True. Friends with Putin And China atd.It's a sad time. Reagan is turning in his grave. And all the presidents too and all the dead who fought for the freedom of the USA against England or against Hitler, shame on Trump voters, they have that shame on their conscience
Trump idolizes all dictators. Exactly as you said. If president Zelenskyy was a “dictator” Trump would be praising him. Like Trump praised Putin and Hitler
In addition to being Putin's puppet, Dump is still pissed off that Zelensky didn't cave to his extortion demand to frame the Biden's in the run-up to the 2020 election which then also led to Dump's 1st impeachment.
Name a date and time for everyone who cares about America and our democracy to meet on the White House steps to effectuate a peaceful transfer of power back to we the people!
Actions speak louder than words! We need a solution not continue talking about the problem!
The thing about people who cry wolf is that they are usually the wolf and just try to make sure everyone is so angry and confused that the wolf is allowed to kill everyone.
He is projecting again. He is the dictator and if you don’t do something you will be beyond help. So many of those MAGA morons on YouTube saying they prefer Putin to Kamala because she’s a socialist. Just how many uneducated people do you really have?
WTF are you talking about. You don’t need to be a “socialist” to use the good parts of socialism or the good bits of Capitalism to be an out & out capitalist.
You like so many cannot tell the difference between the two.
I wish Americans would do something about this before their military is ordered to murder millions of innocent people. The Americans are the only ones that can save the world from America
Hopefully the military remember their oath is to the Constitution and that if ordered to act against it will take it upon themselves to remove the offending party.
Just because it doesn’t make headline, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. There are protests everywhere and they are broadcast. You just have to find them.
We aren't tolerating it. There are protests that aren't being covered by media. We also are boycotting spending on February 28th and unnecessary spending in general.
It's clear that Trump's remarks follow the efforts of the administration to blackmail the Ukraine into selling off its mineral rights.
The art of the deal. Humiliate your opponent so as to pressurise them into submission.
mainstream media never mention that part of the justification for the invasion was to remove nazis and the leader of Ukraine is Jewish. Putin made numerous anti semitic statements and nothing was ever mentioned by mainstream media
Leaders who the #SeditionistInChief has called dictators: Zelenskyy, Trudeau
Leaders he has never called dictators: KGB Dude, Xi, Orban, Erdogan
He may have called Kim Jong Un a dictator at one point, but not since they “fell in love”.
Trump is blatantly lying now. Hes claiming "Ukraine hasnt been talking in three years". "started the war" "Zelensky is a dictator. Trump needs to be removed from office now. This is beyond impeachment. This is treason. He is ignoring facts of history in service to Russia. Its obvious.
It really is treasonous. Abandoning decades, almost a century, of American foreign policy, during a war. Not suspicious at all.
Republican voters are used to be traitorous swine though. How much of America swallowed George W Bush’s lies, only to say nowadays they’re against it all.
The Felon
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most respected and loved president of them all
The mirror
it’s president Zelenskyy of course
The felon 😫😭
I will get him bigly
Trump is still upset with Zelensky when he didn't play his game trying to demand that Zelensky dig up dirt on Biden to receive the money Congress had already approved for Ukraine. The reason Trump was impeached the second time.
Trump is the smallest person in the room, anywhere and anytime. Zelensky is a GIANT by comparison, and that rotten to the core felon knows it in his prodigious belly.
Trump needs to be dropped into the front lines with the Ukrainians.
They can use him for target practice.
I cannot believe Americans are tolerating this insanity.
We aren't tolerating it. There are protests that aren't being covered by media. We also are boycotting spending on February 28th and unnecessary spending in general.
There's not mistaking that T-Rump has made a deal with President Putin. So for tht reason he seems to be forced into telling the truth about and by Putin.
Trump idolizes all dictators. Exactly as you said. If president Zelenskyy was a “dictator” Trump would be praising him. Like Trump praised Putin and Hitler
True Story.
I'm lifting your meme.
Here's one in exchange.
If it was up to me, I would send Trump to the frontline with or without bone spurs.
"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had." - Trump
"I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president," - Trump
"I need the kind of generals that Hitler had." - Trump
"I have an Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president," - Trump
Actions speak louder than words! We need a solution not continue talking about the problem!
I have to borrow this 😊
What do you mean by Socialist?
You will get some Idiotic word salad
None of which demonstrates even a basic grasp of the concept beyond 'Muh Freeeeeeedum'
Which is ridiculous, because in a socialist society you also have the freedom to be an Idiot, and have a safety net
You like so many cannot tell the difference between the two.
What do You mean by Socialism?
The art of the deal. Humiliate your opponent so as to pressurise them into submission.
Trump is a lying piece of shit.
And sad, very sad.
We're going to take back our country by any means necessary.
Nobody voted to lose their jobs and join the Axis of Evil.
Vote out these Republicans and the Democrats that don't fight this coup.
May the regime's demise be swift and severe.
Leaders he has never called dictators: KGB Dude, Xi, Orban, Erdogan
He may have called Kim Jong Un a dictator at one point, but not since they “fell in love”.
I must borrow 🤣
Russian dictator Putin
American dictator & king Trump
Dictator & president Elon Musk
Communist Party MAGA/republican
I sent this to my senator Tom Cotton today & to my other representative right B4 I called the democratic party and volunteered
Does Zelensky's wife know Trump idolizes Vlod?
Oh fuck, this could get interesting 😎
Republican voters are used to be traitorous swine though. How much of America swallowed George W Bush’s lies, only to say nowadays they’re against it all.
Mirror mirror on the wall who is the most respected and loved president of them all
The mirror
it’s president Zelenskyy of course
The felon 😫😭
I will get him bigly
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
Donald Jackass Trump.
They can use him for target practice.
I cannot believe Americans are tolerating this insanity.
This is the hub of insanity and alt-reality.