day
I’ve been writing. I’m in Canada so my perspective and fears are likely different from yours but I’m literally writing in effort to help other people who feel as helpless as I do. This is the most recent one.
Drawing attention from that which frightens you to the simplicity of the breath is often harder than it sounds. So when you realize your mind has taken off again, simply return to the breath. No judgment. No self-chastisement. No impatience. Nothing. Just move your attention back to breath.
That's okay. You don't need to know what will happen next anyway right now. Right now you need to get through the next 5 minutes by preserving yourself and granting yourself a wide open mental space for freedom.
I'm only an internet stranger, but I know how you feel right now, and the answer is yes. There is absolutely reason to hope. Things can and will get better, and a significant part of making that happen is to dare to hope and imagine the next world. Hope is mental health care, if nothing else.
Incidentally, you never know what's going to happen next anyway. We just think we do. In times like this we are much more acutely aware that we simply do not know what's going to happen. Doesn't matter. One breath at a time.
You mentioned on a previous thread that you are going to Mass again, as well as seeing a therapist—all good, keep it up. You may also want to find a spiritual director. Mine is a Jesuit; that’s sort of how I roll, intellectually, but there are plenty of options/styles of direction.
Yes. Hell yes. You're here, aren't you? Didn't millions of things have to go just so to bring you here? That is wonderful in itself.
I think the despair is in not seeing what to hope for, beyond "stop THIS". So, what (rhetorically) do you choose to hope for? Find others hoping the same. We're here.
Yes there is reason to hope. Nobody is banging on your door. Tell yourself to stop, think & repeat. In no way am I a mental health person. It was harder at first but very effective for me now. Think of Frank ready for an adventure. He's a rescue, crossed eyes & nearly blind but loves adventure.
I think so. Every single thing we can scrape and claw and tear from the bastards trying to send us all to hell is worth fighting for. It's their death cult, not mine.
Something that shifted for me recently is that hope (often) doesn't feel "hopeful." Hope isn't excitement— it's just determination.
Some days you will find Reasons to hope, and it will feel great. Other days they won't hit the same way, and you have to wait it out. But even the waiting is hope.
The antidote is action, so find something worthwhile to do, no matter how small. There will be people in your community doing things. Find them & assist in the ways you can.
When I had my daughter someone asked me if I had gotten more optimistic about where history is going and I hadn't. As the great civilizations of the Mediterranean Bronze Age went down in famine and war people still had children. The children built the kingdoms of the future
I feel you. There are great comments about what we can be hopeful for here, and so all I can add is this: there may be hope, there may not. We might be beaten and lost no matter what we do. It is not looking good. Maybe all we can do is go out fighting for the hope that some good seeds survive. ❤️
We are not alone. Trump has succeeded in alienating and unifying our ex-allies who are actively working to defeat him or at least marshall his actions They know Trump/Maga does not represent all of America We must stand with them and unite Keep resisting Its the best thing to do 💯‼️🔥👇🏽
1st thing to be aware of--- you are in a large and currently widening worldwide group when it comes to those feelings! The real lunatics are running the asylum, it's natural to feel in such a way.
I installed something that blocks social media. Finding out about the news on BBC instead of through the lens of someone raging on Reddit has done wonders for my depression about current affairs.
Don't think about future then. Surround yourself with, think little things that are good. Rebuild some of the pleasant neural pathways that have obviously taken a bit of a knock for any of a million reasons. What MIGHT you like to do? Doesn't have to eventuate. Daydream.
This made me think. The point is realise that you CAN literally stop your thoughts from forming 'bad' connections, and make them form 'good, productive, calming' connections. Literally say "NO" out loud and make yourself look at or do something gentle and kind for yourself.
Stop watching cable opinion news, watch local news and change it as soon as the orange one comes on to lie. I find not looking at or hearing his voice actually helps.
Seriously - sounds like a good therapist is what you need. I don't think there's a book for these times. I don't know if you have one, or your health insurance coverage, but take care. Remember to live one day at a time, recite the Serenity prayer morning and evening.
Breathe. Seriously, a few deep breaths. What works for me is to consider that we have a moral duty to hope. And that means being consciously grateful for the good things that are still right here. Once you starting looking for the good and remembering to actually smell the roses, you'll find a lot.
I have been afraid since November. Many trips to PCP, she now understands and in addition to Trazadone and Gabapenden I now get ATIVAN one a day and she renewed it for 3 months until next visit
Try Britt Wray's book, *Generation Dread.* It's about climate change with some excellent tips, including (temporary) compartmentalization (to help you get through your day), and picking one thing that you are really worried about or care about and focus on actions related to that thing.
Like many of the people who've responded to you, Wray also recommends mindfulness, social connection. She also writes: the most important thing is to let yourself experience your psychoterratic emotions rather than try to push them down or get rid of them....
"We have to learn to live with them, and to do so well means tapping into them as fuel for personal and societal transformation." Not sure if this helps and good luck. These are very difficult times and you are not alone.
Take time to go out in nature and remember that this world was here before us. It will remain after us. It is resilient, surviving every storm, and so are we. Take some social media breaks, even news breaks. Do things that make you happy. Breathe. Listen to music. Get a colouring book. Simple things
As someone who has lived quite a while, I’ve never seen anything like what’s happening now. BUT, I can promise you that there is always hope. I have been in the deepest, darkest, pits of life hell, and something (and someone) always helped turn things around. I had to wait sometimes, but… (1/ )
Things always get better. I will always believe there are more good people than bad, even though I was unaware of HOW many aren’t so good. Message me, reach out, don’t doomscroll. Do something small, send an email, make a call. You matter.
You need to take a break from negative media and distressing friends or family. Focus on self-care, which includes whatever makes you feel more joyful and hopeful, including going out in nature, listening to music, watching comedy, eating what you body tells to you, getting sleep, meditation, etc. ❤️
Loving kindness meditation! My form is to breathe in and out with each thought that “______ person is safe. _______ person is strong. ______ person is healthy. ______ person is loved” and apply these thoughts to everyone I can think of until I am relaxed. I usually do this when trying to sleep.
When I get too stressed I mute my social media. I go for walks or work out and I read. I blow through books when he is in office. Reading, especially at night, gets my mind off things and helps me sleep. I refuse to be made sick by this admin. Then when I'm in a better place I reengage.
I’m reading The Ukrainian Night by Marci Shore (from my public library, thank you very much!). I want to learn how everyday folks dealt with fear and made the choice to stand up.
I don’t know about readings but here are my suggestions:
Remember in planes about putting your oxygen mask on first so that
See a therapist if you can
Take a news break
Focus on appreciating the good things around you family, friends, hobbies, beauty
Get involved with small things locally that you can help with (help refugees, poor, LGBTQ whatever it is)
You may want to listen to the Happiness Podcast (Dr Santos)
what is something you like doing? find a video game where you can do that, and escape for periods of time. shut off your brain and just do that. it helps. if need help dm me and i'll help you find the perfect game. cheers
We all are. It's important to do whatever small thing you can to make a difference. The big stuff is too big. But lots of small doable things make a difference. Make time for self care. If the struggle is too much get professional help. Therapy works 💪
Also take some comfort that in this community of strangers so many people have reached out to you in honest concern with the best advice they could.
You really aren’t alone.
You are most certainly not alone in this.
Sometimes you just have to step away. Take a vacation from the news etc.
yes, it’s important to be informed and active but sometimes you gotta take a break.
Let someone else move forward.
You can be the second wave.
Please take care of your mental health by focusing on what you can control, taking a break, or many breaks, from media (guided meditation or a walk works for me), talk to your friends, and refocus your attention to something, anything, else. We are in this together and there will be better days.
Find ways to take care of those around you. Do you know an elderly couple that could use some visits? Seeing people who have survived many things might help.
Read any survivor accounts from the Holocaust or Soviet GULag, or any other murderous authoritarian system. They are humbling, inspirational, and instructional.
Do something to take control. Join protests, buy nothing but essentials, pay down debt. You don't need to keep track of everything if that stresses you. Find a group to notify you of actions. Only follow one person or group. But action can give a sense of control.
I find myself staring off into space a lot. I would call it way too much in fact. The amount of shite going down seems to be growing at an exponential rate. I agree, a coping mechanism would be appreciated right now.
Read as little news as possible, watch as little news as you possibly can, barely be aware of current events. Live your life. Take care of your family. Take care of your pets. Take care of your house. And then get a little doll of trumphh and stick 1 million pins in his face.
When dealing with despair, one of the most important things you can do is prioritize sleep. Exhaustion amplifies negative emotions, making everything feel heavier. Even if rest doesn’t solve the problem, it gives your mind and body the strength to face it.
/2 Beyond sleep, try to focus on the basics:
• Move your body. Movement can shift your perspective.
• Stay nourished. Eating well helps stabilize mood and energy.
• Reach out. You don’t have to go through this alone. Talk to someone you trust.
Doing something helps, instead of doom scrolling, I try to get people to engage in call to actions like this, and attending protests as well are empowering!
Check out Steven Charleston's Ladder to the Light. He is an indigenous elder and Episcopal pastor whose words I've found comforting during this time. He's also on Facebook
A trauma therapist told me (not for me) that in times of going through traumatic experiences that you should play things like Tetris. It helps your brain process all the difficult things you are going through. Sounds odd but also makes sense.
Join other people and fight. As Anne Applebaum says, don’t be alone, the tyrants want us to be alone. Join organizations - activist groups, religious orgs if you find one reasonably suited to you, civic service orgs. Work together w other people to make things better.
Plan and take time off, preferably something that takes concentration: sports, a puzzle, sewing project, a good book. We need at least a few hours a day, preferably one whole day a week. Your psyche needs time to heal. It works for me.
I move physically through yoga, walking, and strength training. I'm hyper vigilant by nature so I feel I must be aware of everything that's going on. That's from the past trauma in life. I've had to take long breaks from SM. And, I'm going back to therapy after a number of years. You're not alone,💙
Physical activity. Orienting to the present: notice nothing bad is happening right now, feel your feet on the floor, notice the air temperature, name 5 colors you see, four things you touch, 3 sounds you hear. Remember things and people that bring you joy. Call or write someone you love.
i’m doing a lot of yoga and it’s too difficult not to be in the moment, which is great. But I suspect the next step for a lot of us will have to be some sort of positive action, volunteering for some decent cause, organising in-person, trying to make change happen on a municipal scale if possible.
I’ve actually cried. In front of other people. But I’m brave. I’m sick of being brave but I’ll do it. This is our country too and we’re upset because we love our country. There’s a lot of uncertainty that we have to live with and it’s okay to be upset, anxious, angry, sad - all of it. Take care.
I'm in the hospital for a COPD exacerbation last night and ended up with an additional diagnosis of A fib. Could an irregular heart rate be caused by stress, fear, angry and despair?
Going to the Sanders/AOC rally in Denver on Friday. Connecting with community. Loving on my neighborhood dogs & cats. Anything to bring value in the moment!
I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and a lot of what this man said literally saved my life many years ago. I remain in awe of his simple clarity. Two books I particularly recommend are:
"Freedom from the Known"
"First and Last Freedom"
Just expect nothing from him ;-)
This!!! I mostly stayed off for three weeks, and I did do much better mentally. I’m about to do it again because my brain cannot handle this much anxiety. Facebook is the worst for cruelty in the apps that I use, but even reading his latest garbage on here skyrockets my anxiety.
Are you a White Woman? If so, nothing the administration does will directly effect you, provided you don't get pregnant.
People and things you care about are/will be targeted. But sadly, some Americans can't seem the harm until it runs them over. And sometimes, not even then.
There are many in this thread. Many encouraging suggestions for those of us struggling. White women or not. Anxiety over the unnecessary and unconstitutional loss of our bodily autonomy is not something to be dismissed, for example.
Set boundaries on your intake of news. Be judicious on where your news is coming from. Make time to do some good. Volunteer with non profits, get involved in your community. Making a difference in someone’s life makes you feel less powerless. Guided meditations work. Even if just 10 mins per day.
I recommend finding a legit Himalayan meditation class and start practicing…it helped me get through tough times before and I definitely need to start practicing again
Eat right, sleep well, and exercise for starters. You need to take care of yourself so you can be well enough to support the fight ahead. Do things that naturally make you happy. Find one good source for news and use it to stay informed, not too much though.
Find other people. I promise, you are not alone in feeling this way. Find solidarity in local groups like Indivisible or civil rights or any group really- could be a knitting club, garden club, it doesn't matter. Somewhere to talk and to listen to the shared anxiety going on. Don't be alone. 🤗
I spiraled for the same reason after it became clear democrats were going to do nothing about the insurrection and that this is where we were headed. Since then, I've had 2 career changes and my marriage almost failed.
Bluesky is what saved me. Knowing that you're not insane or alone is key.
Making something with my hands, especially something non-essential. It takes focus, which means I can't be dwelling on anything else, and at the end of it I have something tangible that I've created, which fights the feelings of helplessness in the face of problems that are too big to deal with.
I find that some form of nurturing helps me. Between my garden and house plants, I'm always taking care of something, and with my grandkids, someone. Volunteering is also a great healer. My husband goes through his gratitude list each morning. And find someone you trust to share your feelings with.
I take a walk every day. Music is for the car and your home. The beach has its own. Not near the beach? Listen to a book or the birds on your walk. Say hello to everyone you pass.
I’m sure you’ve already gotten plenty of recommendations, so to add to this, I’d just say now is the time to find each other. Literally any activity that affirms that you are not alone. We are all going through this.. find each other
This. A relative told me protests are useless & we’re powerless. I reject that. Water is soft & seems powerless, but it can carve through mountains with consistently applied pressure. Alone we’re raindrops, together a storm. The protests remind me I’m not alone and neither are you. Hang in there.
Yes, recognize that you have standards and may feel powerless but you were not created to be defeated. I am a part of the Episcopal Church group reading “The Courage To Meddle” fascinating woman who created
Social Security. Hang in there, there are good people in the world. Including you,
Thinking of my Dad, a child during the Great Depression, his family barely survived. Drafted into the Army at 18 to fight in WWII, sent to foreign countries he knew nothing about half way around the world. A rough start to life. He persevered and got through it all. We will too. Don’t give up.
I was thinking about that too and it gave me comfort. During WWII there was rationing of staples like sugar and alcohol. You had to close curtains and pull down shades at night so the enemy could not readily identify cities by their lights. There was a lot of uncertainty in the world.
Strangely missing from this article in a psychiatry publication is mention of the fact that all these activities either reduce stress-related brain chemicals or generate positive ones.
The world needs "feelers," but it's not a safe place for us right now. My therapist told me last week to check out and disassociate whenever I need to. This is a marathon.
So sorry to hear you are going through this. Although it’s not easy, consider yourself a lucky one because you have empathy and a conscience. I would rather be like you than the evil people of this world. If you have good physical health, getting out in nature can help. Hike more, worry less.
Acute moments of despair call for distraction, then when u have rested enough and have a little energy u can slowly approach the thought & attempt to reframe it into something the emphasizes personal agency,, some fears are mountains you have to carve down w/several sessions. Dont grapple in terror
Acute despair can be managed back into something palatable w/ good inspiration media w/good vibes then when u feel a little hope u approach the despair& let a thought thru& carve each thought into something useable.Also take time to invest in advocating 4 what u care abt so in despair u kno u tried
Reduce social media. Go for nature walks.
The truth is, this is a scary time, not going to lie to you. I think it will get worse before it gets better. But I think it will get better because soooo many people will bravely stand up and say no more. Because we'll come together and work for Good.
I devote part of the day to politics by interacting with others, mostly on here, staying positive &/or angry, laugh at jokes, make sure I have a nice glass of Guinness with dinner, then occupy & distract myself with crappy but entertaining movies before bedtime.
Also Xanax & Lexapro help.
I get out in natural world. Look at spring flowers and leaves. Leave my phone and listen to the birds. Close my eyes and soak up sounds. I cycle whenever I can. 🇬🇧
Help in your own neighbourhood. Just make your own neighbourhood wonderful. Start there. Make cookies for your neighbours. Include a friendly note. Everyone take care of your neighbours. It is healing. Give plants. Friendly notes. Clean a walkway. Plan a street get together. It will save you.
This. Even the smallest bits of empathy, creation, or connection build a bulwark against despair, channel fury into action. Local causes that are small enough to be approachable are still hugely impactful, and the foundation of everything those comemierdas hate.
I know I can’t change the world singlehandedly. But I also know the parable of the starfish: these two Sailors are walking down the shore at an unusually low tide while on watch. The rocks are covered in dying starfish. One carefully picks them up and tosses them back into the water.
The other says “thats stupid! You can’t save them all.” “Yeah but I can save some. And to each individual starfish, it means the world didn’t end.” We are sole individuals, yes. But every mind is a world. Perhaps saving the world, is to save 1 person.
No way to avoid anxiety in the U$A. The present shitshow just turns up the stress & fear that is a part of normal life. There is a whole world out there where Life can be lived in a kind, relaxed, loving way. gtf outta dodge.
Erik Erikson, "Childhood & Society"
If you have to stay, Lorazepam
Remember you are not alone. It's difficult but try to focus on a hobby, outside activities, or something you love doing. Breathe. Watch a favorite film. Read your favorite authors. Find beauty and calm in the everyday. Turn off the news and your phone periodically. Peace.
Osho - Fear
I try to reassure myself that I am safe today. Follow with a gratitude and how I am going to enjoy something here today (like being outside, garden/flowers, moments with a family member or friends). Do one thing on my prep list so I am in control of something. Hang in - we are all needed
I'm barely hanging on too. Just try to remember you're not alone, you're not as powerless as they want you to feel, and you don't have to carry the weight of everything all the time💕 I get by by limiting my news time every day, creating things, and cherishing the small moments in life. Keep fighting
Video games is the best suggestion I have right now. Focus the mind on solvable problems. Scalp some virtual Nazis. Put the real world aside for a few hours.
I don't know if it's the right answer, but it's what I'm clinging to.
This is something that playing Hella D&D has done for me. *I* get to decide what the bad guys are, and then I get to watch my friends make cool characters I love who set them on fire and stab them until they die.
The rule at my table is no bummers that you can't stab. The ragtag collection of angry gay people who killed the homophobic Mormon/evangelical stand-in demagogue had a great time
Day by day
That's how you do it.
Put a little of whatever, food, money, away in a stash.
Just go day by day.
Connect with people face to face.
Join resistance groups.
Protest. Be active.
don't let your frustration become a feeling of powerlessness... try to channel it into action. you mentioned that taking a walk has stopped working, what if you take a walk and put up flyers with messages for people in your area that say how you're feeling. it might feel awkward, but it's real.
I dont know much about managing the anxiety (mostly keeping busy is my go-to) but for general, “how the fuck am I going to get through this?” Viktor Frankl & Man’s Search For Meaning has been very helpful.
Deliver leaflets, make phone calls,wear a badge, knock on doors, help out at the Democrats office - ANYTHING - resist, be active, change things, every little action matters. Victory is coming. #RESIST
I’m not sure exactly what is causing your problems but I’m with the other people who have replied suggesting you reduce the amount of time you spend watching the news. I find it very depressing indeed at the moment. All the other suggestions are valid.
I'm right there with you. I know this might sound self-centered and kinda goofy, but I am seriously pissed at PINO Egregious because I have been working hard in therapy (and daily life) and I had made it off the su¡c¡d€ risk list with my care team. HAD. I'm back on it now because the stress and
Anxiety from the shit that he and Acting President Anal Musk have been doing have completely overwhelmed my meds and my coping techniques...
My therapist is using EMDR to try to help me believe that there's a chance things will be okay.
I don't know what your situation is, but for me, getting out
To volunteer is not possible. Aside from the depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and agoraphobia, I have several physical chronic illnesses. But, I try to help how I can online; advice, support, and just plain listening.
Most of my coping strategies at this time are distraction. I read, listening
To music. I watch British murder mysteries, sci-fi shows, anime (Huzzah for public libraries 💚💚💚), and the occasional comedy (Brooklyn 99 was a *lot* of fun). I play video games, crochet, and sew, with audio books playing (hooray for hoopla). Anything to
keep my brain otherwise occupied so the evil b¡tch who lives in there doesn't have a chance to tell me I should k¡ll myself. I still have panic attacks and periods of despair, but I try to also give myself grace afterwards and just keep doing what I can
It sounds silly, but I’m re reading The Diary of Anne Frank. Her life was short and marred by the rise of the third Reich, but she had such a beautiful view of the would anyway.
I’m burying myself in cozy mysteries. It takes my mind off things. Hiking also helps, but I’m injured right now. So, I’m stuck in bed. Drs appt in the AM. I’m limiting my social media time, getting my news through Seth Meyers, the Daily Show, and Colbert so at least I’m laughing while I cry.
I find that introducing horrific and vulgar profanities such as 'cunt' into my vocabulary tends to help. Also, I'm a proud atheist, but I've found that praying to their God for their pain and suffering and swift demise also goes a very long way to improving my mood.
Be in community (for me it’s being a part of a cause- a local nonprofit- that is solving a problem.)
Television- the kind where you can’t look away or you’ll miss the nuance
Baby steps to goals. Teensy.
Plan a trip. Something to look forward to.
I find _action_ of any kind to be the best counter to despair (and wow do I have to fight hard against it). Take a first aid course, find a way to help populations most affected by all the cruelty, volunteer for a charity, buy socks for homeless people, etc. Every little thing i do helps my mood.
It’s hard Kate. They WANT us to feel terror and despair. I just recommend that you find something that makes you happy every day. I shut off the electronics and walk on the beach. Or buy flowers. Or listen to music. And do one thing every day to fight back. You’ll be ok 💙. This is good:
Not many recommendations for readings in the responses here. I found Life After Doom, especially the last chapter, by Brian McLaren helpful for me with similar thoughts as you’ve shared here.
We must not give into despair. There is work to be done, a phone call to make, a letter to write, a vote to cast. We are in this together. There are more of us than there are of them.
I'm sorry you're finding this all so traumatic - it is, and we all need to find a way to cope. I wonder if the poems of Mary Oliver would help at the moment? They concentrate on bright, beautiful moments as well as tough situations and bring a lovely clarity of vision to the world.
Don’t turn on the news, avoid SM, and accept that shit is going to happen.
Americans elected him…the ridiculous election methodology, and ability to spread lies and hatred at will are at the root of it.
You need spending limits and time limits…half a term is wasted campaigning!!
I read somewhere that to be a liberal one has to be a good loser. Let's face it, fear, greed, and delusion abounds, and it crushes emphaty, compassion, and caring. Take in the defeat, learn, and be ready for the next battle.
Also, read the news only once a day to be informed. Actually, sign up for Heather Cox Richardson. She relates new back to history. A lot of this has happened before. She calms me.
Get involved. I went to a protest and was bolstered by how many turned out (in FL). Join a postcard campaign to elect Dems. There are 3 seats going to special election 4/1. Write your congressmen. I did actual mail letters to a handful of Republicans who are sometimes swing or have gone against T.
Any philosophical book will do it. By the time they mess up your mind, you may realise you have fewer problems than the author 😉. I do it all the time. 😊
Please, don't. We need each other right now. We have to fight these tyrants. I read some good ideas here. Only watch news once a day. No doom scrolling. Help a resistance or Democratic organization. Get outside. Use an app to help with relaxation. (I use 'Calm') It helps. Please don't give up.
I'm pretty medicated and going to therapy once a week. I have pretty much eliminated all news sources from my life. I just can't take it. I've struggled with taking my own life for 35 yrs and I've always managed to keep going. Recently, it's become consuming. I'm just living minute to minute.
Why would you do that? Life is precious and wonderful. Get to know like minded people and go for a hike. Woods, mountains, beaches, corn fields, desserts. Doesn’t matter. So much beauty out there. And you are definitely not alone my friend.
I know how painful it can get, and when i struggle with it, i try to hang on to my spite. They want us gone. Why would we give them what they want? I hope things go better for you!
I know how you feel. I literally had a massive panic attack last week just reading my news feed. Full body hives and all! My advice? Try to focus on the #Resistance instead. Take care of yourself first, whatever you do.
Maybe some Dickens, there's some long ones to keep your mind occupied. I found Maria Ressa' How to Stand up to a Dictator, very inspiring, but, if you want to get away from what's going on right now (which is totally fine), then, classics even, Steinbeck, me escape. You are not alone!
The other book I've been reading has been from a recently deceased psychotherapist who I really loved. He uses an IFS therapeutic lens - which may or may not resonate - as he detailed his death and journey to face it with courage and compassion.
I've been trying to remember that even in the best case scenario we still have to face death, and it's so helpful to witness people who face it courageously and with love. Helps me know and believe that I can too. Our political movements need to be rooted in a clear-eyed acceptance of death, IMHO.
But that stuff might be more down the line if you're not in the space for that level of processing, you might want to focus on finding ways to help calm the nervous system, eg vagus nerve stuff
I started making ugly art. It wasn't to show anyone, it wasn't to be the next amazing thing. But it calms me and I enjoy the color. Gives me something to look forward to and self soothe.
Focus on the present. Stay in the present. You can only control what's happening in the moment. Go for a walk. Breathing exercises. This orange bastard won't break me or you!!!!
We all are dear.We can't let the POS in the White House do this to the people of America.I did not vote for this Rapist Felon.We KNEW this would happen and it has.You are stronger than you think you are.Call your Senators and TELL them how upset you are,and you don't want Trump in the White House.
I find that preparing for the future you fear most is calming. Write down your worst outcome in detail. This puts a shape to your fear. It becomes something you can plan and fight against because now it is defined, not a nebulous dark cloud. Everyday pick something you can do to counter that future.
I am limiting my news feed and talking to friends instead. Maybe find an organization that needs help right now and volunteer or give money. Food banks really need financial help right now. Doing something to help your community might seem small, but any help is good. HUGS!
I have tried to explain what he does to people like myself that suffer severe depression and anxiety. I have been laughed at by MAGA for pointing out what constant chaos does to us. They have no empathy.
Well look what constant chaos did to them. They became paranoid fearful delusional and used FOX and OAN to self soothe only to become totally irrational and targeting other people Spend time with nature something calming for yourself make sure to laugh and find a good therapist.
The antidote for Trump Derangement Syndrome depression is REALITY. Discover your internal meme-compliance circuits. Fight your way out of the echo chamber. If you do, you'll discover MAGA is a rational response to elite misrule of decades. And what you think you believe was implanted by others.
Indeed. MAGA humor is cruelty based, and Bluesky anti-MAGA "humor" is benevolent, wise, loving. Let's try REALITY.
ALL humor is cruelty-based. The great left wing comics, like George Carlin, are savage, brutal, mean as snakes. I love Carlin bc he trashes the right always, and the left sometimes.
I have found that complicated dance movements help with this because my brain has to stop obsessing while it's helping me coordinate feet and legs and arms. That might not be easy to access, but it's worth looking for it.
It might also help to write, as much and as fast as you can, about what you're seeing and experiencing. That counts as "bearing witness," and it really is "doing something."
I also recommend finding the number of a hotline of some sort to keep on hand for when you need it. You might resist the idea of talking to a stranger, but just knowing that you can call if necessary can provide a sense of security.
As an emergency measure, STOP & ask yourself, "Can I get thru the next 5 minutes? The answer is often yes. Then get thru the next 5 min. Repeat x70,000,00
I've gotten thru weeks on end on the literal one breath at a time. We don't know how it's going to turn out. Nothing is decided until the last instant. When it's done. One breath at a time. In. Out. Follow that breath with your attention. You will keep your focus.
You MUST do something physical for stress management. Walk, run, yoga, Tai chi, weights (teaches you perseverance), boxing: you get the idea. Drugs and alcohol will undo what you're doing for yourself. Bedtime: minimum 5 min. unwind, eg. meditation, something that creates peace for you.
I agree 100%. I'm a passionate walker and only eat healthy food and it seems to put a filter over negativity. Even if you don't want to, go outside and walk and look at the things around you. Give up sugar and red lots of vegetables and look at mediterranean foods as a base.
Right now, I'm turning to poetry. I read a poem every time I get overwhelmed with the awful. I have about 60 poems that are particularly meaningful to me, and I keep going back to them. Here's one I read last night: "Stone walls do not a prison make."
I find meditation helps me feel ok in my body when nothing is right in the world. Plum Village has a free app that I use. Meds for anxiety & depression help, too.
Quick calming exercise: stamp your feet a few times to reconnect to the Earth (therapist taught me this for panic attacks). Practical: set a timer and don’t doomscroll on social media/news more than 10 minutes at a time. Including BlueSky.
I am right here with you. Sometimes, I just dissociate. But I'm planning to go to a local Indivisible meeting to figure out what I can do locally. I'm also limiting my news consumption as much as possible.
I can’t say whether it will help because holy shit we have a lot to be afraid of…
Back in 2018 under the first edition of Ronald “The Ding-Dong” Rump, a former coworker started taking classes at the local gov emergency preparedness org to be able to help fellow citizens in an emergency.
I consider it great luck that I had just finished reading Bill Nye's "Everything All At Once" just a few weeks before the appalling results of our November 2024 election. It helped me to just breathe through the pain and despair of seeing this piss-poor excuse for a human being take the Presidency.
Remember that things can get better, and the current situation shows us that the range of possibilities is bigger than we thought it was. For the worse right now, but for the better too.
I had to go to my doctor and ask for an Rx for hydroxyzine. She also gave me antidepressants and a sleeping aide. No shame in getting help in this timeline.
Meds are the only thing keeping me functioning right now. I'm beginning to think that's one of the reasons that RFK Jr and Trump want to get rid of antidepressants. If we're not able to get through the day, they can control us better.
Oof, yeah - Xanax is hard to get because of how much it's abused. My sibling is in the same boat. Hydroxyzine makes me tired, but I'd rather be a little sleepy than paralyzed with panic.
Xanax is highly addictive and can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Not a long term answer.
Get a meditation app such as Insight Timer. Practice yoga Nidra. Get a support group.
You've got this.
So much good advice here! Pay attention to the “glimmers” - the small positive things that pop up in your day - and name them. Like, birdsong, good music or acts of kindness.
If you are someone who has panic attacks, keep sour candy with you and pop one in your mouth when you start feeling anxious
1. Desensitize:
Desensitizing stressful thoughts takes time. Talking with others can help.
CBD helps me. I've seen others have dramatic improvement with professional Ketamine therapy. Also cursing. English has excellent curse words; but, feel free to improve your foreign language skills.
2. Recover:
Do something you love. A lot.
It's OK, even necessary, to find a little joy.
Find more things to love to do.
The key thing is the DOING.
Bonus points for helping others.
Perspective helps. It may seem impossible to escape the current situation; but, know that change is inevitable.
3. React:
Learn as much as possible about how similar situations evolve. Who, what, where, when and how? The more you know, the more effective your response can be: "Knowledge is Power".
Take action to improve the situation in any way you can.
For a lot of people we feel the terror and despair because we don’t feel like we have any power over the situation. IMO the solution is to find ways to regain control over small actions we can do every day
Hell yes, because we’re going to out-stubborn those bastards.
I think the despair is in not seeing what to hope for, beyond "stop THIS". So, what (rhetorically) do you choose to hope for? Find others hoping the same. We're here.
Something that shifted for me recently is that hope (often) doesn't feel "hopeful." Hope isn't excitement— it's just determination.
we're reaching a breaking point here. we've got GOP voters screaming at their representatives, blocking in their SUVs
people are turning on Trump and Musk
Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius is very very good. You’ll feel better. Read aloud 🧡
#booksky #booktok #books #booklover
Dropping by multiple times a week has done wonders for my current mental state.
Hopefully, the Art Institute can do the same for you.
They all have bad shit going on in really well thought ways. Surprising for sf.
Remember in planes about putting your oxygen mask on first so that
See a therapist if you can
Take a news break
Focus on appreciating the good things around you family, friends, hobbies, beauty
You may want to listen to the Happiness Podcast (Dr Santos)
One foot ‘n front of ‘t other
Rest up… eat right
Breathe. Sing
Do a lil jig
Mostly just do your best
We’re all in the same boat
You need a community around you. because only in solidarity can you find the resources to get out of this intact. This applies to all of us, btw.
You really aren’t alone.
Sometimes you just have to step away. Take a vacation from the news etc.
yes, it’s important to be informed and active but sometimes you gotta take a break.
Let someone else move forward.
You can be the second wave.
Psychologists are trained to listen and help you process your feelings. They'll also offer strategies you can use to manage your experiences.
• Move your body. Movement can shift your perspective.
• Stay nourished. Eating well helps stabilize mood and energy.
• Reach out. You don’t have to go through this alone. Talk to someone you trust.
Hang in there. You’re not alone
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Wild Awakenings
Ponlop also has a more recent book about working with strong emotions.
rest your attention on the parts of your body that are calm
There are huge groups of people who feel the same.
Spending more time around the latter, helping them fight the former, will restore your hope.
I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and a lot of what this man said literally saved my life many years ago. I remain in awe of his simple clarity. Two books I particularly recommend are:
"Freedom from the Known"
"First and Last Freedom"
Just expect nothing from him ;-)
Quotes about K from some very important people :-)
His teachings are fully searchable to pinpoint your pain and anguish.
Discover you :-)
People and things you care about are/will be targeted. But sadly, some Americans can't seem the harm until it runs them over. And sometimes, not even then.
Ignorant? Maybe. But also sane.
Bluesky is what saved me. Knowing that you're not insane or alone is key.
Social Security. Hang in there, there are good people in the world. Including you,
2. create art
The truth is, this is a scary time, not going to lie to you. I think it will get worse before it gets better. But I think it will get better because soooo many people will bravely stand up and say no more. Because we'll come together and work for Good.
Also Xanax & Lexapro help.
Erik Erikson, "Childhood & Society"
If you have to stay, Lorazepam
I try to reassure myself that I am safe today. Follow with a gratitude and how I am going to enjoy something here today (like being outside, garden/flowers, moments with a family member or friends). Do one thing on my prep list so I am in control of something. Hang in - we are all needed
My dog is my only reason I hold on.
I don't know if it's the right answer, but it's what I'm clinging to.
That's how you do it.
Put a little of whatever, food, money, away in a stash.
Just go day by day.
Connect with people face to face.
Join resistance groups.
Protest. Be active.
I feel for you Kate. If it helps at all, you are not alone.
My therapist is using EMDR to try to help me believe that there's a chance things will be okay.
I don't know what your situation is, but for me, getting out
Most of my coping strategies at this time are distraction. I read, listening
Be in community (for me it’s being a part of a cause- a local nonprofit- that is solving a problem.)
Television- the kind where you can’t look away or you’ll miss the nuance
Baby steps to goals. Teensy.
Plan a trip. Something to look forward to.
Americans elected him…the ridiculous election methodology, and ability to spread lies and hatred at will are at the root of it.
You need spending limits and time limits…half a term is wasted campaigning!!
Yes… let’s go back to the 70’s… dancing, drugs and fishbowls. Swing baby swing!!!!
You can do it!
Feel better.
Intro and Stretches:
Ear Massage:
Eye Movement:
The Robber Baron breast feeding
JD Vance and
Nazi Supervillain
The NAZI behind the NAZI
Injects himself with hormone growth cells harvested from…
-wait, get this-
Why? In his search for eternal life! You can’t make this shit up
Hunt this twisted evil mthrfkr down
ALL humor is cruelty-based. The great left wing comics, like George Carlin, are savage, brutal, mean as snakes. I love Carlin bc he trashes the right always, and the left sometimes.
Nothing big, but these are small helps.
This isn’t an answer most want to hear.
Back in 2018 under the first edition of Ronald “The Ding-Dong” Rump, a former coworker started taking classes at the local gov emergency preparedness org to be able to help fellow citizens in an emergency.
Get a meditation app such as Insight Timer. Practice yoga Nidra. Get a support group.
You've got this.
If you are someone who has panic attacks, keep sour candy with you and pop one in your mouth when you start feeling anxious
Joining protests, staying in touch with friends, volunteering, being out in nature - all these things can help.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It may seem like there is nothing but hate in the world; but, know that there are MANY who actually do love their neighbors.
3 Things that help me:
1. Desensitize
2. Recover
3. React
Desensitizing stressful thoughts takes time. Talking with others can help.
CBD helps me. I've seen others have dramatic improvement with professional Ketamine therapy. Also cursing. English has excellent curse words; but, feel free to improve your foreign language skills.
Do something you love. A lot.
It's OK, even necessary, to find a little joy.
Find more things to love to do.
The key thing is the DOING.
Bonus points for helping others.
Perspective helps. It may seem impossible to escape the current situation; but, know that change is inevitable.
Learn as much as possible about how similar situations evolve. Who, what, where, when and how? The more you know, the more effective your response can be: "Knowledge is Power".
Take action to improve the situation in any way you can.
Repeat these steps as needed.