Hello Bluesky.
What's the bluest sky you've ever seen in a Capcom game?
What's the bluest sky you've ever seen in a Capcom game?
And to answer the question: Astrobot
anyway look at how blue this sky is
I love that game💗💗
*Reloads Gunlance*
The blue bomber loves the blue sky.
Or in Megaman Legends
its so clear
its so blue
Next question.
We want a Legends collection, please.
I also really want to try the Oracle games, but I hate the GB color palette, so I'm waiting for a Link's awakening style remake. Wither that, or just get over it
But for some reason, looking at them physically hurts me. It feels like I'm about to get hit by an epileptic attack or headaches.
It's honestly really weird, but I'm not really good with vibrant colors.
if only someone could conveniently release a remaster on pc and consoles
(Wink wink, nudge nudge)
Can we please have a port of this hidden gem for modern consoles?
Well, either way, it is Megaman Legends
It's probably the sky in Mega Man Legends.
A great way to celebrate that would be releasing a collection for Legends, just as a suggestion. Thanks for making the games you make.