I'm coming at this late. Just seen this. It might be the single worst moment in intentional politics that I have ever witnessed.
Reposted from
News Eye
BREAKING: There has just been a huge argument between Zelenskyy, Trump & Vance in the Oval Office.
Trump calls Zelenskyy disrespectful and says he “is no position to dictate” to the US.
Trump raises his voice to Zelenskyy. He can’t stand someone standing up to him.
This is unbelievable.
Trump calls Zelenskyy disrespectful and says he “is no position to dictate” to the US.
Trump raises his voice to Zelenskyy. He can’t stand someone standing up to him.
This is unbelievable.
It was shameful!
Did to Trump what he does to Putin; stand up to bullies.
Real audience was American public and European leaders.
Showed the US as no longer an ally.
Kept Ukraine in the headlines.
Was dignified and has moral high-ground.
Played a weak hand incredibly well.
I can't think of anything.
It’s not leadership. It’s a ridiculous old man with power - which idiots voted for this?
It is.
They did it for their Russian master
Impeach him. Rescind that State Visit. Enough of this fucker
Cancel the state visit
Sickening and frightening.
Horrifying spectacle, no clue what it means for the rest of us. But nothing good.
Quite the worst thing I have ever heard.
I cannot see any way out of this
The world is doomed
I can't bring myself to watch it - I tend to have to watch the felon muted with subtitles. I suspect listening to this will result in damage or injury.
I think that alone would make the world a better place.
Putin's stooge #Trump totally disgraceful himself today
No British Monarch could leave the Invitation for a State Visit open.
Needs withdrawing now. Tonight.
NATO is over. America First is now America Alone.
But here he's unable to contain his aggrieved rage about Hillary & Biden & "witch hunt" & "Russia Russia Russia."
Trump is naturally a complete arsehole and he doesn’t realise he’s a cunt. Vance knows he’s behaving like a cunt, it’s calculated. To me that’s even worse than Trump.
Completely Juvenile,
Completely narcissistic.
Completely reckless.
A fucking suit! 😡
Kids are being blown to bits you idiot, that’s why he’s not swanning around in a fucking suit
Solidarity is alien to the cunts
Zelenskyy traveled for days bc you can't fly over Ukraine, only to be humiliated and attacked like this.
Same with every bully.