I'm an abolitionist AND against the death penalty.
House arrest, disqualification from any kind of government job, and a very large fine, are more than fine with me thanks.
I personally don’t think he is going to prison no matter how many times he’s indicted/found guilty but this manner of death would be poetic justice at its finest
My current hope is that they've charged some regular guys, too, who'll have to go to jail. Therefore it'll be screamingly obvious that Twitler has to go too.
It's a dare to attempt two justice systems/standards in the same case.
"This is politically motivated prosecutorial overreach!" his lawyers proclaim for the nineteenth time this year, "But like, this time we actually mean it! It's not just a bullshit defense of our client's obvious lawlessness, this time!"
Just throw him in prison. Isn't there already enough evidence to prevent that treasonous pile of covid from ever participating in Presidential elections? I fail to understand how a criminal can still run for office.
Have you guys thought that the both sides hate are increasing to the point that if either Biden or Trump wins there might be a civil war due to the propaganda spread to such extreme extent?
It's not propaganda, he is literally guilty. He asked a hostile foreign power to hack his opponent in order to get into power and then he stole a bunch of national security documents that he presumably gave them or sold.
Now, this, is a great post and argument. You forgot about the supposed nuclear secrets to the Saudis. (I’m just choosing the lesser evil out of the 4 main candidates of the US, which is Trump)
All I'm saying is that if he takes and violates a few plea deals while continuing to give recorded statements about his state of mind in specific moments...
House arrest, disqualification from any kind of government job, and a very large fine, are more than fine with me thanks.
It's a dare to attempt two justice systems/standards in the same case.
Let's gooooooo.
I support the death penalty but only in that one single capacity
(and maybe his family too)
This is what I want for chanukah, if anyone out there is listening.