The billionaire fantasy about colonising Mars is projection. Imagine dreaming of living on a soulless uninhabitable dead planet where we would be utterly reliant on technology for survival and where most would be in a form of servitude at the behest of a private company.
It would be cheaper and more realistic to colonize the ocean floor or Antarctica.
But also fascinating that repairing Earth/restoring our actual planet isn’t a priority at all.
Is it easier to prioritise colonisation of new than to work ethically?
I agree but do think that cognitively, some of these people don’t have the emotional intelligence to think ‘oh I was wrong on that. Let’s try this instead’. Like just foundationaly unable to acknowledge they are part of the problem.
(AI energy levels for example.)
Dinosaurs: diverse, real, lots we don't understand about them, ongoing significant real-world impact
Checks out :)
An asshole like Musk would be air-locked before they got halfway to Mars.
Same with packing spaceships full of billionaires - rats in a sack.
I’ve seen Total Recall…
So let them fly to Mars, it's fine.
But they want to be regarded like Roman Gods, so they invent childish nonsense like founding colonies on Mars.
There is no way that a billionaire led colony on Mars does not end in cannibalism.
* He of "The History of Rome" and "Revolutions"