Weaz I just looked through the replies and I want to say I’m very sorry for retweeting this and inadvertently contributing to the absolute chaos going on in your mentions right now.
Pepperoni does things to my mouth that you do not want to see and that involve ERs.
(Remove the pepperoni and act like “it’s just cheese and he’ll never be able to tell” and you can drive me instead of calling 911. How’s that for a win, trickster? 😝
And yeah.
YES I was gonna say “make this the Wikipedia picture of pizza” but then I remembered Wikipedia pictures are contractually obligated to be bad so this would not work
I'm sorry, but that pizza doesn't pass muster. Look at the back slices vs the front slices. The pepperoni distribution isn't good. I'm not saying you need to get a ruler out, but that's not even close.
The nice thing when my picture of Poppy went viral is that I didn't have some of the Internet's biggest dinguses telling me "you shouldn't let your cat sit in a box, there's a climate crisis" or "your black cat is bad luck, asshole." Sorry you got a different crowd.
i'm sticking with my theory that the haters were mad about how i got to eat a delicious pepperoni pizza and they did not, i'm still coming out a winner here!
(Remove the pepperoni and act like “it’s just cheese and he’ll never be able to tell” and you can drive me instead of calling 911. How’s that for a win, trickster? 😝
And yeah.