Yeah I threw up hearing that. All the projection, all the ass kissing....What on earth is even maga. I could never understand any of them and never want to. My people (Navajo/Ioway/Otoe-Missourian) all struggled with what they wrought upon us from those ideas they want to impose again.
What the Actual Fuck? Let's just quit playing around and go direct to :
“Our God-King is the sun and sum of all existence. He is mighty yet gentle, bound by his love of you and his fury towards his enemies…..please buy this meme coin”
I think it might be the plastic surgery/ botox but I can barely differentiate these alt-right nationalists. Could we maybe do a deck of cards á la Iraqi Freedom?
Godwin's law stopped applying to them a long time ago. There's very little daylight between the beliefs of hardcore MAGA and Neo-Nazis. At best MAGA replaces a murderous hatred of Jews for a murderous hatred of liberals. Pobosiac personally praised dictators for slaughtering left-wing "unhumans."
It’s rather small in the grand aspect of how terrible they all are, but I’m always struck at their lack of embarrassment for this sort of trump worship.
I feel like I could go into this whole thing about how they’re deliberately paralleling Trump to God because of Jesus is the word made flesh and stuff like that, but I feel like I don’t need to get that in death to call out this fascism for what it is.
I must have missed the part in the constitution where the founders made an exception for that future president who would be the very embodiment of that document.
Pls remember, that the way to that point was paved with millions of dead civilians, soldiers - at the end mostly forced Kids, needed half of the Rest of the world allied, 2 atomic bombs, a russian winter,... to bring them down to their bunkers to use their Zyankali-pills for homicide.
Not again.
I would like to get off of this ride now please. Please. Now. Right now I would like to get off of this ride. Please stop the ride so I can get off of the ride right now please. Please. Now.
That's not a thing. It should be pretty obvious at this point that there will be no fair or open election in 2028. They've gone too far to give their opposition the same powers.
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." - Declaration of Independence
For all of their self-avowed patriotism and claims to love the flag and the Constitution, I have never seen so many people so profoundly opposed to American ideals as MAGA Republicans. if a dem president wanted to executive order away the 2nd amendment then that would be totally OK because the president is the living embodiment of the constitution?
He’s not a fucking king. God. I’m getting to the point we need to wipe any monarchies out cause you get this shit. He’s not divine! Neither is the fucking Pope.
I genuinely have more respect for the guy who brought the gun into the pizza place. He acquired new information (no basement) and acted upon it (put gun down).
The living embodiment of the American Constitution... an object of obsession by America's rightwing, despite them never having bothered to look into what it says or does?
CoNSeRvtiVe Political Action Conference. With the radical dismantling of the constitution and rule of law it's time any reference to MAGA being conservative is ridiculed
Reminds me of this false Trump-tweet from the corona days:
"The doctors said they’ve never seen a body kill the coronavirus like mine. They said my body was made to kill virus’s. They tested my DNA and they said it wasn’t DNA, it was USA."
Just some regular old Americans doing 45-degree arm stretches and loving them some some axe/rod bundles and proclaiming that the Leader is the physical embodiment of the greatness and will to power of the people.
Not being an American and being mildly aware of the constitution that description would make it sound like a rather ridiculous document full of lies and insecurities.
🚨Huge Lickspittle Alert🚨
This is a probe for the need to control the privileged clases, because they are the only source and menace for humanity.
person ever!
He's Jack PieceOfShit.
Pretty sure that's right.
Living next to a Coal fired power station spewing sulphur fumes
Dropped on his head as a child....
Feel free to offer other explanations....
Lying most probably.
Got it.
Not again.
But... I still dont get it.
I doubt this madness will end that way. I think it will least long and will cost a lot of blood. But as we all know, we Should never give up Hope.
Stop focusing on the rules and try to win
We can beat them.
He’s not God. Get a grip.
MAGA is a false gospel.
This is why you punch Nazis.
they’re doing this because they know they can & won’t face any opposition
Go back, listen to the imaginary powers he accused Obama of using and not using. The groundwork was laid, then.
"The doctors said they’ve never seen a body kill the coronavirus like mine. They said my body was made to kill virus’s. They tested my DNA and they said it wasn’t DNA, it was USA."
Skin like orange parchment.
Don't you dare call them nazis though.
And he does seem to be missing the entire Bill of Rights and every Amendment since.
While he’s golfing or jetting off to a NASCAR race on our dime.
Not sure if that is accurate…
He's not the messiah. He's a Very Naughty Boy.