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Isn't that the point?
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Please correct the spelling of the word. Some words really need to be spelled exactly as they are to be used. Shoah, now Show.
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Almost? I think was & is. Just as Musk's fakery about gov't efficiency is a smokescreen for his true goals. He, Trump et al. realize democracy is a numbers game. Keep enough people distracted to prevent a critical mass of pressure on other branches of gov't, states & media from stopping them.
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What better way to open the gates of government and commerce to white collar criminals?
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Television and cars have made substantial contributions to weakening family & neighborhood bonds. The bonds that "encourage" people get along. So it makes sense that other ways of connecting with each other would diminish, with the result that our most selfish natures would strengthen.
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Eugenicists wanted people they believed to be mentally deficient to be banned from marriage. Eugenicists supported legally forced sterilization. Women were forced to endure invasive surgery leaving them unable to bear children.
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I believe that there is a desire by powerful people to reduce the population considered non-productive of profit. That includes retirees dependent on SSA & Medicare. Ending ACA is a step toward that goal. Anti-vac lies are part of that agenda. Eugenics is an American movement that remains active.
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Elin Musk likes fascism. Surprised?
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That is the point. Reduce the surplus population.
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Or is it control of population size? Eugenics supported forced sterilization & banning marriage for people considered unworthy or reproducing. Exposing the poorest to greater disease exposure serves the same purpose.
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It helps decrease poverty by increasing early deaths. It’s all about numbers, yes? Too many people + too few resources equals poverty. Reduce people & fewer people will want to munch on the economic pie.
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Ken hopes that Trump doesn’t they to become king of America & create a dynasty. Why? Because Ken wants to be elected king, president.
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Has Nancy and the Jewish Space Laser House Rep been exchanging brain cells?
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Setting a $100,000 bail is about intimidation. Obviously the judge wants to add to the police state fascistic tone.
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The arrest will fail. But the point is by the police to intimidate. There was no concern about whether this was a legitimate threat. Beautiful Florida: Leading the Way in Fascist Police State.
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How to make the Great Depression look like a little dimple of the economic body politic. Don the Choatic lives for one sole reason: To maim, damage or if possible destroy (except for his golf courts). He is a man revels in chaos and causing infinite pain. What Genesis defines as Evil.
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A neighbor admires the picture. Would be glad to enjoy an evening of jocks and videos with the fellow in the picture.
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Does the reward require that the immigrant be alive? Or does that not matter?
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Shift to devaluing non-GDP producers has been happening since at least Reagan. Various factors: long post-career lives, boomer cohort in retirement, upward concentration of wealth, class & caste disconnects all contribute to the unconscious willingness to cull the population of non-GDP producers.
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That response is not relevant to the question of pay for CEOs. CEOs receive way more than money. They have influence among other CEOs and politicians. A valuable good which exceeds the value of money. It’s also an intangible income that is tax free. But only if a person reaches CEO class
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Good medical treatment means extended lives. Okay if a person is an adult or “pre-adult” readying to be a wealth producer (childhood). But for non-wealth producers good healthcare means longer lives. Meaning retirees & others who are using more GDP than are producing. Bad for corporate capitalism.
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In cities where Dems are 90% the strategy has always been to claim Dem but to act as anything but. 2nd half of 20th that was reality in Philly, Balto., Boston. Even still is in NYC with Adams. Surprising Trump didn’t elevate him.
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Playfulness of pop culture (celebrity lookalikes) meets rational rage about greed & health insurance. A real life confluence of comedy & justified anger.
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Thoughtful pose
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Trump waging war in Mex justifies diverting attn from Ukraine justifying US ending help to Ukraine. Allows Putin to call US hypocrite for being an aggressor which strengthens PRC & other US enemies against US. Russia can’t destroy US; but weakening is enough.
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Next step is to add his face to money.
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A war with Mexico would make V. Putin very happy.
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Trump is an atheist. To him Jewish and Christian liturgical texts are just words on paper. Meaningless, useless except to help him have power.
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The question is what religion has developed that uses trappings of religion but actually is committed to the goals of the new religion? What do Trump Evangelicals want? For starters: Homogenization, uniformity, sameness. A nation where everyone believes what they say is real.
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Powerful people believe that anyone who doesn’t generate net wealth is a drain. That includes anyone retired or needing safety net support. Not funding Social Security enough will lead to earlier deaths. Reducing population who don’t or no longer produce enough excess wealth & profit.
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The American Eugenics movement claimed that much of what we call disabilities were inheritable & “weakened” the nation’s strength. They called for not allowing people they consider deficient to marry & forced sterilization. Precursors to Nazis. Forced sterilization continued into the 60s at least.
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Unitarianism has roots in, of all places, Transylvania.