in their defense, the payouts for those raid shadow legends sponsorships are shockingly large and they don't care one bit if you dunk on their shit game the entire time
I firmly believe that one reason professional chefs and cooks always fuck upon recent seasons of Hell’s Kitchen is because Gordon makes them use Hexclad
The grift would work if it wasn't entry level knowledge that stainless steel pans are just flat out better than any nonstick pan in every way, even "premium" trash like hexaclad.
I won't argue that teflon is better for your average home cook but issues with sticking on stainless steel is usually an issue of not enough oil and/or not enough heat, but i absolutely get that not everyone has the time to put into cooking as weirdos like me and for them teflons a good choice.
I would say that hexclad fulfills peoples' demand for unceasing, ever-more-costly "innovations" in every sector of consumer goods...but All Clad is always there if anyone feels like throwing their money at a fancy pan that works a little bit better.
I just gotta give credit where it’s due. The only drawback of the thing is your pepper budget is gonna go through the roof cause one turn on the thing blasts out an absurd amount of ground pepper.
I saw a guy use a hexclad pan to deep fry something on IG and I nearly threw my phone out of the window
Good for you getting your payday, you absolute shills!
Hexclad is the illusion of nonstick with a grid of stuff for food to stick to.
Sometimes i fry up a salmon burger patty in olive oil, with a slice of havarti and some par-cooked bacon.
In a low-dollar teflon skillet from Biglots, I can do a pan flip onto the cheese side, and a pan flip off of the cheese side.
Not so with fancier "nonstick", let alone stainless
I can get away with stuff in my 20yo All-Clad Master Chef pans that i absolutely cannot get away with in lesser stainless pans.
The polished finish is surely a factor, but the precise alloy may be as well.