Change the alligator to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and interest on the debt and see what is really eating up the entire budget or sinking the ship.
These 4 make up around 69% of total federal spending
Not really sure what that has to do with Trump. But neither party is willing to tackle reforming these programs until we run up on a real crisis in the next 10 years.
Good luck and keep whistling past the graveyards 👍
I haven't had a reason to whistle since birth. Even Obama, the closest thing we had to a president who listened, still sent us to a war we had no reason other than greed to be in and ended innocent lives for no good reason.
If you're telling me, you don't know what I said has to do with an egomaniac with no concern for anything other than himself, you might be just as dangerous as that man and twice as dense.
Nobody is willing to deal with the looming problem of entitlement programs and our national debt. This is the first time in my lifetime that they have cut anything out of the federal govt so at least its a start
And that sums it up with the GQP Nazis Party and Trump. Every time they say they are doing something on behalf of the "US citizens" air quotes I want to vomit!
the part about this that makes it even more impactful is the fact that the cat being on the opposite side of the boat might actually help balance it out if it were heavy enough
Best part is where the cat takes a swipe at the gater, and the gator flips the boat and they all go down- except the cat is able to ride on the back of the gator, whil the GOP becomes a snack.
Is there a Cliff Notes version of the 2025 Plan?
Just a little book full of what they are going to do to this country
Then we can point out pages where they tell us what they are getting ride of and whose taxes will be cut
After throwing off the cat, the next stage would be for the croc to bite the head off the boatman and drag his body underwater to stash for a snack later.
Greed run the USA, look to the Nordic countries for how to live a good life. My country Norway lives the life Bernie and AOC is talking about, and have since ww2!
We have billionaires to and they pay taxes.
Pr. Capita Norway is the richest and best country in the world.
USA never was!
Same thing happening in the UK. Benefit cuts for the old, disabled, sick, poor instead of taxing the super rich and chasing tax evasion. The Labour Party no longer has any socialist values and actively supports the genocide. Dire.
This is your weekly dose that our debt is Republican made.
Republican tax cuts are responsible for our Debt.
Before Reagan cut taxes, there was no debt.
Bush cuts more debt.
Trump cuts more debt.
Republican made the debt as usual.
Reason people have no savings?
Republicans cut interest rates.
why you show, Jobless Benefits" and not all the REAL things being cut like Medicaid, social security, stuff people need to live on and not just extended unemployment?
No matter how much money they have, no matter how private security they invest in, there are 330 MILLION stomachs, mouths, and brains around them. Now get all three of those wound right up into the red and what are those uber-wealthy crime famlies gonna have then? Not enough guns, that's for sure
Have no idea how history and economics are taught in high school now. We were taught it is in the self interest of the uber wealthy to share with the rest in society. Dozens of examples of what happens when the top steal everything. You may get Versaille but it often ends with a guillotine.
I just realized how long it’s been since high school. I hope things have improved. I don’t remember details, but I do remember “trickle down” crap and repeatedly pointing out the false facts in my history textbook (I read Lies My Teach Told Me at 16).
I agree with what you said except 99% of the uber wealthy will never share voluntarily. That's why there has to be a progressive tax system. There's lots of research that shows that when people feel wealthier they think it's okay to lie, cheat, and steal.
2/2 BUT, if you don't want to get an education or work or obey laws or be responsible, who do you vote for? Which party will give you "FREEBIES" in exchange for your vote? How many of these do YOU want to continue to support. As for the "rich", capitalism isn't perfect, but it beats the others.
1/2 Here's a thought from one healthcare worker to another - EDUCATED people vote either dem or gop. WORKING people vote either dem or gop. LAW-ABIDING people voter either dem or gop. RESPONSIBLE people vote either dem or GOP.
The conservative middle class and the poor people are the stupid ones who keep defending the billionaires' tax cuts. Through years of propaganda in films, magazines, and news, they have successfully vilified the IRS and propagated the lie that taxation is theft.
Sick person. Has anyone tried to live on survivor benefits? My dad died when I was 14, mom was pregnant with her fourth child. We only got benefits for 3 children, and mom got something to run the household. It was a very poor childhood.
It's #sycophantSoup!
*Any amount of criminality desired (rape, fraud, theft)
*Heaping serving of white supremacy followers on SM
*Heaping serving of hatred of the Constitution
*Pinch (or more) of vanity/dermal fillers to look good on TV
*Spineless/pliable back to fit into the flaming pot
These 4 make up around 69% of total federal spending
I'd like to see you keep thinking that when Trump turns his teeth at you next
Good luck bub
Good luck and keep whistling past the graveyards 👍
Now we need to paint these as murals in small town America that is only subjected to Fox News propaganda and no actual information.
We're saved!
Just a little book full of what they are going to do to this country
Then we can point out pages where they tell us what they are getting ride of and whose taxes will be cut
This may be the closest to a cliff notes currently available. But im welcome to other suggestions to look at.
We have billionaires to and they pay taxes.
Pr. Capita Norway is the richest and best country in the world.
USA never was!
THIS is why we need more cartoonists. They break through to VISUAL learners.
About a boy referring to us as “sweet cheeks” in 5th grade then also earlier yet afterschool
A scrawny pallor non male I drew as a pointy eared pixie 🧚🏽♀️ eating boogers for gum & she drew me as a 🦍 yet she cried
Still flattering her as a skinny pixie
Of Irish heritage thus maybe she made it into an anti Irish Leprechaun 🍀 portrayal
& she’s deathly terrified of clowns
🤡 since maybe also internalizing it as anti palest ever Irish ☘️ 👩🏽🦰
👂🏽 including
Elves & 🧝🏾♀️ faeries 🧚🏾 pixies 🧚🏽♀️ etc any fantastical depiction is allowed to have pointy ears!
A sucker !!
Still drawing ✍️ gorillas 🦍 intergalactically
With her Bernie sanders for the standard of living of
The anti Irish Ronald McDonald
Mansion sweepstakes
She’d been the 1st to go to university
& went to a Uc Santa Barbara after Patrick Henry
Musk will need an eye-watering sum to achieve his fantasy of taking a million people to a self-sustaining base in his lifetime.
There are some pointers in this article to get you started.
At this rate, it will tower over total national debt for all time before year 1 is over.
Republican tax cuts are responsible for our Debt.
Before Reagan cut taxes, there was no debt.
Bush cuts more debt.
Trump cuts more debt.
Republican made the debt as usual.
Reason people have no savings?
Republicans cut interest rates.
If they destroy us, they destroy themselves!
Heres a yt short i made its music/game so if video game violence ain't your thing guyz just put the phone down and listen. Thanxs
Noice not. 😬
*Any amount of criminality desired (rape, fraud, theft)
*Heaping serving of white supremacy followers on SM
*Heaping serving of hatred of the Constitution
*Pinch (or more) of vanity/dermal fillers to look good on TV
*Spineless/pliable back to fit into the flaming pot