I believe in basic human decency and the rule of law-I practice it for a living.
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Serious question can’t states stop withholding federal taxes? If states and citizenry have to fend for themselves then why are we having to pay federal taxes? Instead raise state taxes and use that fund for the state.
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Ok then the Native Americans are reclaiming their land and he and his cult should go back to where they came from!
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Maybe, just maybe, it might be beneficial for us on NY/NJ/MA side to join the Canadian union and we can build a wall to keep the US out. We can collectively be your 11th province, if you’d like.
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The only difference is that it was a small, poor, homogenous country that didn’t matter on the world stage and this is the USA with the ability to topple world order, cause mayhem globally, and a diverse nation with a lot of nuances. In the end, it’s the common poor people who suffer, red or blue.
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As someone who grew up in a 3rd world- the corruption is so organized you can’t trust the officials or the system. Rich people & politicians got richer & income inequality got bigger. All while civil & political rights remained (in theory). You could voice your opinion but didn't make a difference.
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We might actually (not by choice) come out of this as the “greatest generation 2.0 “, having fought a greater depression, once in a lifetime pandemic, terrible power grabbing, narcissistic, gaslighting parents, ww3, and fascism to name a few. Let’s just make sure our kids don’t act like boomers.
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Lol, you cannot reason with these folks. When Biden took the shambles that the economy became post tan man, they were yelling from the rooftops that Biden wrecked the economy and that Kamala couldn’t bring down the price of eggs. And now they are like this inflation is what we inherited. Stfu!
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Am I the only one wondering if these people are Democrats? The democratic party is sabotaging its values and its voters! What a bunch of liars and chameleons! Even a chameleon would be offended if we call these idiots that. I’m fine with immigration reform, but stop with this sycophancy!
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It’s reprehensible on so many levels, but what I want to understand is who are the “others” here- like who are these self-proclaimed “Aryans” trying to exterminate this time?
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This is ludicrous; speak of building baseless, unfounded, fact-less arguments and trying to gaslight us. Anyone who has a high school diploma knows how tariffs work-oh wait, not in USA. There are several ways to make your economy thrive, tariffs and isolationism is not one of them!
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Ok, then why don’t we ensure that the increasing cost is then paid by the corporations and businesses that ya’ll want to build up, something like “cost of doing business” and we consumers are not subsidizing this? If not, it’s simple, we just won’t buy or waste our votes on backstabbers like you!
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David needs to simply go and check “publicly available” data, whip out a notebook and calculator, and do some mathematical exercise to see if his assertion is backed by evidence. Likely not, but it’d be “lazy” of him to not even do that much leg work and find it out for himself. Just saying!
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I think we collectively need to come up with an idea/ strategy, to reverse this level of brainwashing that turns humans into garbage. Otherwise looks like religion, race, and differences will be weaponized by power-hungry men and we all will be so indoctrinated that we will stoop to new lows!
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At this point, it’s either a BAD joke or dems are hoping for karmic revenge or we are all sorely fked! It really seems like our reps aren’t our reps, we need to take a page from the French history & stand up and fight for our rights on our own.
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This apparatus and 2 party system isn’t working anymore. We need a multi-party democracy where a lunatic can’t hold this much power. I’d rather take a reelection every 2 years than a despot that can’t be overthrown. Dems as it stands are so divided within the party and frankly, a weak opposition!
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Spot on. I still can’t unhear how he sexualized his daughter at an interview. He’s a dimwitted, narcissistic, misogynistic predator - the kind of person whose rightful place is behind bars and not the white house. But guess those Maggots need someone who’ll normalize such behavior.
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Lol, I have been glaring at the map to see what kind of cessation is geographically feasible.
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Genuinely wondering if Yale law just holds the track record for creating democracy-hating misogynist men.
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What can we the people do? Looks like these politicians won’t do shit, and we are on our own. Drastic, but the only solution I’ve been toying with is separating from this toxic relationship and restarting. This time we’ll make sure it’s a nation where fundamental values align and C&B work!
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My MIL a MAGA said to me (a new mom) that women getting to pump at work was unfair to others as they got extra break to pump that others didn’t! I sat there stunned. MAGA women have deeply internalized misogyny which they don’t want to work on.
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Seems like he didn’t listen to the whole story (cause he clearly didn’t read it & doesn’t have the patience to listen all the way through)-so he missed the part where guillotine meets the King. Yeah, if someone told him “King, die, guillotine”, he might abandon this project altogether. Just saying.
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He perhaps never read the constitution or the rights guaranteed-I mean, makes sense he never had to since he got his citizenship without any hard work! Plus, now we all know reading, logical thinking, and reasoning is not his forte. He just wants to ensure all this measle(y) kids can’t read & write.
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Didn’t Adelson fund his campaign? Guess she is ok with him tanking her late husband’s fortune in the interim, if she can build dozen more of those casinos in the buffoon’s middle east riviera and recuperate the loss!
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They need a crash course on tariff from Khan Academy & a refund from whichever educational institution they attended. This is embarrassing. They are distorting concepts to fit their narrative. I genuinely never thought US had so many morons; guess US does everything big-including stupidity.
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You know, JD with that JD scares me more than Tan man! He is a calculated opportunist, he knows what he is doing, it’s scarier than an egoistic, idiot who can’t read.
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Ok, but we the people need action, this time it’s not about political gains-ya’ll can worry about that later. It’s about fighting a fascist. If we don’t do this now, we might lose any semblance of freedom any of us have. This is when we need the patriotism to shine.
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I’m so tired of this, can we blue states seek referendum to just leave- we will call it “blexit”. We can no longer reason with people who are so far gone, bigoted, & blinded by hate. We want to live in peace and that seems unachievable with Maggots. They can have their white, gun & hate filled state
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First, get aligned within the party. Second, collectively be the opposition we really need. Third, work with GOP (help them see that we’ve a puppet turning world order on its head) to ensure checks and balances! We cannot let this maniac and his sycophants cause ww3 or global disorder.