As someone who spends a lot time thinking about the values I want to teach my kid (besides PLEASE DON’T EAT DIRT), the thing I keep coming back to is this: I want him to believe that the strongest, bravest thing he can do is give a shit about other people—especially ones who aren’t like him at all.
It’s face to face, community engagement, intersectional interests.
Volunteer, join, participate and encourage.
The ballot box is a mere culmination of our day to day interactions… albeit through sympathy, empathy and kindness.
Also? Real men don’t need to tell people how tough, trustworthy or great they are. They just are
Whenever we’d pull up to an intersection with someone asking for help I’d had them a fig bar or granola bar.
Kids see these acts of kindness and I’ve got 3 incredibly kind kiddos😍
1. I wanted a name that is both strong and fun.
2. I wanted a name that will go with either a bass player of a punk band or an astrophysicist (or both)
3. I wanted a name that is short and easy to write.
4. And, most importantly and what I ultimately told my MIL, I thought about what name is appropriate for a baby that would come out of my vagina on a motorcycle. And I thought, "Hmmm. Otto sounds good."
World needs more people like you. Keep being you. Thank you. ❤️
Cowards demand it.
My Mother used to have me do chores for the elderly people in the neighborhood... for free.. Got a lot of knowledge and insight and all it cost me was sweat and time..
"Be a good person. Understand that others don't have the life and opportunities that you do."
Dont forget the basics too. Like never pee into the wind.
My little bits of wisdom...
Kids see what you do and don't hear what you say.
Kids remember time spent not presents bought.
I think reading literature and poetry and making art teaches empathy.
Quaint I know...
Most proud of in regard to my children is that they are kind!
When a leader lacks compassion, the people do not thrive, only the few.
Compassion is what produces a sustainable society.
Might’ve grossed out the girls a bit. Maybe that was the point? Too far back to know now.
There are trees under which deadly parasites inhabit the earth itself due to symbiosis. Eating dirt can kill.
Didn’t let mine do the same though.
Have read horror stories of a lad that ate a snail or a slug when drunk for a dare, became paralysed and died.
Too tragic for words.
I wish we had that when I was young.
It won't hurt them and could help
They will live longer
LT | WR | CB | LB | G | and they are relying on the draft to get with many of their SB problems.
(The "give a shit about other people" thing, that is. Though I suspect he also encouraged kids to not eat dirt.)
"Be kind to everyone... and don't eat dirt."
- Jesus, probably
I don’t know what the future holds for her, but I know if she keeps those as the two most important things, she’s going to be ok.
I always told the students I worked with at the university not to worry what others do; they should always do the right thing.
- me, frequently, to my kids
My daughter, at age 11, taught me the same - about animals. We haven’t eaten one since. (She’s 30 now).
(My Mom also had a hand in that!)
I wish the modern-day WW comic still embodied those virtues.
Said with an incredible amount of sarcasm
My sons are such kind adults who really care about others.
1. Healthy
2. A good person
3. Happy