The news has been more than a bit grim of late, so hooray for providing some genuine and really meaningful **good** news: the UK's carbon emissions in 2024 were the lowest since 1872, because demand for fossil fuels just keeps decreasing.
So all the stuff we buy from China isn’t counted…
Near future if it can be shown reliance on other countries for energy is diminished.
Surely, in this chaotic world, energy independence must be central to government policy and bring power to those nations that rely on cheaply, homegrown, non carbon sources.
So glad at least some countries care about the earth.
Help us get rid of trump please, so we can regain some traction for the same, on our little slab of ground here.
We are disgusted that he will now be tearing up our National Parks for lumber and minerals. How can we stop him!?
The only downside is that a lot of our reductions are from "offshoring" our carbon intensive industries like manufacturing and making steel. I am not sure how you would calculate that accurately.
However, we are doing well!
“Consumption-based emissions, including CO2 embedded in imported goods and services, were increasing until 2007, but have since fallen at a similar rate to territorial emissions.”
Do not tell Trump, he’ll get the FBI to charge them.
Well done, UK.
Now let’s stop importing so many plastics, and reduce our overall consumption
It should be even more impressive!
But that only ranges 1999-2016 so I'm not sure how valid that statement is.
But if we're including transport, and transport was largely by horse, should we be including the emissions from horses in any comparison?
The idea that life expectancy was possibly consistent since the dawn of time, and then suddenly changes 200 years ago is mind-blowing!
Unfortunately the US has gone the opposite direction with the gutting of most of the key water and air regulations.