Seriously. I live NH, helped out as a worker bee for his 2020 run, and have followed him ever since, and while I'm sure he swears in private, I have never seen him do so in any public forum until now.
Trump said the Atlantic is a bad magazine going out of business and he's not heard anything this. That's why... imagine trump knowing what signal is or what a scif is
National security is a colossal joke at this point anyway. Trump gave away or sold us out years ago and is still on Putin’s payroll. Anyone who thinks we have any secrets from real enemies is delusional….
No snark intended, but most ppl underestimate the scope & scale of what constitutes national security. There are thousands of people at home & abroad who spend every day engaged in all manner of work to keep not just this country safe, but the entire western world. This admin puts them all at risk.
I know that’s true and my comment was not to denigrate the incredible public servants who do this critical work. Rather I’m pointing out that Trump and his minions make a mockery of their efforts.
All good, and you're not wrong at all. I just hope ppl know that national security is not some abstract thing that starts & stops at a PDB or a box of files in that idiot's bathroom. It's countless, truly patriotic people doing courageous shit all over the world that no one [should] ever hear about.
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
Unfortunately, there's no kill switch for what we're experiencing. Congress & the Supreme Court *can* hold them accountable, but until either of them do, it's up to journalists, patriotic citizens, and (can't believe I'm saying this) lawyers to keep the tent from blowing away.
Really confused…how does one unknowingly add a person/number (especially, a journalist) to a group chat? I do group chat all the time and you have to intentionally select the person. Assuming that it would be even more obvious in the Signal app. Could it have been intentional? JW?
Remember that the GOP wholeheartedly passed them through confirmation knowing that something like this was 100 percent possible due to the fact that they did not have qualifications for the highest security roles in our country. Thankfully no service member was injured
You think Mike Walz is a mole wanting to get the story exposed? Is JD along for the ride as he did say Trump is Americas Hitler. And what will the Republican Congress do about it?
Nothing is my guess.
For this and so many other things - impeach and begin the long process of reform. All Americans need to demand an end to this mockery of our ideals. This administration is disastrous.
Musk talking about fraud while running Tesla, Twitter, and Dogecoin schemes is like a bank robber warning you about pickpockets. Bro, you are the crime.
These guys are who America must be kept safe FROM. The bigger a bunch of incompetent fuck-ups they are, the better for this country.
It's you Blue Folk who need to get your shit together.
ASAP! 2016 would not actually have been too early.
2028 might actually be too late.
Obviously, these people never heard of #netiquette 👇👇👇
"...netiquette involves being mindful of your behavior, avoiding offensive or derogatory language, and treating others as you would in face-to-face interactions."
— Abigail Lev, PSYD, Founder & Director Of The Bay Area CBT Center
Anybody. Anybody at all. Tell me this is not what was possible when Trump appointed these clowns. It was inevitable. Nothing will be done. Trump is a gutless clown himself. Expect more fuckups.
Me too, those DEI hires are so much more competent then these white people,alcoholic, drug users,felons who couldn’t get a job at McDonalds with their track records, but here we are, wanting to start wars,giving info to the enemies, lying bastards
He called Jeff Goldberg liar, deceitful,blah blah blah, thats cool but why was Jeff Goldberg in the thread to begin with? Why is Jeff Goldberg in the chat room to begin with? Why would Hegseth have him on any thread is what question should be?
Unbelievable but not surprising, we saw this coming! All his "best people" are incompetent &/or unqualified. US is now so much more less than before this admin came to office - less safe, less inclusive, less educated, less employed, etc. One certainty, more stupid and fuckup actions are coming.
When I had TS/SCI we were told "if that info gets out, Americans die." I'm so glad I'm out of that world now that people way less qualified than I am are in charge of it all.
[2/2] If you're capable, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. Making the GOP confront you as a person not a faceless voter shakes them up so badly and is very important.
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
It is really bad. I"m retired DoD. This is a real serious "fuckup". We are trained, repeatedly, on national security and using Do NOTS. Using this kind of casual platform is the biggest DON'T or you will be prosecuted.
I was literally about to post something very similar. Pete has shown to be extremely conscientious and deliberate with his words, so you know he meant that.
Wow, Hegseth looked and acted pretty angry butt hurt at getting caught in this major scandal when questioned in Hawaii. Hahahahaha, saying Jefferey Goldberg peddles in garbage. What a lying sack of crap and we all know it.
To have all of those folks on Signal divulging major classified info, including a CIA operatives full name, and not a single one thinks that maybe they should take the convo to a SCIF or use secured channels just shows how much they want to do everything they are doing without oversight.
but the US won’t even elect a woman president. (You’ve rejected the chance twice). No way the US will elect a gay man. Canada doesn’t care, as long as he likes hockey!
He deserves to be removed. #Unqualified to start with. Proved to be #Unfit.
Handling 'High level Classified' content in 'Unclassified' APP via non encrypted network is almost putting messages on a bulletin board. Anybody can see their communication.🙄
No. One great thing about Pete? He's never had to go low (as is pretty much pro forma lately, i.e. pols throwing around the F bomb with impunity, every time they open their mouths to show how "authentic" they are) to make the case.
However, this screw up was the most deserving WTF!!! moment.😄
I agree. I feel like everything is so overhyped anymore that we have all become numb. I count on Pete to let us know when things have gone off the rails and he obviously feels we can’t let this one slide at all.
Sadly I won’t be surprised if I wake up tomorrow to find out that Hegseth was at a liquor store and using voice to text at the time of sacrificing our national security
That is true of EVERY cabinet selection and in fact was the criteria for selection: incompetence.
It's what you do if your intent is to burn it all down.
"Against all enemies foreign and domestic" includes the President, Congress, the Supreme Court, & everyone down the list, including their supporters. The actions of free men speak louder than the words of slaves. Revolution is the solution. Rise up and overthrow them all.
LOL coasted to the other site to see what was being said and had to term search 'signal' to see a post about it. Fox is trying hard to make people believe the thread was leaked by 'the democrats'.
Wait, you've got it all wrong. This is one of Trump's most clever "weaves" ever. You see, The Plan is to have Sec Hegseth text either real or fake military secrets to random members of the media, who will of course share them. But the targets will not know whether they are real or fake. Genius!!!
These people are incompetent, unqualified, inexperienced, untrained and utterly gormless. They couldn't run a piss up in a brewery let alone a country!!
They don’t care because the danger and risk doesn’t affect them. They are insulated and going to make money. Like buying a company and then bankrupting it and selling it off.
All parties on that thread should be brought up on charges. We do not know the full extent of the classified data spillover and deaths could occur. Their indifference to security is outrageous.
I spent 20 years as a comsec responsible officer in the Air For e and I would've been in prison before a trial had I texted anyone even TRAINING sortie takeoff times, let alone strike and target details my god. This is scary.
[2/2] If you can, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. It's important to make our Democrat & Republican Senators & Representatives confront you, so they can't treat you like a faceless voter.
Military law is very different as far as handling classified information.
But to demagogue HRC using a RIM pager to keep in contact with her officials and then discuss actual strike plans over a non government secured channel beggars belief.
They are not active duty. Hence not covered by military law.
Given that there was actual disclosure and using Signal was clearly against every policy and inadequate for the task... you might be able to make a case against some of them under the espionage act.
Oh, let's do. Otherwise, the story will vanish before the week is out, and when it comes back, they'll say it was just some tourists who love playing jokes on journalists.
By law, the position is held by a civilian. So they are not under military law. It is not criminal for Hegseth to have affairs or be drunk on duty. If he was active duty military, it would be.
"I spent 20 years as a comsec responsible officer in the Air.... it would've been in prison before a trial had I texted anyone even TRAINING sortie takeoff times, let alone strike and target details my god. This is scary"
it's not that they are ignorant - they just do not care
Passive device, resonator, no battery needed, very nifty/novel tech-implementation, amplification/trigger from nearby (accessible) device IIRC, bug in situ for years.
Wood sculpture, not painting btw.
"Ambassador George Kennan liked to brush up on his Russian by reading aloud in his office. One time he was reading revolution-era anti-tsarist speeches, so some poor Russian probably had to listen to hours and hours of a US ambassador rebuking the Tsar during the Cold War."
The information had to be classified, and I'd presume as high as it gets. That is deliberate and willful use of an unclassified phone to send classified information...
This was a screw up that should see everyone involved knowingly a part of this scheme tossed in jail for a very long time.
The days of cowering in your corners and feeling helpless are OVER! It’s time to stop grieving and start fighting. It’s time to stop allowing foolish history to repeat itself and to start a new narrative! It’s fucking TIME!
I have yet to see any media outlet comment on what involvement the Saudi Arabians have had in the U.S. Yemeni actions. Not just yesterday, but over the past. They are involved.
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
I kind of enjoy his use of the concatenated "fuckup". I would have included a space between the two words, but his spelling emphasizes the compound nature of the situation 😄
Agreed! The other big side story is that they are/have been using Signal likely to avoid the legalities of archiving and investigating such conversations. It makes you wonder what other high-stakes and/or national security level information has been disclosed on Signal.
Fastest way to learn, when the time comes, is to take a course in Russian first.
Either employed on the leaked spy-notes afterwards, or the leaked instructions beforehand.
(either instructions how to destroy the USA, or just how to use the Kremlin-gifted phones)
[2/2] If you can, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. It's important to make our Democrat & Republican Senators & Representatives confront you, so they can't treat you like a faceless voter.
I love how none of these ass hats like 🍊💩, Musky, Old Hag etc who claim to be “strongmen” don’t get the idea that seeming strong is to no sell embarrassment. When you let the world know your stamping your feet & crying over ppls reactions to your fuckups. Just makes that much sweeter for all of us!
[2/2] If you're capable, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. Making the GOP confront you as a person not a faceless voter shakes them up so badly and is very important.
It's what happens when you put a weapon in the hands of a petulant child. Seems the parents (majority party in congress) won't step in. Are there options beyond waiting for this to devolve into either anarchy or authoritarianism?
A "high level fuckup" like this can only be accomplished by the very highest level circus clowns. JD, Pete and the others fit the bill perfectly; loud-mouthed, self-serving, soulless sycophants. Only the best.
Voters handed power to a group of juvenile delinquent bullies. Did you read Hesgeth at first walked back some of his gross dereliction but then 'reversed his reversal' when Sen Wicker's criticism gained traction? Such a punk. I expect 'I know you are but what am I' to be their next response.
That's what happens when you hire a drunk as our top military executive. Why are using Signal to conduct war? Did the DOGE cost-cutting measures hit the Pentagon budget too? Where are the detractors who wouldn't stop about Hillary’s emails?
[2/2] If you can, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. It's important to make our Democrat & Republican Senators & Representatives confront you, so they can't treat you like a faceless voter.
They are completely incompetent. The level of competence in the Trump administration is unfathomable. One cannot measure the depths of their incompetence.
On live TV, they lied about it too & that 🥜in the WH is shrugging it off ?
BOTH Democrats & Republicans are calling for answers, & the mob boss there scripts his Dolly to tell the press the journalist is a hack ?!?
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
but she also had plenty of skeletons in her closet so it weakened the case, even if it's comparing a mountain to a molehill. i have much greater trust in pete's closet.
The least qualified for each high level position is exactly what the trumpmusk wanted . Let’s see how long our allegedly “co equal” branches of government sworn to uphold the constitution will sink
[2/2] If you're capable, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. Making the GOP confront you as a person not a faceless voter shakes them up so badly and is very important.
What makes you think they will only stay for four years? Either you do something NOW against these traitors or they will never leave. There will be no more fair elections, if you want to call the last one fair at all.
Americans should be outraged right now at this level of fuck up! A bunch of morons running that White House and its been 2 fucking months and the entire country is fucking collapsing!
To expand on Pete, there's no gray area with this fuckup. To be using Signal, a public platformed app, is unsecure and irrefutable. These jokers say one thing, do the opposite all day long. Meanwhile, Elon's minion put an unsecure Starlink network on the top of the WH for them to use.
[2/2] If you're capable, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. Making the GOP confront you as a person not a faceless voter shakes them up so badly and is very important.
I'm glad someone is saying this. We're so divided and distracted, we couldn't be more vulnerable at this time....especially with imbeciles at the helm.
I think it’s been their plan all along:
1 . 45 pulls US out of NATO
2. Put!n tells Iran to nuke the US but Iran is the patsy
3. 45 says R u s sia will help the US strike Iran back (ie Bush, 9/11, Iraq)
4. 45 & Put!n look like heroes. 45 installed indefinitely
If he was smart, he should be choosing to lay low instead of being on a news program the day this story broke.
Luckily for us, he’s not smart.
None of them are….and we are less safe as a nation with them driving the bus. Yet the republicans fear this less than blindly supporting them….
Well, the man did serve in the United States Navy so yeah, he knows all the words, but he was raised to be a proper Hoosier and be polite. That this situation moved him to say that reveals just how furious he is.
"highest level of fuckup imaginable" , no need to use an understatement here, or sugarcoat it. I think the word you were looking for is treason.
Everyone needs to plug their nose because if it’s one thing this administration (and the entire maga movement overall) will never do, is hold themselves accountable. No one will lose their job. It’s definitively deplorable.
I find it concerning that you still believe these people still have one ounce of any democratic sensibilities in them. They don't care about "keeping America safe". You are living in a frat boy dictatorship and it's time to act accordingly!
Hegseth is the leaker he wants to go after.
Unrelenting pressure to get these incompetent fuckholes away from our national security apparatus.
Or at least make them follow the goddamn rules.
in the end it's nowhere near the big deal that pete "miller time" hegseth's fuckup was
pretty damned interesting how none of this happened under lloyd austin
Will it be dismissed/ignored?
Or somehow spun so someone takes the fall and Trump is heroic?
Nothing is my guess.
These guys are who America must be kept safe FROM. The bigger a bunch of incompetent fuck-ups they are, the better for this country.
It's you Blue Folk who need to get your shit together.
ASAP! 2016 would not actually have been too early.
2028 might actually be too late.
Not sharing mission info to a reporter???
This could have gotten US military personnel killed if reporter had run with the story before strike.
"...netiquette involves being mindful of your behavior, avoiding offensive or derogatory language, and treating others as you would in face-to-face interactions."
— Abigail Lev, PSYD, Founder & Director Of The Bay Area CBT Center
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
Holy crap. This must be bad.
That's how Canada 🇨🇦 rolls 💜
And if junior staff had committed this crime, they’d already be detained and explaining themselves in detention.
What else did anyone expect from the administration of the guy who kept nuclear secrets in his bathroom in his gaudy gold plated resort?!?
Of course it’s a clown show.
Handling 'High level Classified' content in 'Unclassified' APP via non encrypted network is almost putting messages on a bulletin board. Anybody can see their communication.🙄
'Holy crap on steroids!': Top Trump officials exposed in shocking, sloppy military security blunder (3/24/25)
However, this screw up was the most deserving WTF!!! moment.😄
He even said 'bullshit'.
It's what you do if your intent is to burn it all down.
"but when you talk about destruction
don't you know that you can count me out."
Words are imaginary.
How your kids treat people is what is most important.
I’ll take a pottymouth that is kind & improves the world any day.
This is a moronic ratpack of 18.
Impeach them alll!
Russia-Aligned Threat Actors Actively Targeting Signal Messenger
A walking bumbling honey-pot factory.
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
But to demagogue HRC using a RIM pager to keep in contact with her officials and then discuss actual strike plans over a non government secured channel beggars belief.
Given that there was actual disclosure and using Signal was clearly against every policy and inadequate for the task... you might be able to make a case against some of them under the espionage act.
But not the time to mention that.
That **none** of them objected means the Trump admin has normalized this behavior.
How many Americans have to die before Congress grows a spine?
Until after Trump is no longer able to issue pardons then scoop up the lot of them and put them on a Gitmo flight pronto.
it's not that they are ignorant - they just do not care
let that sink in
Also women with beard.
Burly fascist frat-partying misogynist alcoholist gristofascist homophobic ratfucking zealots.
Btw, apparently Witkoff took a gift from the BunkerTroll to Trump.
A painting.
A portrait of DJT, by a Russian artist.
Now, I recall some *very* pesky security-breaching details of another painting, decades ago.
But none of these idiots know history.
Wood sculpture, not painting btw.
"Ambassador George Kennan liked to brush up on his Russian by reading aloud in his office. One time he was reading revolution-era anti-tsarist speeches, so some poor Russian probably had to listen to hours and hours of a US ambassador rebuking the Tsar during the Cold War."
I take note that you didn't.
And they ALL did it.
This was a screw up that should see everyone involved knowingly a part of this scheme tossed in jail for a very long time.
But in Trump's Unconstitutional Administration...the law is only applicable to his enemies.
Literally, just change all the officials to Biden officials and give it to MAGA. How fast before they called for Kamala Harris to be locked up?
He even said 'bullshit'.
Either employed on the leaked spy-notes afterwards, or the leaked instructions beforehand.
(either instructions how to destroy the USA, or just how to use the Kremlin-gifted phones)
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove and arrest Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
I bet the GOP is more upset with Pete cussing than what what Hegseth, Vance and Rubio did.
The entire planet is less safe with those braindeads in charge
VP, Secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury, DNI, CIA, and NSC.
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove and arrest Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
BOTH Democrats & Republicans are calling for answers, & the mob boss there scripts his Dolly to tell the press the journalist is a hack ?!?
That the mission was successful anyhow?
Successful because the journalist kept 🤫
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove and arrest Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
1 . 45 pulls US out of NATO
2. Put!n tells Iran to nuke the US but Iran is the patsy
3. 45 says R u s sia will help the US strike Iran back (ie Bush, 9/11, Iraq)
4. 45 & Put!n look like heroes. 45 installed indefinitely
Luckily for us, he’s not smart.
None of them are….and we are less safe as a nation with them driving the bus. Yet the republicans fear this less than blindly supporting them…. , no need to use an understatement here, or sugarcoat it. I think the word you were looking for is treason.