I realise that to cis people, when trans people lose access to gender-affirming care, it seems like we're bitching about not getting our little treats.
I have more than one friend whose body is currently falling apart because it no longer makes its own hormones and the government banned their HRT.
I have more than one friend whose body is currently falling apart because it no longer makes its own hormones and the government banned their HRT.
I had a host of health issues clear up on feminizing hrt
And yes, I did go on T once and tried to end myself a few days myself after the first dose in my 20s
IUD to stop my periods bc PCOS has ravaged my body: 👍🏻 apparently
ANYONE who has lost access to a drug knows the suffering that follows.
Limping Cis ppl together is not accurate.
We suffer as one from bad healthcare and sexual ID degradation.
Don’t use the N word OR sex ID unless it’s specific to the abuse suffered.
Not all CIS do not understand being dismissed or denigrated
I guess it does feel sort of like something isn't engaging, my hips tilt forward, and maybe other muscles are trying to compensate? No clue what, though.
Also, this post was describing my own personal experience. Please don't correct other people on things they experienced and you didn't; that's rude.
Bans on HRT are bans on necessary medical care.
When i got blood tested before I started t, they found my estrogen levels was post menopausal. I had osteopenia. At some point, I stopped producing my own sex hormones.
I need t to transition, but also so my body doesn’t fall apart.
I was born with little eggs. I just didn’t have enough at such a young time; I found this out when I was around 20.
It's not optional anymore Tatake estrogen or die.
They got blamed because they’re nonbinary and the agency insinuated that a patient should have known to ask for medically-necessary hormones, which would not have happened if a cis woman had the same procedure done.
Normies thinking
our meds are just
“little treats”
Obviously, even more so when it comes to trans rights because you’re spot on— no one treats *most* other meds that way. (Unless of course they want to feel morally superior to addicts about Suboxone or Naloxone injections.)
Certain medications do seem to have social criticisms attached to them. Chiefly when they are associated with marginalized groups of people. Which makes it all the more worse.
I recall a lot of unsolicited judgement when I was on anti-depressants.
They seem to believe everything is “controllable” and medication isn’t needed, but rather is some kind of escape, a crutch, or a thing we just “want.” Because *they* don’t need it like we do.
With trans issues specifically, they tend to balk at the though because bigotry. (Obvi)
Restricting HRT by "birth gender" is unscientific and asinine.
As someone who has found themselves essentially perpetually on medication to help manage my anxiety - basically keeping it down to a rolling boil rather than exploding everywhere constantly.
For me, my medication is a vital part of letting me continue to engage with society and work in a meaningful way.
Which for trans things is usually the case - at least by people who actively vocalise these thoughts. Most will likely say it and not have thought it through enough to understand the implications
Ok, Brenda, let's see how you do without your beta blockers.
It’s not difficult to understand, it just demonstrates who we decide is worthy of care or not.
Ableism reaches absurd heights
In the UK the same politicians who are against trans people are also insisting that many conditions are being over-diagnosed.
Society in general is super bad at recognizing that needing chemical input to survive is not synonymous with addiction, not that addiction in itself is something we should distance ourselves from, compassion-wise