I loved that bit, it gave more context to the film’s direction. I enjoyed it, but yeah, it is not for people who didn’t know about and love the pre-MCU films
I've watched all the MCU films and shows, read comics, watched x-men as a kid I loved the first two Deadpool movies. I got the refs but it wasn't enough for the film to feel like it had substance. Rick and Morty and the MCU have made me miss single universes where consequences matter.
Honestly, if you wanna see the coolest thing to come out of the MCU multiverse, there's an episode of the What If... series where a Mohawk tribe gets the power of the tesseract instead of the Asgardians, and I want a whole movie of that, please.
They could do something so cool I almost don't trust them not to fuck it up. Like if we got something as good as the new Prey movie that would be great.
It depends on the writers and director, but the character was well-liked so it has an audience. They may opt solely for animation unless they decide to go with real actors.
The What If series and visions felt like they had more leeway to do whatever the fuck they wanted. What if also got to develop characters people love like Hela who had very little screen time
I was so sad upon realizing that this character won't be a part of the *actual* MCU or comic line and relegated to a single what if episode like that...
I also have that fatigue. Not superhero movie fatigue, just... the multiverse stuff.
I liked in the show the dialogue was not only in actual mowhawk ( and the conquistadors spoke Spanish) there were cultural hallmarks in the writing. It felt very authentic, I hope the comics are as well written.
My longer take on DP&W is this. The first two films had emotional cores (Vanessa and Russell, respectively) that gave Wade humanizing moments of honesty. The stakes were high because people he loved were in obvious danger. DP&W tried and failed to recreate this with an abstract ticking clock.
Lacking emotional cores Wade's arc felt stunted and his breakup with Vanessa, the love of his life, glossed over in favor of jokes. He never had a serious moment of reflection, wolverine was given that but he was essentially a stranger to the audience and didn't ask enough questions about anything
Thank you! Exactly this! It’s a fun watch but it lacks a core and the emotional depth the first one has. Playing on nostalgia was the best part about it tbh but that was just about it
truly the biggest flaw of all the deadpool movies is that his motivations are everyday average joe shit
the man is a freak, let him take on a dangerous job because it would put him in the same city as some exclusive night club or because he wants to personally bother the target, etc.
he should want free coffee in the break room at avengers tower, he should be Fry and Bender trying to get the veterans discount and enlisting and getting wrapped up in a big mess as a result
Yeah, the lack of any decent female role in it was disappointing. Every character was poked at and devalued. Overall I just ended up not caring about the movie itself.
While it was hilarious and Wade/wolverine had great chemistry, having so many cameos and two villians made the film a cluttered mess without emotional weight making the main plotline: the ending sacrifice, essentially toothless and without real meaning
So over done, bloated. The best thing was wolverine in a mask, the rest was just Ryan Reynolds being Ryan Reynolds with other Ryan Reynolds... And Hugh.
The multiverse concept is new to you guys. But as a comic fan it's been a main thing forever. Multiverse stories have given us so many cool characters so no it didn't bore nor tire out on me.
MVE, Or multiverse exhaustion Is more common than you think, research shows three out of 612 adults report significant symptoms each year. Call your doctor immediately if you think you're suffering from MVE.
I honestly didn't like it. Used to be a huge marvel fan, grew up reading X-Men comics. Still felt like a major disappointment. Kind of like a bratty kid in the corner yelling out obscenities trying to get attention. I watched it more out of obligation than interest.
It might have been different in a cinema with other people but I watched it on streaming and to be honest I had to pause it a few times because my attention drifted . Like you say, it was too much.
I felt very depressed in the theater during the sauceless Mad Max parody knowing that more people were seeing D&W that weekend than saw Furiosa during its entire theatrical run.
Honest to god I watched it more out of tradition than actually wanting to see it. Dont get me wrong I'm glad I saw it it had some great moments, but after Endgame my need to see the new Marvel movies all but disappeared. 13 years was long enough, so sayeth my brain.
The Deadpool movies are ones I love to rewatch so I was genuinely looking forward to the third one. It was fun but lacked the emotional center of the other two
Night opened up a new gate to the X-Men versus the marvel universe remember so if you read the comics it opened the gate for Dad and hopefully they stick to the script of the comic books
I liked it well enough. It’s been a minute since I watched but I feel like my biggest issue with it was it felt like they were overdoing it with the “criticize Disney and the mcu” jokes, to the point it felt like that’s all they wanted to do. I thought a lot of the other stuff was well done and fun.
That and the multiverse stuff at times just didn’t make sense to include. Like all the different Deadpool variants had literally no reason to be in the movie
It felt stale to me, honestly. Deadpool making rude jokes works as shock humour at first, but once the audience expects it, not anymore. Plus, the whole world being at stake doesn't work when the main character is a 4th wall breaking idiot who can do anything. There is no tension.
Nothing ever really felt in danger at any point. The main villain was introduced as what felt like an afterthought and her motive for destroying everything was ...whatever she wasn't the focus but was needed to help the mains complete an arc and you could tell.
Yeah. And at one point the cameos got genuinely too distracting. "Wow look it's Blade! And I bet you didn't expect Elektra!" Why is there more focus on them than... A good plot hahaha
The schtick got old one movie ago. The story does not really affect the MCU Prime, so it’s a step above fanfic at this point.
The MCU needs to make more MA-rated films, the original audience of 10 year olds that watched the first Iron Man would be old enough to watch MA movies.
It was a fun movie but ultimately I don’t feel the need to watch it again, also it probably won’t age very well because all the fun cameos will be lost on people in a few years
Last Marvel movie I watched was Endgame and that was enough for me. I didn't like the direction they were headed after watching Loki and the whole multiverse shenanigans.
I rewatched DP1 shortly after this and you felt the difference right away. It’s allowed to breathe which makes the jokes hit better. The humor is more impactful. I LOL’d right away which I don’t remember much in DP3. It was exhausting as its machine gun fire jokes one after the other.
I thought I'd be glad for more Marvel and Star Wars content but at this point watching either feels like a homework assignment - gotta watch this to understand this to understand that. I just don't have the brain for it anymore.
It's been like that since the MCU started, though. Or at least since 2008 when they added the first end credits scene in Iron Man & began the build up to the first Avengers movie in 2012.
They made so many Marvel movies so quickly that I simply don’t have time to watch them all to understand what’s going on. It’s too bad, because I do like them.
I just would love to see a series in star wars about characters who have nothing to do with the main rebellion or conflicts around it. Like season 1 of the mandalorian. Man that was fun.
Star Wars: Visions /kind of/ does that. There's still Jedi and Sith, but it follows random characters at random periods, and honestly, I love it so much. Only watched s1 so far but it genuinely made me love Star Wars more than ever.
That’s why I maintain that Rogue One is absolutely the best of the franchise. It does tie together movies 3 and 4 but there isn’t all the distraction of lineage and all that. The characters are there to serve a purpose, then they all die.
That’s why I recommend real life. You never know what’s gonna happen next. But you have to gird your loins in case it’s something you don’t want to happen.
I found myself rather bored by the end. It was somewhat entertaining, but to me it was forgettable and it didn’t draw me in emotionally. I’m very sick of the multiverse crap. I feel like it dilutes things too much. It would be fine if it was executed well, but they’re not executing it well at all.
Wolverine's character was so flat that it was upsetting to watch. It felt like they substituted developing a character personality with just saying "fuck" a lot.
I had a great time watching it and I think it was because while it was doing the groan-inducing multiverse stuff and the “clever quippy dialog” it at least seemed very self aware and very genuine about just wanting to have fun.
I agree with the multiverse fatigue but I think they handled it well in DP3. It was used for comedy and I think it worked well. Can’t say the same about every other Marvel IP at the moment.
I waited 36 years for the MCU, Arrowverse, and whatever DC Comics tried to do. The last 16 years haven’t been perfect but the 10-12 year old inside of me has loved we’re at this point.
It just feels like all the magic has been sucked out of the MCU
I missed when we had to actually wait in between movies and there were no TV shows filling that dead space… now it’s just too exhausting to keep up with it all
I 1000% understand the multiverse exhaustion. They literally used a wolverine from a different “universe” to facilitate the entire plot. As a fan of superhero movies, I appreciated the movie as a whole. But I can understand why it wouldn’t appeal to everyone.
In Rick and morty there's this running idea that individuals don't matter because they are easily replaced by this movie did something more sinister by insinuating a universe only exists for a single main character and all other lives don't matter? Lives shouldn't he set dressing
Absolutely concur. The YouTube channel Pillarofgarbage had a great video about why anchor beings suck. Here’s to hoping it’s a one-time plot device never to be heard from again.
It's just a gross idea in general like one person is important but they shouldn't be the literal center of the fucking universe. I'll have to watch the video! Thanks for the rec!
The multiverse barely reached any momentum it really needed, and Deadpool and Wolverine had a very weak plot. I liked it but it was not what it could have been. This is why we're getting two Avengers movies pushing into the Mutant Saga after Secret Wars. Filler movies in-between.
I definitely feel ya. I was never too into the main MCU storyline but loved the FOX/Sony stuff. The fact that I didn’t enjoy this one makes me think the MCU isn’t for me. I am open to check out Fantastic Four since that’s a one off, though.
There are two Fantastic Four movies, so make sure to watch them both. I prefer 2005, which leads into 2007's Rise of the Silver Surfer. 2015's version was ok. Watch them and see which one you like better.
I did enjoy the "can we stop with the multiverse stuff" 4th wall break, though. Hopefully we're done with it, just move on and give us something new please.
It was more watchable than a lot of other mcu stuff lately but it made me wish it was a real xman movie with Cassandra Nova as the villain instead of a fart fart boner fart wink wink nod get it????? Movie.
It did seem like a waste of a great big bad especially when her motivation was mostly "because I feel like it" they did a great job showing how powerful she was tho. Loved her sticking her fingies into brains
Me too, the multi-verse theme is used to have the freedom to adapt any story and change the personality of the characters, it has become boring and childish, in my opinion.
I really looked forward to it, set my proper expectations, and agree it was a lot of fun in the theatre. Rewatching it at home it was just... mediocre. Watching the "Honest Trailer" of it really nailed the reason for me.
It had absolutely ZERO plot. I was laughing and having a great time but 20 minutes to the end I look to my husband and said ‘do we know what this is even about?’ 😂😂 we laughed and finished it anyways.
It was fun because of moments over the whole and there's nothing wrong with that honestly. Harold and Kumar or dudes where my car type movies have the simplest pot and shenanigans they should have just done that
I completely agree. Dude where’s my car is top tier , and so is Deadpool , however I dont feel that Deadpool fits in to the multiverse…feels forced or not real. Hmmm.
It's funny because this is a comic problem. Comics have to get bigger and bigger until things are so complicated and stupid the reader gets exhausted by so many crises on infinite earth's and you start over again. That's why multiverses exsist. Weird to see movies suffering from it
I read that corporate schmucks couldn't see the appeal of traditional Gambit until this movie, and then I recalled Deadpool had to be leaked to be made. These idiots won't greenlight anything interesting, but if it is somehow made and inevitably successful, it's milked dry of everything fun/original
The odd part is that the movies were supposed to be the clear cut, non confusing easy to follow timeline but then they started making all the same mistakes as the comics and overstuffing everything
They started out fine. Having a big avengers thing was fine but then they introduced wibbley wobbley timey wimey shit in the Loki show then Dr. Strange started multiversing it and ugh.
On many levels, I get that. I get frustrated when I explore a new science fiction property, and I discover the macguffin of the day is, once again, multiverse stuff. But I’ve been waiting for Daredevil and Spider-Man to appear on screen together since I was a kid, so Marvel’s multiverse is my fave
Personally I've exhausted with super hero content in general for some time now. The only real exception has been the series Invincible. Beyond that it's just felt like a deluge if same-y stuff with the same pacing, music choices, lake of consequences and mediocre dialogue
Exhausted. I liked the first one but for me the novelty of his antics wears and I just think it’s Ryan Reynolds having a hyperactive episode for 2 hours
I loved it, and still couldn't help but roll my eyes when they made that self-aware joke about how tired everyone is of multiverse movies. Like they called attention to the elephant in the room and then just let it stay in the room. Kinda killed the vibe for the end of the movie.
I've watched it 4 times, including 3 times in theaters. Obviously, I love it, and I also love multiverse stuff. But that's the beauty of entertainment: we all like different things.
It wasn’t meant for me. I found parts of it entertaining and other parts just eye rolling. I guess I just struggle to find the humor in treating human beings as sides of beef to hack away at. Not my cup of tea.
Absolutely! The fourth wall breaking was just utterly exhausting. By the end of it I was just left wondering what the point of it was. Nothing mattered.
I honestly didn't care for the movie at all. I realized there's only so much I can watch of Deadpool and Wolverine killing each other endlessly, since neither can die. It was exhausting tbh
I appreciate your honest opinion, but I'm curious, why buy a ticket to see the 3rd Deadpool movie if you're not into Deadpool being Deadpool? Please don't take offense, but it is an interesting choice.
There were a lot of individually silly or funny scenes, but I didn’t care at all about the overall conflict I was supposed to care about. That made it fall pretty flat for me.
I didn’t see Loki. I mostly followed along with D&W. Watching it another time or two got me mostly caught up. You don’t need to know much more about whatever Tom Wambsgans’ agency is.
It knows its audience. I cried the first time from seeing Wolverine being properly portrayed. I watched it again as soon as it was on Disney+ too. Sometimes, a movie can be a silly payoff and that's ok.
It’s a divisive movie in a way because fans both old and new will view it in entirely different lights. For someone like me who had a Wolverine backpack in kindergarten, it’s all I ever wanted.For others, that’s definitely not the case. I just like it for what it is, selfishly.Can’t speak to others
likewise, great movie... did not watch anything Marvel post Endgame... sadly the pump and dump emptiness machine really did not help with the slop of course just my opinion.
Of course adding insult to injury would be their genius plan to cast RDJ as Dr. Doom may very well undo the decade long golden era carefully crafted legacy. I really thought it was a joke but hey perhaps I am wrong.
Any rate, Deadpool x Wolverine tried and sure some critics will say this kinda logic I propose is essentially what this movie did with Logan and true wish is why the movie itself posed the same question with DP breaking the 4th wall.
Multiverse is a convenient way to explain original stories that don’t match up with the regular comics. But being the center, or even a plot point in a story weakens it.
I’ve enjoyed some of the shows it’s been used in. But like you say it can get exhausting
Yeah that was me by the end. On the whole it’s exactly what a Deadpool movie should be. It hit all the marks…I just think I’m a little exhausted of that particular bit and the way Disney uses the multiverse concept as a cameo money printer instead of it’s more interesting applications
I liked it, but my issue was that it suffered from being mostly set in some weird other place/dimensions (like Dr Strange 2, AntMan 3 etc). 1 & 2 were at least in a familiar world. Being all set in the Void means you don't really know what all the rules are so it's too random.
I think they went too hard in too quickly and people were just thrown off it all in a way it wasn't with setting up the Infinity Saga.
I certainly care very little about the Multiverse stuff even though Marvel would like to think otherwise.
As a person who actively quit watching the MCU movies, it was very tiring.
I literally was getting to the point of, "will this movie end already?" Then Deadpool said, "last 20 minutes stretch folks".
It's like they knew it wasn't as enjoyable as the previous Deadpool films.
I enjoyed it for what it was, but, like Deadpool said in the movie: "Welcome to the MCU. You’re joining at a bit of a low point.”
The conflict just didn't feel like it was.. there? I understood obviously what it was, but a good chunk of the movie was Wade + Wolverine's wacky adventures.
It was fine. Some funny bits, some good action bits, a whole lot of stuff that went way over my head because I'm not super into all the lore. The worst Deadpool so far, but also one of the best Superhero Universe films in ages.
I liked all the little touches, the fallen stone 20th century fox emblem. And the music. And the fact Reynolds tried to pack all the unfulfilled marvel fan wishlists into the movie. People used to really want a Gambit film. He put Gambit in.
They used the yellow Wolverine outfit. There was a wolverine vs Sabertooth faceoff, with the original Sabertooth actor who actually looks like the character. Deadpool corps with dogpool & the zombie head. LOL
We finally watched it last night and my kids, husband and I all we're confused and bored at the beginning. But I have to say, I liked the last hour or so. Glad we didn't spend $40 at the theater to see it though.
Agreed. It was a very fun movie but it felt tedious as it moved from one set piece to the next. The serious parts didn’t land but I did enjoy it overall.
I'll be brutally honest I stopped watching halfway through I thought it was boring don't get me wrong I thought the first one was fantastic the second one with that whiny kid I couldn't stand and the third one I just found boring
I liked it but....it wasn't the same flavor as the first two. It certainly wasn't as irreverent, and there were really too many characters who really aren't that popular. We sure could have used more of Johnny Storm, and gee, Ben Grimm?
It’s just another addition to 2 phases that feel so lost and confused. There’s something really lovely about each movie on its own - it’s just when you start to remember that it’s part of a larger tapestry that it gets exhausting in a way the first 3 phases weren’t
I kept saying that movie was fan service. The result of "taking less risks." Ironically insisting upon itself in a meta way while unironically not realizing most of the humor and fan service fell short of anyone who isn't a 17 year old reddit user.
and ik im rambling, but I can't forget the part where the writers dissed the multiverse saga for being "miss after miss" while using the very concept of the multiverse to explain its different fan service moments.
Alternate realities/continuities has been a fixture of comics for 60+ years now. DP&W handled it deftly, humorously, and without the inconsistent, overwrought plottiness that the other films attempted to deliver.
It’s the only way to bring all the Marvel capes together.
Find a Wolverine to save your reality (while redeeming him) and save the multiverse from Nova. Plot. Delivered.
It’s ironic to critique 4th wall breaks when Reynolds’ unbound DP is central to his trilogy being among the most profitable. Muted DP in W:Origins was the failure that got us DP&W.
I enjoyed the heck out of it. But, I'm a really simple guy, and I look to entertainment like movies for escapism and humor. So, it was right up my alley.
That being said, I'm probably going to cry while I watch Inside-Out 2 tonight. Or so I've been warned.
Ryan Reynolds made sure to point that out for a reason. I think marvel is starting to head away from that direction. But they kinda need the multiverse to bring in the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.
It's the ultimate McGuffin, and yes, I'm sick of it. Love the Spiderman cartoon multiverse, and started off enjoying the Loki series, but it's just, as you say, exhausting.
I hear ya. Multi-verse saga drags. The D&W movie was a nice twist of comic relief on the genre in my opinion, and I love how Deadpool calls it out at the end of the film. Loved seeing Jackman back but playing a different version of Logan.
I think it is a film that instantly dated itself and not only because of its washed out visuals. It will be jarring for audiences in as little as 4 years from now to have Deadpool addressing the camera with current fan critiques and in-jokes. An all round exhausting movie.
It's you waking up to how the entertainment industry is supposed to be an adequate replacement for the life you definitely won't experience during your lifetime of unending servitude. Movies are dumb, Marvel "heroes" are propaganda.
If it hadn't been a Deadpool movie, but just another wolverine/X-Men movie, I wouldn't have even given it another thought. Deadpool is my spirit animal, and everything he does just gets better and better. I'm here for 100 universes of Deadpools.
I usually love Deadpool but his girlfriend suddenly leaving him after two movies felt contrived and he didn't have the character growth of 1 or 2 because he had to share time with wolverine who also had no real development because in the end they were just disposable copies that can't die
I didn’t really come in for the multiverse stuff personally because I don’t follow the MCU (like I legit haven’t watched the latest Avengers), but the purely Deadpool, Fox-Marvel, and Wolverine stuff was awesome.
The only “multiverse” that calls to me really is Star Wars.
My biggest gripe with the movie was how often they broke 4th wall. I know I know, it's Deadpool's thing, but every time he breaks it after the first time he tells hugh jackman that Disney is going to have him doing it til he's 90 felt like beating a dead horse
We'll see if it happens or not.
I also have that fatigue. Not superhero movie fatigue, just... the multiverse stuff.
I think it was too carried away with cameos and not enough on the actual plot of the film.
Still, I did enjoy it a lot, even if it is imperfect.
the man is a freak, let him take on a dangerous job because it would put him in the same city as some exclusive night club or because he wants to personally bother the target, etc.
he should want free coffee in the break room at avengers tower, he should be Fry and Bender trying to get the veterans discount and enlisting and getting wrapped up in a big mess as a result
The MCU needs to make more MA-rated films, the original audience of 10 year olds that watched the first Iron Man would be old enough to watch MA movies.
A bit of fan service didn’t hurt either.
And I needed a little honest fun at the time.
Also loved the music.
I did like seeing Gambit, Blade, and Psylocke
I missed when we had to actually wait in between movies and there were no TV shows filling that dead space… now it’s just too exhausting to keep up with it all
Direct link for your convenience :)
Give me a good sports comedy or something.
I hung in for about an hour. It was great and all, but by then I kinda got the gist.
When you base your story on personal conflict instead, like Art trying to understand his father in Maus, you don't have that problem
I’ve enjoyed some of the shows it’s been used in. But like you say it can get exhausting
If Marvel wanted to repeat what they did with the first Avenger’s series they should have done the King In Black series
I certainly care very little about the Multiverse stuff even though Marvel would like to think otherwise.
I literally was getting to the point of, "will this movie end already?" Then Deadpool said, "last 20 minutes stretch folks".
It's like they knew it wasn't as enjoyable as the previous Deadpool films.
*shrugs shoulders*
The conflict just didn't feel like it was.. there? I understood obviously what it was, but a good chunk of the movie was Wade + Wolverine's wacky adventures.
Yes, I agree with you.
It’s the only way to bring all the Marvel capes together.
It’s ironic to critique 4th wall breaks when Reynolds’ unbound DP is central to his trilogy being among the most profitable. Muted DP in W:Origins was the failure that got us DP&W.
The multiverse concept is just rehashing concepts again and again with different A/B tests to see how much money can be milked.
The plot was strained at best.
That being said, I'm probably going to cry while I watch Inside-Out 2 tonight. Or so I've been warned.
The only “multiverse” that calls to me really is Star Wars.