SCOOP --> Trump's State Department quietly terminated a contract that was in the process of transferring evidence of Russian abductions of Ukrainian kids to European law enforcement, two sources familiar with the situation tell me.
Details here:
Details here:
Sick, selfish and inhumane. Colluding with Putin to commit the crimes!
absolutely disgusting.
They’ve got a history of sneaky lads (and gals)
Also being reported in legacy media.
Thank you Greg for fierce reporting of the facts.
Not enough discussion on reparations, rebuilding and clean up of Putin’s war on Ukraine.
Same as Ukraine being forced to retreat from Kursk region.
Philip, what does Grok say about this 'coincidence'?
(Krasnov being a Russian asset was already established at 85% _some time ago_ (me: "Anyone keep time-track/-progression?")
It’s what he does.
Three weeks ago, the Trusk regime gave NATO a 3-week ultimatum to drop Ukraine or "we withdraw from Europe." The source
Re-installed without firing a shot.
This is outrageous
"My name is Mar...."
" name is Reek."
WTF, America???
He will be one of a thousand footnotes of ignominy.
Ever since they "lost " over 500 kids that they sold into the pay to adopt Christian adoption networks.
Are there enough kidnapped Ukrainian orphans to exchange each and every self-identified (R)ussian agent for?
I'll bring the marshmallows as they burn in hell
Trump and Rubio are horrific evil monsters!
So we can only re-elect the Dem senators that did not vote to approve this weaselly pos? Well that's a problem, isn't it?
For God’s sake, what is wrong with these… people? They’re ok with the kidnapping of children?
America you disgrace yourself more and more each day.
The world is not your plaything, no matter how powerful you think you are.
“ can do” for his probable boss, Putin, no matter how inhuman and cruel. He doesn’t walk , he slithers- just like the reptile he is.
Rise up people! It’s up to us!
Whatever safety he gets from his current arrangement, he will have to face the child sexual abuse at the end.
Maybe in front of God.
That's what he is fighting for now. That's his job now.
Sorry lil Marco, doesn't matter what you used to say you believed. Now, on the permanent record, it's *child trafficking*.
It is a travesty they were shut down from this work.
Pretty sure drag brunches are safer than Russian kidnappings, but what do I know?
Inhuman scum.
He knows this is all wrong.
He should quit.
He's aged so much in mere weeks.
-Halted funding for Ukraine
-Halted intel sharing with Ukraine (both violations of Budapest Memorandum)
- Intends to end refugee status for over 200k Ukrainians
- Drawing up plans to ease sanctions on Russia.
Support Ukraine if you can, donate to United 24 🇺🇦❤️
This is betrayal at its most odious.
like the prominent stuff is already awful but they keep finding new depths
That guy has never met a child trafficker he didn't love.