I whipped up a basic Shiny app (using the PubMedWordCloud R package) to generate word cloud summaries of any researcher based on their abstracts in PubMed. Here's mine! The app is available here: https://shiny.rcg.sfu.ca/u/rdmorin/pubmedcloud/
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Alternative way to looking at it is an h-index for scientists with the same name. There's one other prolific scientist with my same name, and the word cloud tells me that his work on traffic safety trumps my work on phylogenetics.
That lice was also mine. Had some collabs understanding lice evolution, with some of my favorite projects was looking at endosymbionts inside the gut of lice living on birds/primates and another inferring that dinosaurs had lice based upon lice phylogeny
From a few minutes of searcjing, seems like it'd have to be multistep: orcid -> doi -> pmid, and involve multiple packages. Nothing is ever as simple as it sounds like it should be 🙂
These shiny apps are great! Can you please add an option for alt text that can be included with the word clouds? And if possible, encourage users to post with that alt text.
Nice! is there a way of removing specific terms from the word cloud? In my case as someone who research contaminants, "concentrations" is the most common but yet not-very-useful term coming up from my pubs! 😅
You can also reduce the maximum size of the largest (most frequent) words if you don't like them dominating the cloud but also don't want to lose them completely. You may want to try the other flavours of this app available here: https://scholargoggler.com/
(adding words to the remove words did not work for me, even clicking the cloud me button again. Color and font changes do work without having to click again). Cheers
This app appears to be suffering from the high traffic (fun!). I created a clone of it you can use in case it doesn't load. If necessary I can create a few more (the URL will be the same but with a higher integer at the end) https://shiny.rcg.sfu.ca/u/rdmorin/pubmedcloud2
Link to paper on phylogeny of gut endosymbiont bacteria in lice:
Studying random bizarre science is one of the things I miss most from academia.
& turning it into a QR Code could be an interesting info gateway or password system!
A sort of modern wax seal or watermark for documents
P.S. I dunno where the word "peeling" comes from 🤣😂
(adding words to the remove words did not work for me, even clicking the cloud me button again. Color and font changes do work without having to click again). Cheers
This version retains the numbers in gene names and anything else that contains numbers.
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