Last week: tariffs don't cause inflation - other countries pay the tariff, not American consumers
This week: ok, so we lied about that, but the inflation is ultimately a good thing!
Next week: listen, we need these austerity measures to defeat the depression and build back to prior levels of GDP
This week: ok, so we lied about that, but the inflation is ultimately a good thing!
Next week: listen, we need these austerity measures to defeat the depression and build back to prior levels of GDP
Reposted from
Congressman Jared Golden
But if the price of goods is rising to facilitate the reinvigoration of American production and a transition to an economy that prioritizes domestic goods and markets, that’s a tradeoff we should consider.
🛑 🦅🇺🇸 God bless the democratic people of the USA! Follow me!
This could mean a steep increase in electrical power for NY, MI, MN.
And I live in MI! This is gonna hurt.
(Similar heritage-paternal grandparents Ukrainian and Canadian)
Maybe we’re suffering from context collapse as a society and we just need to start over in a fresh chat window.
Bethlehem Steel was once one of US and world's largest companies. their steel mills are GONE, you can't just build a new one overnight.
Despite the fact that President Biden left the economy in a great state and #Felon47 repeatedly claiming the economy was only good because he got's now fucked and he needs to own that.
In other words: we’re heading for the dreaded stagflation.
I was just a teen last time we had stagflation. But it was so horrid that I remember to this day why stagflation is difficult to get out of.
Want to see how it works, examine Detroit, #Michigan.
Beware! Yr mind & resistance are yr strongest assets. Stand up!
the data, that is actual stuff in the real world, is tht if you have tariffs of <10%, at least in some cases the other countries lower their prices, that is they pay for it
sorry about reality conflicting with your social media
And that goes for the so-called Democratic leadership!
Why tariffs don’t work
GOP convince the gullible via alt-facts. It is Russia maskirovka Reject truth decay Flawed
Is the US the seventh?
Previously it meant rising prices.
He's saying it no longer means that because it specifically relates to oversupply of money due to government printing.
It probably makes sense to Americans, but the rest of us aren't that dumb.
What will it be next, insider trading and quid pro quo horse trading?
Brown manilla envelopes stuffed with cash?
Don't believe the costs you're all paying! FAKE COSTS!!!!
Before it’s over they’ll turn recession and depression into a trial God is putting the faithful through. There is no fixing them. They’ll adapt to every new low.
If you don't want higher prices, then somehow while Musk and Trump are in the WH it is Bidens fault!
F.U.C.K. THAT !!
Better get your car parts this week!
Canadian Car Parts Manufacturers “have only about a week of cash reserves before they’ll be forced to stop shipments.”
According to Mr. Volpe, of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association in Canada
Inflation due to white nationalist xenophobia-fueled protectionism? Good, actually!
Go home and visit your Communities see the Real world!!!
(Hard /S)
I, your exalted Hand of God, Presidentially Decree that the lethal price worth paying to achieve the Golden Era of OUR Fourth Reich may (will) involve the termination of you and your loved ones.
Hard Shit
Your Beloved King Krasnov
But how did they get the American Bell curve só flat that so many Americans fit under the "too stupid" wing of the curve?
The Felon, making other countries great.
-signed, an unemployed Chemist
All trades of lawmakers, exec branch, and courts should be public