this is what my life does sometimes
i have this epic plan to do awesome amazing things!
but then get side-tracked for days or hours because i'm feel stress from some random nonsense
tho apparently i also have autism, so yay for sensory stress😱
focus on doing what i can do. trusting my life is okay
like, full length book?
oofa that's a tricky one
what would you like to tell me about?
sometimes... when we reach out for help, we get it💚
love music. philosophy is fun hen i'm in the mood
ideology is to... theoretical for me. i need to touch stuff
keep your programming. numbers, right? oofa😘
Can’t relate, I never feel like a genius, maybe drawing give me a little confidence when I success a piece. That’s all. I always struggled more than average people for kind of everything. I only have the bad side of the attentional disorder.
Oddly enough when I stopped eating anything with gluten in it to get rid of a rash, my ADHD went away. And the rash went away, and the joint pains went away. I was DNA tested for the celiac gene, and I have it. Maybe you don't really have ADHD, you might be one of the 35% of white Americans w/GI.
I'm not sure people would appreciate ADHD being classified as a mental illness, but I get your point.
I meant that some people are more prone to self-doubt than others, and some can switch from feeling one way to another, faster than others. Not necessarily an ADHD thing.
I'm not going to die on this hill.
It's semantics. Yes, it could be considered an illness.
But it sounds bad, for some reason, to me.
You wouldn't refer to someone with ADHD as mentally ill, in everyday conversation. At least, I wouldn't. The term is usually reserved for more "serious" conditions.
For me it's the Hyperfocus to Hyper Disassociation in the span of a cheetos commercial, but yeah I get the Superiority Complex to Imposter Syndrome at the flip of a switch too. (Usually some RSD trigger in the background flipping it)
I have had to practice trusting my gut. My gut thinks doing x is the right thing? Do that, whether I feel genius or stupid. Did it work? For me, usually it's fine. Then it's easier to try doing it again.
Yeah, it’s not easy sometimes to accept that your brain is actively fighting against your own best interest. The good thing is that a diagnosis and treatment really does help. I never thought it did, but finally getting back on medication after stopping it at 11 years old has been amazing.
Actually being able to force myself to get stuff done is actually rewarding finally. Learning coping mechanisms and finding tools to work with ADHD has also been insanely helpful. I recommend looking into some. It’s really nice finally being able to get back into reading again.
I have received my best care ever from professionals who specialize in ADHD who I later learned are diagnosed themselves. It's been amazing to lean into that treatment, and I highly recommend it.
The OCD ability to go from “I need to be able to do this perfectly first time” to “not doing this perfectly first time has ruined the day, I am a failure forever” is much less fun 😜. We all need to keep going. I am sure it will alright in the end.
The truth is no bipolar cycles are hour to hour. For most people, cycles last 4-8 months. Rapid cycles are about 2-4 cycles a month. And the most devastating cycling, ultraradian, is mostly 4-6 times a week.
Generalities because we weren't made with little cookie cutters.
I feel so 💔 for people trying to cope with ultraradian. It just horrifies me to imagine feeling a change snd just when I identify and confirm it, start a plan to mediate and cope, the rug gets pulled out from under my feet and I'm somewhere completely different. 4-6 times a week 🥺 sounds exhausting
I've learned that my only hope is to try to set situations up so I can reverse the arc - "I'll never amount to anything," to "wow, that idea was pure genius!" Ends the day on the upside. Truth though: I suck at this and spend most of my time in angst lane.
Damn! I had to yeet my uterus a few years ago because it tried to kill me but my ovaries still here doing something I don't know when and won't be able to tell how long lol. All I know is it's hard to not have a doc chalk it all up to "anxiety" on top of it all.
I used to be this and trust me, you adjust to not amounting to anything scarily fast so no matter which way it goes, there's no reason to worry: you'll either succeed or go numb really fast! Yay! 🎉
extreme levels of stress
the great equalizer
#strongertogether and we have more power then old govey wants us to believe in
healing waves and protection spells
well healing waves and protection spells even more so
times is rough on so many fronts... we're for sure ripe for an epic revolution, clear away distractions and debris and help each other focus on the things that truly matter
healing. healthy growth. learning. creative expression💚
omg i found you here! i love your comics so much and followed you on Twitter eons ago
you really helped me understand my adhd brain and that was awesome💚
The cure is to answer that last question. What if you don't amount to anything. What is the something you want to amount to? Are people less if they have boring tedious jobs than if they are public figures? Serious soul searching seems in order. Lots of geniuses are not public about it.
The best remedy is having a family. They're always there to remind you: "breathe, you got this far, because you're actually smart". And if you hold onto that memory long enough during the day, you get a reminder every night.
After procrastinating getting this one since before it came out, I finally ordered it a few minutes ago because of this post! I'm not sure I dare to hope it will actually work, but I'll give it a shot anyway 😊 (at least there are pretty colours involved 🎉)
my flavor of ADHD has had me on the checkout page for this multiple times, only to get distracted by hunting for a coupon because how am i going to pay full price when that “have a coupon?” thing is taunting me at the top of the page?
I’m curious Dani, what do you think of the Finch app? It employs the gamifying life hack and you aren’t responsible for the very life of your birb like you are with tamagotchi pets so takes out the stress aspect that’s present with tamagotchis
i have this epic plan to do awesome amazing things!
but then get side-tracked for days or hours because i'm feel stress from some random nonsense
tho apparently i also have autism, so yay for sensory stress😱
focus on doing what i can do. trusting my life is okay
what are your special traits or interests?
anything i'm curious about?💚
The book they I'll never write is going to change the world.
oofa that's a tricky one
what would you like to tell me about?
sometimes... when we reach out for help, we get it💚
love music. philosophy is fun hen i'm in the mood
ideology is to... theoretical for me. i need to touch stuff
keep your programming. numbers, right? oofa😘
Or I'm wrong, and am just undiagnosed, but that would be really surprising to me.
I meant that some people are more prone to self-doubt than others, and some can switch from feeling one way to another, faster than others. Not necessarily an ADHD thing.
It's semantics. Yes, it could be considered an illness.
But it sounds bad, for some reason, to me.
You wouldn't refer to someone with ADHD as mentally ill, in everyday conversation. At least, I wouldn't. The term is usually reserved for more "serious" conditions.
🤦♂️ 🐒
🐒🍌🐒 🤦♂️
🐒 🤦♂️
It helps me actually, but it’s not always practical so really I have to take my med if I’m expected to get anything complex done.
The med helps me focus & also make decisions.
I mean, I’m still a goofball. It didn’t fix that - but now I’m a focused one.
Be patient when they: don’t finish things, forget things, fidget, don’t seem to be listening (eg: I just told you that!), don’t keep interests long.
Harsh discipline does not work. It makes things worse.
Work with them. They’re not being bad. They’re acting to their nature.
It’s exhausting
I’m going to take a nap
The truth is no bipolar cycles are hour to hour. For most people, cycles last 4-8 months. Rapid cycles are about 2-4 cycles a month. And the most devastating cycling, ultraradian, is mostly 4-6 times a week.
Generalities because we weren't made with little cookie cutters.
Want more?
the great equalizer
#strongertogether and we have more power then old govey wants us to believe in
healing waves and protection spells
well healing waves and protection spells even more so
times is rough on so many fronts... we're for sure ripe for an epic revolution, clear away distractions and debris and help each other focus on the things that truly matter
healing. healthy growth. learning. creative expression💚
because people outside believe that shit.
you really helped me understand my adhd brain and that was awesome💚
"If" is only in the second statement.
Self-awareness. It is key
And you're doing absolutely wonderful 💕
🛟 "a life-changing survival guide for ADHD brains"
🙏 "the Bible for procrastinators"
🥹 "the only thing that's ever worked"
I've had to go buy PSFs because I don't want to trash it. 😅
Success is not about what you know, how good you are at the thing you're best at or love to do, or what your attitude even is.
It is about the luck to get an opportunity.