The worst thing capitalism ever did to creative people is convincing us that we don't deserve a living wage. And worse, that accepting less was our idea, actually - that insisting on fair compensation is laughable, and cringey.
Guys. It's not.
Guys. It's not.
“Legitimizing” profit as a moral starting point for an argument.
Celebrating the reallocation of resources and needs of the majority into the meaningless collection of a self-decided few.
I could go on…
Good, go, get your $5 logo.
I live in a place where there are reminders of public works projects and the WPA all around. The WPA trained people in fine to make things like these
Prior to the raise of the modern economy in the 19th century, artists in the West had to brown-nose the aristocracy or the Church to get work. That includes musicians and writers.
Ok, but also I have rent to pay.
portraying the dissenter as childish or "cringe"
civil rights? cringe
save the planet? cringe
stop the wars? cringe
capitalism is bad actually? cringe
every piece of dissent against the system is considered... cringe, childlike, weak
It's useful in other ways, though. Anyone using the term can be safely ignored.
"this is what a child would say" is a great way to shut down legitimate protest
A child would ask why people are sleeping on the streets when it's dangerously cold outside and there are lots of vacant hotel rooms in sight.