Economic neoliberal Dems still operate as if we are in an old white guy establishment institutionalist rule of law world instead a white christian nationalist nazi world.
They want to keep sucking corporate donor dick and are setting themselves up as Vichy appeasers mixed with Fetterman Quislings.
Real Americans -- the kind that actually believe in and support the Constitution -- no longer have a party or representation in Congress.
If Dem leadership like merely function as the rear guard for the elite and the shit status quo, they need to go. Not one cent. Not one vote. is more embarrassing than trump and musk. No wonder dems lose when they should win. It's cowards and weak kneed actions that will give the country to the fascists. The Neville Chamberlain fo the senate is Schumer.
They are useless. The party was never like this. But that is what they are. They are clues I hate RfK Jr they should have left him alone. He would have never joined trump team.
I found it interesting, at first, that Bernie Sanders was out doing town halls to listen to people who for lack of a better phrase felt betrayed, sandbagged by current events. As most people know Bernie is an Independent. He's out there busting his ass while Schumer hides behind a closed door!
I'm so done with him, his casual indifference, and his comfortable cowardice. Vote him out and put someone else in his seat who actually has a fvcking clue.
Surrender Schumer caving to Republicans Number 45 and Elon Musk what a complete joke this is the reason why Democrats need new leadership especially in the Senate
I don't think y'all are getting the logic. Schumer just ended DOGE.
Republicans just voted for the same budget Biden passed. They can't turn around and tell a judge that it's okay to shutter the department they just voted to continue.
Cloture is the procedural step of ending debate on a proposal and holding a vote to determine if it will pass. In the U.S. Senate, a three-fifths majority is usually required to invoke cloture, which translates to 60 votes if no vacant seats exist.
There will be enough votes to do this. Get him out. He's announced to Trump that the dems will bend over and accept whatever is on offer.
Over 200 house members towed the line. His cowardice has left them hanging, in potentially difficult districts, because he is unable to stand up to a bully.
Democrats are as responsible for the wholesale destruction of institutions of democracy and untold suffering that will result from it as Republicans are. light Schumer up on A Block tonight. It’s our only chance. Make people show up tomorrow and get in his face. If he caves the republic is as good as dead.
These neoliberals will never cease to let down the American people. When two choices are presented to them, they have very rarely ever ran away from the arms of private interests.
Democrats are failing the American People. Perhaps they've been bought & paid for too? Silence & inaction is complicity. Worrying more @ being elected than doing what's right hurts citizens everyday! We the People need leaders who don't lack courage & strength to STOP Trump, Project 2025 & DOGE!
All hope is lost for Americans to be able to trust their elected officials anymore. We must take to the streets take drastic action we can no longer follow the rules play nice it’s them against us and we’re losing.
"...If wise, a commander is able to recognize changing circumstances and to act expediently. If courageous, he gains victory by seizing opportunity without hesitation."
Sun Tzu 'The Art of War'
If the Democrats want our donated time, energy, or support, they have to remove him. Immediately. No other way to get the House flipped, and at least some of them know we need that for mutual survival.
Every day I find new ways to be thoroughly disgusted with this party. I wish I could say I'm shocked Schumer turned into a jellyfish once again but I thought it would take longer than 24 hours.
Never argue to me that New York politicians are tough. They talk tough, but act weakly in critical times. Don't play DC politics! It does not play well in the Midwest!
Dude you need to slow down a bit and stop the auto reflex hype attacks on progressives. Why are you letting perfect be the enemy of the good? Be more pragmatic so we can win back all 3 branches. Schumer is powerless because of voters, so he has to make do.
What the ever loving HELL….Schumer folded??
We need Democrats that have a spine….and the only ones I see now are the young/ newer members of congress
Schumer and Jeffries at least should step down from leadership and get out of the way
WTAF? Wasn't Schumer jumping up and down, shouting, "we will win". So much winning. The only crack where Dems have power and he is not using it. Fuck him.
Schumer is an asshole! He needs to go and a primary is mandatory!
For 45 years, 1980 ... the year of the first Mandate for Leadership and the year democrats stabbed Carter in the back ... that Chuck Schumer, forever Reagan Democrat
PRIMARY any Dem senator who votes for this BS CR! UNFOLLOW/BLOCK any Dem who votes for this right after they vote yes! I was a lifelong Democrat, and have watched my party devolve into ABSOLUTE COWARDS. I'll register as an Independent if the CR is voted on by any dem other than FetterManchin.
I'm furious! musk and trump have already destroyed our agencies, fired people, and froze funds. Many of their actions put us all in danger. Dems needed to use what little muscle they had and let the shutdown happen. The fox is fully in charge of the hen house now. The dems look like fools. AGAIN.
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It’s bad for the country when no republican has a spine or sense of duty and way to many democrats are just like them and afraid to stand up to the two narcissistic draft dodgers residing in the White House and destroying this country and it’s standing in the world.
It is a rock and a hard place. There is no good action. A shut down and the felon grabs more power. I don't want to give repthugs anything either, but I don't see a shutdown as helping Dems or the country
It's fucking disgusting. More than a dozen vulnerable House Dems voted against this, just for Schumer to hang them out to dry. Days of negotiating against themselves to get nothing. Absolute cowards in the Senate.
Not that the hindsight offers any comfort. He simply needs to be primaried.
They want to keep sucking corporate donor dick and are setting themselves up as Vichy appeasers mixed with Fetterman Quislings.
Dump Durbin while we’re at it. That guy doesn’t didn’t even have a phone number we could call.
If Dem leadership like merely function as the rear guard for the elite and the shit status quo, they need to go. Not one cent. Not one vote.
Close down govt = no courts open to shut down trump.
CR is the better of 2 evils.
Make sense now? I hope so.
Republicans just voted for the same budget Biden passed. They can't turn around and tell a judge that it's okay to shutter the department they just voted to continue.
Over 200 house members towed the line. His cowardice has left them hanging, in potentially difficult districts, because he is unable to stand up to a bully.
Stop begging them. Make them pay.
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Sun Tzu 'The Art of War'
This man is neither.
We surrender, we surrender, we surrender, we surrender.
Somebody pick me up my spine fell out.
We're watching.
He has gone back and forth on this for the past several days.
Looks like he landed on the wrong side... Of history.🤷🤬
We need Democrats that have a spine….and the only ones I see now are the young/ newer members of congress
Schumer and Jeffries at least should step down from leadership and get out of the way
Don’t be deceived this “Leader” is cowering. Sounds like need NEW leadership if true.
For 45 years, 1980 ... the year of the first Mandate for Leadership and the year democrats stabbed Carter in the back ... that Chuck Schumer, forever Reagan Democrat
His sell by date has expired!
He makes Jeffries look capable in comparison.
As someone who would likely have my disability payments impacted by a shutdown, I’m telling you you need to vote no. Coward.
Fuck you, Chuck.
What’s so hard about this?
No! Shut it down. You're so weak!
Burn the rest of the party to the ground
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals