I liked it but was disappointed by it in the theatre. To be fair, I knew Mamet was MAGA way, way before he did. Oleana is the biggest piece of shit written in the last 100 years. It suuuuucks. So I was pretty skeptical of any progressive cred he had. But I think it matters that he's a Trumper.
I am crushed that Mamet is a moron…and WTF was spartan???????? We will always had GGGR…will you get out of here…will you get out of here…WILL YOU!???” Sucks that the one of best scores of our time is sexual predator(Mr Williamson)
I'd add The Last Ship (2014) seasons 1 through 3. From mid-season 2 through all of season 3, the parallels to the present day are striking. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but I do recommend it. I recently began rewatching the series after nearly 11 years.
I couldn't watch the entire thing having worked in the industry at that time. It wasn't bad, but the idea that just a few guys knew what was going on is still hard to swallow.
By the guys that figured it out then shorted the market? I can respect that.
I lived in Fl then. Banks,lenders & builders did everything 2 advertise buying multiple properties. U could buy/build/flip b4 anyone moved n & profit 200k.
Many were left bankrupt after banks were bailed out by taxpayers.
I meant I could respect u 4that. Banks were bailed out, ppl lost their jobs & CEOS gave themslvs big bonuses & repurchased the stock 4 pennies on the $. All on the taxpayers dime. Typical govt propaganda.Banks weren’t 2 blame. Poor ppl were. “Not everyone can afford 2 buy a home”
I feel like Dump is purposely fucking with the market right now. Shorting it. Then I think, no way this fucking moron would have any knowledge of how to do it. Then I remember president Musk is controlling it anyway. So maybe they are doing it.
In general I agree, though I think WtD needs some asterisks. Mamet was clearly writing about Clinton. Mamet went hard right during W and is a Trumper. What it has to say is smart, but it's important to recognize that the writer only thinks it works one direction, which is undermined by the script
Thing about Wag the Dog is... today they wouldn't even go to all that trouble. They'd just shout down anyone who asked too many questions. Maybe find a way to deport them.
Also, Inside Jobs, the Oscar winning documentary about the bubble burst in 2008 and why/how it happened. It’s maddening because there is currently no legislation in place to prevent that from happening again.
as someone who worked in PR, damage control, and advertising for decades, “Wag the Dog” hit harder than most movies i’ve ever seen. like most effective satire, it’s very close to the truth.
Not familiar with '...Short', but for 'Wag...' I sat through it with my girlfriend of the time thinking minute by minute, "They did this so much better with 'Capricorn 1'."
If you'd like more documentary style efforts in this vain, about actual events (I mean, sure, Big Short is but doesn't deal with a lot of reality), I would suggest Wall Street Conspiracy on Youtube. There is also Apes Together Strong (Prime I think, elsewhere if you know how).
Find the Oscar winning documentary "Inside Job." They're all criminals. All of them. Everyone who is rich either lied, cheated, or exploited their workers or all of the above to make a fortune, or they inherited the wealth of an ancestor who did so.
Also Margin Call. I lived through it on Wall Street and it was as scary as the depictions. ‘87 crash was similarly scary but there was not as much corrupt intent then.
"Wag The Dog"
Just recently re-watched "The Big Short."
Also really liked "Too Big to Fail."
Stock market down big
Meme coins down big
Big Brokerage: Damn. Looks we're overleveraged. Send money. Quick!
Big Banks say: Damn. Looks we're overleveraged. Send money. Quick!
Gov't: The Poors did this. Of course we'll help.
Rinse. Repeat.
I lived in Fl then. Banks,lenders & builders did everything 2 advertise buying multiple properties. U could buy/build/flip b4 anyone moved n & profit 200k.
Many were left bankrupt after banks were bailed out by taxpayers.
Sound familiar?
Exactly what they are doing now. Man made recession with NO bailouts for us. Market manipulation for insider trading.
We’re heading in that direction again
To this day we still have people who think they're smarter than everyone because they assume incorrectly footage in media is all "fake".
I liked it as a kid though.
Now I'm studying it.
Some incredible cameos:
Burgess Meredith – bartender
John Garfield – vagrant
Marsha Hunt – secretary
Henry Fonda – nightclub waiter
Marlene Dietrich – nightclub patron