Advocate for wildlife and wild lands. Nature needs half. The moral circle encompasses all life; how we treat the vulnerable, including animals, reflects our moral character.
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I wish humans never had characteristics permitting segregation or tribalism and that Christianity was never subverted by evil, yet a wish is just a wish and we must contend with reality.
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Deeply flawed people who find personal validation in abusing animals.
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People use wildlife calls to lure the wolves across the border so that they can be shot. Zoosadism is sexual pleasure derived from cruelty to animals
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It would be great if Blue Sky could become cooperatively owned by all users.
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Hats off to the UK, Monaco and the Czech Republic for moral and objective decision making which is so rare elsewhere.
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Sounds like something out of Trump World.
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Not to mention pharmaceutical metabolites continuously excreted by first world humanity.
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A fabulous book about how unique species experience unique worlds that are hidden from humans
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When you allow idiots to have guns, expect guns to be used idiotically
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It’s not a bad thing at all. Why must it be done in secret?
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When did we elect Donald Trump Governor of Colorado?
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So will the State now legislate to redact all names from all CORA requests because someone might use the name to contact the named person and therefore might harass them? Maybe removing names from all county assessment roles is next? Maybe names should be redacted from all purchasing contracts too
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Thank you Senator. I hope Judges will be aggressive with this. The unimaginable has become real.
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Federal Judges need support. NYT article today describes wave of threats from lunatic MAGAs triggered by POTUS Truth tweet urging impeachment of Judge Boasman in deportation case.
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Federal Judges need support. NYT article today describes wave of threats from lunatic MAGAs triggered by POTUS Truth tweet.
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Exactly. MAGAs have succumbed to this on steroids post Tea Party now the Democratic Party “may face a Tea Party moment. Thanks for promoting common sense. From your lips to God’s ears.
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Not everyone here in the states is thrilled with him either.
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Why on earth are wildlife being farmed?
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Respecting people solely because they have a lot of money has led us to this.
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Just one example of the looming threats: open.substack.com/pub/chrisdan...
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From your lips to God’s ears!
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This is even more desperately needed here in the states. Learn from our huge mistakes.
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Promoting corruption is also detrimental to humanity as a whole - a failure to understand any difference between right and wrong.
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Disgusting is an understatement.
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This looming catastrophe is flying under the radar in Colorado too. Wildlife “scientifically” managed by depraved degenerates.
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Colorado hunters need to learn about chronic wasting disease in Colorado and how wolves help to prevent it from spreading. We need to highlight why the interest of hunters and ranchers are different.
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Perhaps it is not us vs them? Anymore than it might be us vs alcoholics if we trying to tackle alcoholism. Belief polarization is highly addictive and has become a lifestyle for the right. A powerful and dangerous activating force.
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it is becoming ever more evident that modernity was founded on a profoundly mistaken understanding of the world, and that the elevation of humans above all other species, and indeed the Earth itself, has had disastrous consequences for humanity as well as all other living Beings.” -Amitav Ghosh
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“Today, as the planet hurtles towards environmental and societal breakdown, brought about by the interlinked vectors of global warming, biodiversity loss, species extinctions and the spread of new pathogens. . .
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Weyerhaeuser and the rest were greedy idiots at best.
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The Crusades, reborn in America.
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Reduced access to public lands may have a beneficial environmental impact. Few go in on foot so if the roads get bad enough that people can’t ride an ATV in, the wild-lands and wildlife will be unmolested.
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Great news!
Power corrupts, and there is nothing more corrupting than power exercised in secret. -Daniel Schorr
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Contrast this with the article today in the NYT about how republicans and businessmen have stopped criticizing lies and bad policies because they fear retribution (orange colored retribution)
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Do you have a gallery somewhere?
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SB 25-038 is on CO Gov Polis’s desk, if he signs it payments to ranchers will be kept secret from the public. If you know Gov Polis please talk to him about this. It is a crooked bill to protect crooked people.
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The ranchers are on grazing land that is almost free courtesy of our government so they have plenty of money for their propaganda machine. Ballot measure needed to ban ranching on all state lands.
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Truth to power. Thank you WWP! Wildlife needs wild lands. Beef prices are through the roof yet the government subsidizes wealthy ranchers.
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And I might add that Colorado Senate Bill 25-038 will make the identities of ranchers who receive money secret! Praying that Gov Polis will veto it