What a way to go out Gary, with your tail between your legs - they are doing everything you spoke of anyway, this was leverage against them. From a lifelong Michigan Dem - FUCK OFF COWARDLY TRAITOR and I’ll tell you that to your FACE if I see you again
Most Americans didn’t want this CR passed. While Trump & allies might welcome a shutdown, they’re already pushing their agenda without Democrat help. This move hands the purse to the executive branch—what happens next? You and nine other senators gave up the only leverage we had.
Absolutely! He’s going to retire anyway so you would think doing the right thing would be easy. But apparently not so much. It takes courage to do the right thing and it’s easy to be a spineless piece of shit.
Fuck you, Gary! We voted for you. We trusted you. And you betrayed us. Eat shit and die.
You are literally one of the only people in this country who can stop the nazis and you vote with them? Nice to see you showing your true colors now that you’re not running for re-election
You have just told 702,000 District of Columbia residents (who vote 90% D) that its okay to gut your funding budget so health, safety and police are cut. A city growing and building housing.
Selling us out because? Did you go down to Veteran protest today and ask them?
You shredded the constitution and validated a unitary executive.
I can't vote against you; because you are going retire and slink away, Probably to some High paying job in the private sector, I can only hope that at some point you realize your mistake.
History will not be kind.
We need to replace the politicians owned by the wealthy, special interests & corporate PACs w/those willing to actually fight for US. https://justicedemocrats.com/
You absolute cowardly tiny little man you should be ashamed of yourself handing over power to a dictator rolling over and handing over power to a dictator
You voted with the republicans so this mean you agree with what they are doing. You disgust me. Don’t ever tell us that you don’t agree with them cuz you just showed us that you do
When a fucking Nazi says "give me what I want, or I blow it up!" And what they want is the authority to legally blow it up you don't push the fucking button for them.
God damn you're such a fucking disappointment. I only wish that you would have to partake of the real suffering you choose to cause.
@peters.senate.gov go fuck yourself, you spinless sniveling shit. Fascist collaborators have no place in our government, and have no business claiming to represent the fine people of the State of Michigan.
Whoever chooses to primary you for your traitorous behavior has my vote already.
They’re already dismantling the government and you haven’t done a damn thing to stop them. You haven’t done a damn thing to stop the police state. You took the coward’s way out.
Gary Peters, whatever interests you think you are protecting are not worth loss of heart and spirit you have inflicted on Democratic voters. You are endangering our spirit to fight Trumpist bullies with your capitulation. Bullies feast on fear and weakness and you are full of both.
Republicans will use this move to claim that their evil budget is bipartisan, and now they won't be completely wrong! Also rolling over this time ensures that the next CR will be even worse. Can't wait to contribute to your primary opponent.
If you don’t want to represent us anymore, please just resign instead of whatever this is. I’m so, so ashamed I voted for you. Also, please explain why your phones and voicemails were disabled all day before the vote? You’re a poor excuse for a politician.
You spoke at my college commencement ceremony. If only I’d known what you really were I would’ve taken the opportunity to call you a bitch to your face.
No backbone from Senate Dems. Should have demanded a clean CR instead of giving cover. If they’re going to dismantle things, let them do it without one D vote. Y’all don’t seem to understand the times we’re in or you & Shaheen want a cushy corporate gig when you retire. Need new blood-please go now
While a shutdown might proceed as you describe, you suggest that you have zero negotiating power. What have you demanded for your vote? They are burning it all down already. Are you arguing that it could be worse? I'm not buying it.
My statement: interesting you are taking the side of the dictatorial government given your role as the head of the Senate Democrat election committee. Which one of your picks was in on the deal? Glad that you’re stepping down. You should
You did this - you own it
Go. To. Hell. Gary. Signed, a former Dem for 37 years. YOU ARE A COWARD AT THE MOST PERILOUS TIME EVER.I hope you get to see each and every person you helped die by taking their healthcare and food away. EVILLLLLLL
@slotkin.senate.gov has more cahones than you, Gary. If you're too weak to stand up for your constituents, then resign. Let the governor appoint someone with a backbone.
Do you honestly and truthfully believe this congress will even attempt to check their power? You were our line about them not getting anything lasting and legislatively done.
You have failed.
Good thing you're stepping down. If you're just going to appease Trump and vote with MAGA we might as well be represented by that asshole James. Bye coward!
I wish you’d tell us the real reason. All your “fears” outlined in this disingenuousness statement have already happened and you’ve done nothing about it besides codify it today. Shame on you. How can you sleep at night. You let everyone down. Shame on you. Retire.
But the current Trump administration is already repeatedly breaking the law even without a shutdown, so…? What leverage do we have if you cave at the first opportunity?
Get fucked. You decide you aren't running anymore and are now happy to give trump whatever he wants. Fuckin ashamed to have you as one of my senators. You might as well have just given John James your seat last election.
My only hope is someone with a spine runs for your seat in 2026.
He claims he wants the younger generation to fight, but in reality he was paid off. He took money to not run again and most likely took money to vote this way as well.
You worry about them having “unchecked power”?? They’re ALREADY EXERCISING UNCHECKED POWER!! Unless you have a plan to resist them more effectively, your “sacrifice” means nothing! Do something!!
These mfkrs are banking on us suffering so much that we run back into their embrace. Well, the people see through it & we intend to primary *every* Dem who voted 'yes' on cloture & replace them with people willing to turn down corporate PAC $$$, people who will work for US. https://justicedemocrats.com/
If you're not up for supporting your fellow Democrats and pushing for a clean Continuing Resolution, it's time to step aside and let Governor Gretchen Whitmer appoint someone who can be effective. https://bsky.app/profile/aoc.bsky.social/post/3lkep3jemoc2c
Just GTFOOH and retire already. Michiganders are not interested in someone who caucuses with a regime hell bent on completely destroying our country. Shame on you.
Resign and let our governor appoint a Senator who will fight for the people. You have gotten enough money - step down! You voted to fund concentration camps and throw seniors out of nursing homes. Maybe your house is big enough to take a few in and provide care.
Exactly, these millionaires are more than willing to wait and see if they can ride this out while the rest of us don’t have that option.
They don’t care about us. I knew republicans would try to destroy social security and Medicare but I never thought democrats would help them. Gone too far.
So disappointed in a man I’ve supported since he was in congress and came to events in the high school where I taught. Please retire now and have Gretch put in someone like you used to be.
So instead of fighting them you just let them did what they want? Voted with them?
Why didn't you just run on the damn Republican ticket Gary, you voted IN Laken Riley and now you've cut essential services for our children and our ill.
Disappointed in you Senator. This was the one piece of leverage the minority party had and you just handed it away. There is going to be hell from this administration either way, but you just co-signed it.
They're tactic is to let us suffer so much that we beg them to take back power. Well, the people see through it & we will replace *every* Dem who voted 'yes' on cloture with people willing to fight for us & turn down corporate PAC $ - people who will work for US. https://justicedemocrats.com/
Unconstitutional tyranny is already here. Congress is not asserting its rights and has lost power of the purse. Now you would willingly loosen the strings more for this lawless administration? As your constituent, I am counting on you to fight. Stand up for the people or co-sign Trump’s abuse.
Senator - we won't forget that you caved to the fascists and chose appeasement over America. There's this document called the Constitution which you swore to uphold. And you just voted to let Trump and Musk piss all over it.
I am so ASHAMED, that I had casted my vote for you. I have left messages everyday for you to vote no on this. You don't represent the democrat party at all. You are a back-stabbing, impotent TRAITOR!!!!
Everybody: Do not let a SINGLE ONE of the treacherous, cowardly, weak, pathetic, useless turncoat Democratic Senators — including Senator Peters — come on this platform or any other to complain about or criticize what Trump/Musk do from this day forward, BECAUSE THEY JUST FUCKING FUNDED IT.
Retire now, we don’t need another year and a half of you not standing against fascism. Remember this vote when people asked how you fought against the Presidential overreach, you rolled over without a fight.
Hey formerly DEM guys and gals , let’s see you have some town halls and let your constituents be heard . I am sure they would love to voice their opinions about your votes.
Go to hell. This was the opportunity to fight back against our current hellscape and you couldn't even manage that. Or God Forbid listen to constituents.
More people will die, Gary. And it'll be on you.
And use alt text for your nonsense ffs. Not worth reading but if anyone needs it here you go.
I'm ashamed to have you as my Senator. How absolutely pathetic to not even let your own constituents know how you planned to vote.
I guess you forgot you are supposed to work for us.
Michigan deserves better than a weak and worthless Trump tool.
Fuck you, Gary! We voted for you. We trusted you. And you betrayed us. Eat shit and die.
Selling us out because? Did you go down to Veteran protest today and ask them?
Consenting to destruction.
You shredded the constitution and validated a unitary executive.
I can't vote against you; because you are going retire and slink away, Probably to some High paying job in the private sector, I can only hope that at some point you realize your mistake.
History will not be kind.
Furthermore. Fuck off Peters. Stay in D.C. Michigan has no place for cowards.
You stabbed each person that voted you into office squarely in the back.
Maybe you will get a medal from the traitor president.
God damn you're such a fucking disappointment. I only wish that you would have to partake of the real suffering you choose to cause.
Whoever chooses to primary you for your traitorous behavior has my vote already.
Cortez Masto
"I'm about to retire and I don't care what happens to y'all because I made a decent amount of money along the way."
May you rot in hell with Trump!!
You did this - you own it
You have failed.
Vote them out
Senator You broke our back to bend over for Trump so he can break your back on national tv.
You literally worked harder on this than you ever have for US.
Musk/Trump want fraud and corruption, it’s time we feed them these scabs.
No one would’ve remembered why the govt shut down in 6 months.
These 10 senators need to know we, their former party members and colleagues, will never forget how they burned the bridge on their retreat.
You worked your whole career and at its zenith, you were a coward.
You’ll have plenty of time to reflect on it soon.
Vile slug.
Are we ready to start a petition for a recall???
I will be happy to get signatures.. representatives for the people not the wealthy..
...this time it's you, Gary
My only hope is someone with a spine runs for your seat in 2026.
All just so you can make a lot of money as a lobbyist after you leave the Senate in 2026.
What a hypocritical joke.
Acting like Congress is reigning in anything currently is absolute bafoon level head in the dirt shit.
Just like Marco Rubio would reign in Trump's foreign policy? Give me a break.
By the elected officials
For the elected officials
Screw the people!
You did what YOU wanted, not what the people wanted.
Hope you enjoy your special reward dinner at Mar-a-Lago!
It is another to hand it to him. That is what you did!
#WeThePeople are #TheResistance 🗽
Let's primary the sell-outs & replace them w/people who are willing to turn down legalized bribery.
The rest of our lives.
Which may or may not be 6 months.
Donor list attached. Make your displeasure known.
They don’t care about us. I knew republicans would try to destroy social security and Medicare but I never thought democrats would help them. Gone too far.
Why didn't you just run on the damn Republican ticket Gary, you voted IN Laken Riley and now you've cut essential services for our children and our ill.
You're wasting everyone's time.
You guys are letting them do whatever they want.
More people will die, Gary. And it'll be on you.
And use alt text for your nonsense ffs. Not worth reading but if anyone needs it here you go.
Very disappointing.
I guess you forgot you are supposed to work for us.
No one wants to hear your excuses.
You should be ashamed for betraying your constituents and the country at large you quisling.